Monday, May 6, 2019

"The Laplace’s Demon” Now On Demand in Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scandinavia & More

The Laplace’s Demon” Now On Demand in Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scandinavia & More .

The critically-acclaimed horror thriller THE LAPLACE’S DEMON is now available on demand internationally via Prime Video in Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, South Africa, Philippines, and more English-fluent territories supported by Prime.

Directed by Giordano Giulivi, THE LAPLACE’S DEMON is currently available in the United States on iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, Youtube Movies, Vimeo On Demand and DVD at (and more popular online retailers).

Scientists researching a way to predict the future are trapped by a mysterious professor in a deadly test of their own experiment.

Purchase links:
Prime Video International:
Prime Video US:
Prime Video UK:
iTunes (North-America):
Google Play:
Youtube Movies:
Vimeo On Demand:

Read my review here:

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