Friday, June 6, 2014

Pagan Festival Shout Out: Vestalia

Vestalia is the ancient Roman festival to Vesta-the virgin goddess of family, hearth and home. The festival actually begins on the 7th of June and last until the 15th. On the first day of the festivities it was the only time women were allowed to make sacrificial offerings at the sanctum within Vesta’s temple. The importance of Vesta to Roman religion is indicated by the prominence of the priesthood devoted to her, the Vestal Virgins, Rome's only college of full-time priests. [read more here]

For the celebration of Vestalia, the Vestales made a sacred cake, using water carried in consecrated jugs from a holy spring. The water was never permitted to come into contact with the earth between the spring and the cake, which also included sacred salt and ritually prepared brine as ingredients. The hard-baked cakes were then cut into slices and offered to Vesta. During the eight days of the Vestalia, only women were permitted to enter Vesta's temple for worship. When they arrived, they removed their shoes and made offerings to the goddess. At the end of Vestalia, the Vestales cleaned the temple from top to bottom, sweeping the floors of dust and debris, and carrying it away for disposal in the Tiber river. Ovid tells us that the last day of Vestalia -- the Ides of June -- became a holiday for people who worked with grain, such as millers and bakers. They took the day off and hung flower garlands and small loaves of bread from their millstones and shop stalls.

Pagan Festival Shout Out: Sigurdsblot

1June 9th is Sigurdsblot, a minor festival honoring Sigurd (Sigifrith or Siegfreid), the great hero who slayed the dragon Fafnir and won back the treasure of the Rhine.

Sigurd (Siegfried) was the greatest hero in Germanic legend, and central character of the Saga of the Volsungs. He was the foster-son of Regin, who sent him to recover a fabulous hoard of gold. Regin's father Hreidmar had first acquired this treasure, which once belonged to the dwarf Andvari. To get their hands on the gold Regin and his brother Fafnir had then killed Hreidmar, but Fafnir wanted the treasure for himself and turned into a dragon to guard it. [read the rest of the story here]

To celebrate this day is more American than you think. Much like the way we celebrate our holidays that honor war heros and fallen soldiers and of course our freedom, so to was Sigurdsblot celebrated. Grab some brewskis and liquor. Build a bon fire and drink in honor of Sigurd and what his tale represents. Pour some out and on to the ground in his name and party hard.

Brinkvision Announces August DVD Release For “Sonno Profondo’

Sonno_VHS4_smBrinkvision has announced an August DVD.VOD release for critically acclaimed film “Sonno Profondo”. The film will also have a September 23rd release for the VHS copy. “Sonno Profondo” is directed by Luciano Onetti and stars Luciano Onetti, Daiana García, Silvia Duhalde.

After murdering a woman, a killer that is traumatized from his childhood memories, gets a mysterious envelope slipped under his door. The hunter becomes the prey when he finds out that the envelope contains photos that show him killing the young woman.

My Review Of “P.O.E. Project Of Evil”

1“P.O.E. Project Of Evil” is an Italian horror anthology inspired by the works of horror’s godfather Edgar Allan Poe. The second in a series of films, “Project Of Evil” takes on a more experimental, visceral approach to Poe’s stories. 'The Pit and the Pendulum', 'Solo', 'Loss of Breath', 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue', 'The Tell-Tale Heart', 'The System of Dr. Tar and Prof. Feather', and 'The Premature Burial' all become twisted, “very now” tales of creative terror.

The anthology brings together Directors Donatello Della Pepa, Angelo & Giuseppe Capasso, Edo Tagliavini, Alberto Viavattene, Nathan Nicholovitch, Domiziano Cristopharo and Giuliano Giacomelli. “Project Of Evil” stars Cristiano Morroni, Dario Biancone, Angelo Campus, Santa De Santis, Francesco Malcom, Paolo Ricci, Alessandro Rella, Federica Tommasi, Desiree Giorgetti, Mario Cellini, Roberto Nali, David D’Ingeo, Virgilio Olivari, Claudio Zanelli, and Lucio Zannella.

The 7 stories featured in “P.O.E. Project Of Evil” bring out some of the best, modern talent of the indie community in true, avant garde fashion. The tales range from surreal to exploitation with forays in the expressionist’s experimental playground. The direction of the overall collection is a metaphorical exploration of madness and fear guiding us through windows of the horror experienced by the institutionalized.

Each story plays out nearly perfect arthouse thrills, with acting that creates both emotions steeped in paranoia and visions as raw grindhouse horror. The best of these 7 short films (for me personally) has to be “The Pit And The Pendulum” , “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, “The System of Dr. Tar and Prof. Feather”, and “Loss Of Breath” , not that “The Tell Tale Heart”, “The Premature Burial” or “Solo” are somehow deficient. Actually all the stories in “Project Of Evil” are right in my sweet spot of horror- the avant garde, experimental expressionist styles.

The special effects and soundtrack are both equality quality work which sell “P.O.E. Project Of Evil” completely. The visceral, gory practical effects are killer components that transform all 7 of these stories into truly hellish masterpieces. Very grindhouse, giallo style death scenes and nightmare sequences will please any horror fan. The sound effects and instrumental effects generate a dark, surreal atmosphere that is both captivating and chilling.

The haunting tracks of psychotica play against the gritty, art visual aspects in a way that only European cinema can ever seem to create so effortlessly. Now “P.O.E. Project Of Evil” will not please all horror fans, but those looking for something that is graphic, artistic and truly unique will definitely get off on this horror anthology.

New Revolutionary Poster For “Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes”

Check out the wicked Napoleon-esque poster for “Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes”. Although there are strong similarities to paintings of Washington, Napoleon imagery was my first impression of the new poster. The film hits theatres on July 11th, 2014. “Dawn Of The Apes” (..for short..) is directed by Matt Reeves and stars Andy Serkis, Gary Oldman, Jason Clarke, Jocko Sims, Judy Greer, Keri Russell, Kodi Smit-McPhee. The film continues the struggle for Caesar, the first talking ape, to bring ape society to the forefront of sapient dominance. 

A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant species.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Review Of “Dead On Appraisal”

1“Dead On Appraisal” is a fun indie horror anthology that brings together directors Sean Canfield (segments "Father Land", "Closing Costs"), Scott Dawson (segments "Freddie and the Goblins", "Closing Costs") and David Sherbrook (segments "The Morning After", "Closing Costs") for some cool, electric storytelling. The anthology stars Zack Fahey, Michael Pfaff, Anthony Thomas Berhle, Keith Lewis, Michael Brouillet, James Howell, R. Daniel Long, Luke Bishop, Adam Conn, Kris Elder, Laura Owen, Fidel Castro, Andrew Kramer, Scott Donko, Scott Dawson and Russell Maltz.

“Dead On Apraisal” takes the kitschy that only puppets and over-the-top gore effects can give and twists it with three dark, entertaining nightmares held together by a nice, piece that weaves the anthology together. Considering the whole film takes place in the same home, this anthology creates a nice angle to keep the film from seeming too cheap or hokey. It is kitschy, as I stated before but in a good way that somehow doesn’t become boring.

“The Morning After” is a total tribute to the outrageously fun b-movies of old with some “Tales From The Crypt” flamboyance thrown in. The story takes a semi-surreal approach that is reminiscent of 80’s melodrama but manages to create a very entertaining tale. Some moments seem a bit too random and offer very little reason to be part of the story but over-all it is a lighthearted, campy gem. The effects are just too celebratory and cool to knock (for me personally, anyways).

“Father Land” goes a little darker and turns the tone of the anthology to a more serious level. It focuses on PTSD and a returning Iraqi vet who is having a hard time coping. This short is a bit somber and sort of drags down the fun buzz from “The Morning After”. Still it is cool to see some attention taken in addressing the very real issues vets now face, but in a way that only indie horror can approach. “Father Land” does have a moment of cool, gory effects at the end of the short, but even this moment is a bit too serious for the anthology.

“Freddy And The Goblins” manages to recapture the fun, upbeat tone of the “Dead On Appraisal” as a metalcore band moves in to become re-inspired for their music. The acting is so over-the-top and nearly nonsensical that moments fall flat in this piece. That being said, the story is clever, amped up and entertaining. The special effects and puppetry sell this short film and bring back that entertaining, fun atmosphere that really makes “Dead On Appraisal” work.

The wrap-around, and glue is to this anthology is “Closing Costs” which has an almost “Tales From The Darkside” feel. It is melodramatic, surreal and our guide through these twisted tales. The acting is passable, the story is strong enough to carry us from nightmare to nightmare. At times it is a bit weak but “Closing Costs” does what it needs to do. The ending is a mix of poor CGI and practical effect madness that really sends the film out on a bang. The selling point for this is the fun, outrageous gimmicks the special effects bring to the table. “Dead On Appraisal” won’t satisfy the hardcore, serious horror fan but those looking for something that is an easy-to-watch, lighthearted flick filled with cheap, entertaining effects will dig this one. I did, and I didn’t think I was gonna like it in the beginning.

Loads Of Images To Gear Up For “Bunnyman Massacre” Release

Check out the loads of images for “Bunnyman Massacre”. The film is gearing up for an August 12th, DVD and VOD release thanks to Midnight Releasing. Check out the images and read the full press release below.

2Midnight Releasing is set to unleash the demented Bunnyman Massacre this August on DVD and VOD across North America. Also known as "Bunnyman 2", the film is a drastically improved sequel to the 2011 cult hit Bunnyman which gained notoriety from a huge amount of press, as well as being in heavy rotation on the cable TV channel CHILLER. Availability information is forthcoming.

About the Film

The Bunny Man character was inspired by the true story of an axe-wielding man in a bunny suit who terrorized residents of Fairfax County, Virginia in 1970. Going wild with that inspiration, writer/director Carl Lindbergh and his company ANOC Productions created and released Bunnyman in 2011. Despite mixed reviews, the film gained a sizable following and has been known to play back-to-back on the cable TV channel Chiller.

Bunnyman Massacre was completed in 2013 and it's obvious that the ANOC Productions crew took notes from the response to the first film -- This one is leaps and bounds (pun intended) ahead of the original in all aspects from the visual quality to the acting, direction, story, and horror elements. Bunnyman Massacre premiered on Chiller over Easter weekend this year.

If you like your horror served with heaps of gore, lots of kills, memorable characters, and dashes of nudity, humor and general offensiveness, this film is certainly for you. And with a third installment in production, Carl Lindbergh's bloody and furry creation is on track for true horror franchise status.

"Inspired by the fans requests, Bunnyman 2 aka The Bunnyman Massacre was born," explains Lindbergh. "With Bunnyman 2 we were able to realize the potential of Bunnyman 1, and at the same time create a franchise that will continue with Bunnyman 3 (which is currently in production.) What I appreciate with The Bunnyman Massacre is that we were able to make a film that really stands apart from all the countless slasher films, and deliver a film that is very unique."

The adventures of Joe and Bunnyman know no limit of bloodlust and carnage. Bodies pile up as Bunnyman indiscriminately slaughters anything that crosses his path in a mutually beneficial relationship that gives Joe plenty of beef jerky to sell in his local store.

Bunnyman Massacre 01

Bunnyman Massacre 02

Bunnyman Massacre 03

Bunnyman Massacre 04

Bunnyman Massacre 05

Image Entertainment To Release “Paranormal Diaries”

22Image Entertainment has announced that it will release “The Paranormal Diaries” September 30th, 2014. The film, based on true events, is directed by Michael Bartlett, and Kevin Gates. “The Paranormal Diaries” stars Mark Andrews, Michael Bartlett, Criselda Cabitac, Sarah Catlin, Mark Jeavons and Kevin Gates. Check out these movie stills from the film below. Also check out the trailer.

In March 1963, a black mass was held at a ruined church in Clophill, Bedfordshire by a coven of dark witches. Tombs were looted, animals sacrificed and human bones arranged during a macabre ceremony. Further defilements continued at Clophill in the following years, with cattle in nearby fields found mutilated, evidence of necromancy discovered and perpetual sightings of paranormal activity witnessed at the isolated ruin. 50 years on from the original incident, the Clophill legend remains etched on the psyches of the local populace. In 2010, a documentary team was assembled to investigate the legend of the Clophill witches and to try and uncover the truth behind the paranormal events. What followed during that long weekend at Clophill was a terrifying journey into the unknown.






International Trailer For “Purgatorio”

1The international trailer has been released for Pau Teixidor’s “Purgatorio”. The film had a Spanish theatrical and VOD release April 4th, 2014 and stars Oona Chaplin, Sergi Méndez, Andrés Gertrúdix and Ana Fernández. “Purgatorio” is the debut directorial film for Teixidor and hopefully will land in the west soon. I love me some foreign films. Produced by Apaches Entertainment, Cine365 & Atresmedia Cine.

Marta (Oona Chaplin) is a young woman who just lost her son and can not overcome the feeling of guilt for his death. After moving with her husband (Andrew Gertrúdix) to an apartment in a nearly empty building, her trauma takes hold of her during one night. Her flamboyant neighbor (Ana Fernández) knocks on their door to ask Marta to take care of her young son, a kid who seems to speak with the dead. As the hours pass, Daniel is adopting an increasingly nervous and violent behavior, and even claims to be accompanied by another child that no one can see. For Marta, a nightmare begins, during which her trauma gains an increasingly tight grip on her. Is it possible that the spirit of her son has followed her to her new home?

PURGATORIO - Trailer from Pau Teixidor on Vimeo.

Trailer Released For Nuclear Disaster Flick “Aftermath”

2Check out the trailer for nuclear disaster flick “Aftermath”. The film is directed by Peter Engert and will be available VOD on July 18th, 2014. “Aftermath” stars Edward Furlong, Monica Keena, William Baldwin, Andre Royo, Bo Mitchell and C.J. Thomason. 

Searching for a happy ending to a tale of unimaginable disaster and horror, nine strangers find themselves holed up together in a farmhouse cellar in rural Texas. The United States has hastily become embroiled in World War 3. A young doctor named Hunter survives the nuclear attack and is thrown together by happenstance with a group of wounded and frightened victims, including Elizabeth, a strong-willed confidant to Hunter, Brad - an antagonistic redneck jackass, and Jennifer, a barely coherent young woman suffering from severe post-traumatic stress. Together, they attempt to endure the devastating holocaust as they struggle with claustrophobia and conflicting personalities. In a makeshift shelter, Hunter and his dying companions wait for news from the government while fending off hunger, radiation sickness, and a horde of frightened and dying refugees.

Details On Scream Factory’s Release Of “The Battery”

1Several months ago Scream Factory announced that the 2012 zombie film THE BATTERY would be coming out this Fall and now we can officially report a few confirmed details about it:

- Street date is 9/16. Pre-order links are going up soon.
- There will be a separate DVD and Blu-ray releases. Slipcovers planned on both.
- Artwork (as pictured) is reversible. The newly-created illustrated version (from artist "Kung Fu" Bob O'Brien) is one side and the original theatrical poster is on the other.
- No details on extras but plans are in the works for them.

This dark comedy received rave reviews from many reputable horror outlets and fans last year and we're thrilled to be giving this fun ride and a shot at even more exposure. Stay tuned for more details in later on in our "Summer of Fear".

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Trailer No. 2 For “Final Girl”

2The second trailer has been released for Tyler Shields’ “Final Girl”. The film stars Abigail Breslin, Alexander Ludwig, Wes Bentley, Emma Paetz and Cameron Bright. “Final Girl” is a psychological thriller about a beautiful teen girl new to town who is lured out to the woods by a group of senior boys to be the victim in their final initiation.

Loner Veronica (Abigail Breslin) is new to school, shy and vulnerable the perfect target for a group of teenage boys who lure girls into the woods to hunt and kill them for sport. It's only after they get her alone that she turns the tables on them, escaping and revealing she's armed and knows how to defend herself. Little do they know, Veronica is an assassin-in-training, and she's chosen killing these boys as her final test. When the dust clears, Veronica will find out if she can be the final girl these boys ever have a chance to hurt.

New Teaser From “The Windmill Massacre”

1A second teaser trailer has been released for English language, Dutch slasher “The Windmill Massacre”. The film is directed by Nick Jongerius and is about a group of young tourists from all over the world, who embark on a Dutch windmill tour, who embark on a windmill tour through the Dutch countryside and end up facing a cold-blooded, masked killer who lives in an abandoned windmill.

 One by one he goes after the members of the group using his scythe, spiked wooden shoes and the mill to grind and mould his victims. Through the last survivors we learn the horrific truth and motivations behind this madman.Also check out these cool stills from the film’s production.

The Windmill Massacre combines the richness and traditions of The Netherlands and drenches them in blood. Its iconic green fields, grazing black & white cows, bulb fields, panoramic skies and traditional windmills, will never be the same again after seeing...The Windmill Massacre.

                              the Windmill Massacre Teaser from Pellicola BV on Vimeo.




Trailer For “They Have Escaped”

1The first trailer has been released for Finnish art film “They Have Escaped”. The drama is directed by J-P Valkeapää and is due out later this year. “They Have Escaped” stars Teppo Manner, Roosa Söderholm, Petteri Pennilä, and Pelle Heikkilä . The film is described as a road movie about marginalized people.

A boy and girl meet at a custody center for problematic youth. The boy has come to serve his obligatory civil service. The girl is one of the youths in custody, and she is constantly in trouble, a fire inside her, a lust for life that can't be quashed or controlled. The boy becomes infatuated with her. He is a quiet one - a stutterer. But there is a fire inside him as well. Rules, laws, punishment - the shackles of a hostile, uncompromising environment around them - can be broken. They steal a car and flee together. Thus begins a journey on an endless road with infinite escapes.

They Have Escaped - Trailer from Revolver on Vimeo.

First Official Still From “Adam K”

Check out the first official still from Joston Theney’s upcoming horror film ‘Adam K”.

2Joston "El Rey" Theney, Writer and Director Of Midnight Releasing’s Recently Released AXEMAN, formally AXEMAN AT CUTTER'S CREEK, Releases The First Official Still From His Upcoming Feature Film ADAM K.

With his previous endeavor AXEMAN in distribution, writer-director Joston "El Rey" Theney wasted no time jumping back into the production pool to bring another maniac to life and we have the first official still from his upcoming film ADAM K. The film marks the first under Theney's new production company #SinningWorks. He re-teams with AXEMAN actor alums Arielle Brachfield (Haunting of Whaley House), Brinke Stevens (Bloody Mary 3D), Nihilist Gelo (Axeman) and Carlos Javier Castillo (Axeman), as well as stars Kristin Wall Wheatley, Mindy Robinson (V/H/S/2), Jessica Cameron (Truth or Dare), Sarah Nicklin (The Black Dahlia Haunting), John Charles Smith and Graham Denman (Haunting of Whaley House).

The still features Sarah Nicklin as "Amanda Cole" trying desperately to avoid the warm, bloody embraced of ADAM K. About the film, Sarah Nicklin had this to say: "What really makes the killer so scary is that he could literally be any "normal" guy that you run into on the street. He's completely unassuming (until all Hell breaks loose). I think the biggest impact it would have [on horror fans] is to make people look over their shoulder and be more suspicious of their neighbors or the good samaritans that seemingly just want to help them out because you never know what their ulterior motives might really be."


Trailer For Josh Stolberg’s “Crawlspace”

1A trailer has been released for Josh Stolberg’s horror film “Crawlspace”. The film will premiere on Hulu Plus June 5th, 2014 and stars Steve Weber, Jonathan Silverman, Lori Loughlin, Nicole Moore, Sterling Beaumon.

The Gates family dream house turns quickly into a nightmare when their life is disturbed by the deranged previous owner who plots to retake his home and the Gates children for his own - hiding in the house attic and methodically taking out all those that stand in his way.

Poster Art And Pre-Sale For “Stoplight”

Pre-sale has started for Eric Stanze’s upcoming film “Stoplight”. Check out the poster art for the film below. “Stoplight” is currently in pre-production and selling blu-ray copies to fund the project over on Wicked Pixel Cinema site. All pre-ordered Blu-rays will arrive two weeks before the official street date!

Sam Carter’s Pennsylvania to Arizona road trip is turned upside down when a troubled, terrified woman bolts from an alleyway, directly in front of his car.  What could have been a tragic ending instead becomes the beginning of a fascinating journey for Amber Bedloe, who joins Sam for a cross-country road-trip odyssey.  Pummeled by hardship her entire life, Amber uses the road trip to confront the darkness and violence of her past.  She finally braves an unflinching look into herself – striving for bright horizons while descending uncontrollably into madness.


Check Out The Trailer For “Submerged”


The first official trailer has been released for Steven C. Miller’s “Submerged”. The film stars Tim Daley, Mario Van Peebles, Jonathan Bennett, and Rosa Salazar. There is no word on a release date yet. Check out the trailer below.

A limo ride home from a party turns into a terrifying ordeal for a group of college kids. A young woman and her friends have been targeted by a ring of vengeful kidnappers and must do everything they can to survive after their limo is forced off the road and plunged into a canal.



Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Poster Revealed for “Save Yourself”

Check out the poster for Ryan M. Andrews’ “Save Yourself” starring Jessica Cameron, Ry Barrett, Sydney Kondruss, and Tianna Nori. The film follows five women on a road trip who cross paths with a mad scientist.

Crystal is the tough as nails director. Dawn is the by-the-numbers producer. Kim is the girl-next-door lead actress. Lizzy is the loner writer and Sasha is the promiscuous supporting actress. Together, the five women have made a fun and bloody horror film. En route to a film festival, one of the girls goes missing and soon all five ladies find themselves pitted against a mad scientist hellbent on using them for his mysterious experiments.


Fairy Tale Murders By Kelly Money

1Check out Kelly Money’s Fairy Tale Murders about a serial killer in the Topeka area. The book was released March 18th, 2014. “If you like Dan Brown's style, you will love Kelly Money and this book.”—Ron Mehin, Amazon review.

Women are disappearing in Topeka and with each disappearance comes another “special delivery” from a man who calls himself the Fairy Tale Murderer. Detective Kate Kingsley searches for her missing best friend, Kristen, while hot on the trail of an emerging serial killer. Is Kristen one of the killers “princesses” or is she simply the bait to lure Kate to her own Fairy Tale ending?

After he watches his controlling father, the owner of Country Haven Mortuary,
die in front of him, Stan sloughs off his meek behavior and becomes empowered
by his sudden freedom. He soon discovers that in order to get any physical
satisfaction he must murder women who resemble the females in the fairytales
his mother had once read to him.
Detective Kate Kingsley’s good friend, who was grieving the death of her mother,
is suddenly missing. Kingsley begins investigating only to find that the trail
leads her back to Country Haven Mortuary, even though there is no immediate
evidence of any wrongdoing. Meanwhile, other women end up missing and the only
clue that is left at the scene is a fairy tale book.
Stan, the fairy tale murderer, is as creepy as Hannibal Lecter, if not more so.
While he goes about the business of operating a funeral home, where there is a
crematorium he finds useful in hiding evidence, he discovers women who look
like Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, and other fairy tale characters, and then makes
them his own.
Readers will squirm and stay awake at night to finish reading Fairy Tale Murders
in hopes that this diabolical creature meets his end.

About the Author
Born in Topeka, Kelly Money quickly learned that life in Kansas wasn’t just
tornados and yellow brick roads. Although the tornados were real, Kelly learned
to use her imagination through writing stories and poetry. Inspired by the
ominous and eerie mortuary next to her aunt’s house, a love for mysteries and
suspense began at the age of seven. This passion led Kelly to Bethany College
where she played basketball and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English.
She and her family currently reside in Glendale, Arizona where she has been a
Realtor for over twenty years. Look for the author on Facebook at Kelly, who is available for interview,
is working on her second novel.

Teaser Trailer Released For “Fetish Factory”

2Check out the teaser trailer, courtesy of, for Staci Layne Wilson’s “Fetish Factory” . The film is Wilson’s feature film directorial debut and stars Carrie Keagan, Chase Williamson, Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, Diane Goldner, Tristan Risk, Jenimay Walker, Emma Julia Jacobs, Jesse Merlin, Ruben Pla, Daniel Quinn, Benjamin Easterday, Tom Ayers and Stephen Wastell.

“Imagine a wickedly saucy by invitation-only stage show and posh private peeps in which your every fantasy can come true, fulfilled by the likes of luscious ladies imitating the sex goddesses of yore: Bettie Page, Jayne Mansfield, and Suzie Wong. Along with classic burlesque strip-teases and curio acts – a ventriloquist, a magician, and a whip-dancer – you are in for the night of your life at the Fetish Factory. That is, until your life is at stake when the apocalypse strikes! Once mild-mannered men become bloodthirsty zombies, and it’s up to the girls to defend themselves by any means – even if that means turning their bullet bras, garter belts, and spike-heels into deadly weapons.”

Radius-TWC Acquires “It Follows” For U.S. Distribution

1Radius-TWC has acquired the horror film “It Follows” for U.S. distribution. The film is directed by David Robert Mitchell and is set for a 2015 release. “It Follows” stars Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zovatto, Jake Weary, Olivia Luccardi and Lili Sepe.

For 19-year-old Jay, fall should be about school, boys and weekends out at the lake. But after a seemingly innocent sexual encounter, she finds herself plagued by strange visions and the inescapable sense that someone, or something, is following her. Faced with this burden, Jay and her teenage friends must find a way to escape the horrors that seem to be only a few steps behind.


Pagan Festival Shout Out: Festival Of Bellona

1Bellona is the Roman goddess of war who is described as the companion, sister, or wife of Mars. Appius Claudius the Blind vowed a temple to Bellona that was erected on the Campus Martius. This was the site of meetings with foreign ambassadors. The fetiales declared war near the temple of Bellona, at the Column of War. The festival of Bellona was on June 3.

Bellona may have been Mars' wife or sister. She may have been of Etruscan or Sabine origin. She was associated with the Greek Enyo. Priests of Bellona were called Bellonarii. In early years they wounded themselves when they made sacrifices to Bellona, although in later years the wounding on the March 24 dies sanguinis (day of blood), was symbolic. Bellona is the female embodiment of military virtue, and an excellent opportunity to portray the feminine form in armor and helmet.

In honoring Bellona today, as she is the embodiment of the feminine warrior, this can translate into strength-courage and fortitude. Light white and red candle on either side of a mirror placed on your alter with an image of Bellona placed against the mirror. Meditate and ask for the attributes of the goddess to guide and shield you on this day. Honor the goddess with a symbolic offering which represents the things you need Bellona’s strength to deal with. Write them on a red piece of paper and burn at the alter.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Teaser For MCMFilms ‘Drakul’

1Check out the teaser trailer for MCMFilms upcoming TV series pilot for ‘Drakul’, a new Vampire drama/action/political thriller. The series is directed by Michael Merino and stars Jon Mack, Regen Wilson, Altorro Black, Lee Ordeman, Tracy Teague, Daniel Ross, Joy Glass, Gabriel Voss, with Dan Istrate as Fausto, Joe Estevez as Dr. Stewart with Chanel Ryan as Lilith.

‘Drakul’ is about two Detectives hired to find the illegitimate son of the President of the United States. Along the way they find themselves drawn deeper down the "rabbit hole" and into the world of the DRAKUL. Sen. Drake is a wealthy, handsome, and well-connected - and perhaps a Vampire? He is on a quest to use his political power to initiate a sinister Vampire rapture upon the world. As Drake pursues increasing political power, he is being hunted by a group simply known as "Cronos". The members of Cronos - labeled as international terrorists - will risk all to save the world from the darkness of Drake and his minions, known as The DRAKUL.

My Review Of “A Bothered Conscience”

1Dennis Smithers Jr’s “A Bothered Conscience” is a dark character asseveration of cold, driven horror. The film stars Dennis Smithers Sr., Stephen Martin, MacFarland Martin, Thomas King, Tim Turner, Dannial McCoy and Tina O'Neal. The plot is more or less an open one with a father taking brutal measures, and cruel tutorship, in raising his son to protect the family land from outside influence and trespass. “A Bothered Conscience” really proves that indie horror can be done and done well.

Full description is as follows: Deep in the remote Arkansas backwoods, a father passes on the traditions of the Ozark mountain men to his 5 year-old son. Under his strict and cruel guidance, young Lucas learns to protect the family land at all costs, and hones the skills of the hunt that have been handed down from generation to generation. But their prey is no ordinary game. . . because the McGavins are hunting trespassers!

 Twenty years later, when his father is murdered in a savage act of retribution, Lucas is left alone to preserve the twisted family legacy. Desperate to live up to his father's expectations, the pressure and isolation soon begin to take their toll. Haunted by visions of a violent past, Lucas becomes more dangerous with each passing day, and his ability to distinguish reality from hallucination quickly dissolves. Ghostly figures lurk in the shadows of the unforgiving forest, taunting him with their screams as they claw their way ever closer. They are everywhere. . . and nowhere. But have the rotted.[IMDb]

“A Bothered Conscience” is a stark, nearly flawless tragedy of sorts, filmed with an effect that hearkens to late 70’s video nasty days, Smithers captures all the raw, edgy elements in “A Bothered Conscience”. It is a story that plays out harshly and matter-of-fact with characters that almost feel both protagonist and antagonist simultaneously for most of the film, until the real protagonist comes forth near the end. The dialog is minimal but effective, character dramatics are short bursts of terror or just straight chilling shock as most of the interactions are of a brutal nature.

 The acting is mediocre but very committed to the story. The atmosphere is very reminiscent of classic gore flicks like “Stanley” or “ Let’s Scare Jessica To Death”. Only the surreal is almost non-existent until the last act, most of the film is a visceral nightmare that unfolds plainly, with calculative bluntness. Although there is no layered visage to the characters, “A Bothered Conscience” creates a powerful, straight forward modern video nasty that is very entertaining.

Special Effects and soundtrack are mild but clear elements that really make “A Bothered Conscience” a good film for gore-hounds and horror fans. The effects are smart, thought out tricks that offer gruesome moments to kill scenes without looking cheap, or cheesy. The blood is convincible enough, the deaths are creative and effective emotionally to the scene. Honestly it is amazing that “A Bothered Conscience” was shot on a shoestring budget of 2,300 dollars.

The soundtrack is an instrumental chorus of highs and lows that fit perfectly, I found myself having to keep saying “this is a modern film and not a previously unreleased video nasty from the late 70’s. I didn’t really expect much from “A Bothered Conscience”, and true the acting isn’t stellar, but everything works, and I enjoyed everything about this film.

Wild Eye Releasing Announces Release Of “Blood Soaked”

1Press Release:
Wild Eye Releasing is excited to announce that Peter Grendle’s Blood Soaked will be available nationwide on DVD and VOD June 17th. Blood Soaked was a horror festival favorite throughout 2013, winning Best Effects at the Jersey Gore Film Festival and playing to audience applause at Pollygrind in Las Vegas, the Horror at Sea Film Festival, the Dark Matters Film Festival and the Puerto Rico Horror Film Festival. Wicked Channel raved, “More chills than any Wrong Turn or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”

On her first day of college, a beautiful young freshman is seduced by an older co-ed and they share a sleepless night in the New Mexico desert. But the couple’s bliss is violently interrupted by a pair of orphaned sisters with a taste for kidnapping, torture and the creation of flesh-eating zombies in their underground bunker! As they fight for their lives, the couple uncovers the sisters’ terrifying plan for a Fourth Reich army of the dead. Only wits and survival skills will save them from this undead Nazi nightmare.

The DVD release of Blood Soaked (SRP $14.95) will exclusively include a commentary with director Peter Grendle, a commentary with the cast, a live audience track from the Pollygrind Film Festival, a short film This Side of Nightmare, a cast video introduction, trailers and an mp3 download from Eternal of Wu-Tang Killa Bees.

Release Date Set For “Legend Of The Hillbilly Butcher”

1WHACKED movies has announced the DVD release date for Joaquin Montalvan’s “Legend Of The Hillbilly Butcher”. The film will hit shelves on September 23rd, (Fall Equinox time-kickin’ off the Holiday season right!), and stars Paul E. Respass, Theresa Holly, Chris Shumway, and Stephen Feinberg. Produced by Sledgehammer Films and written by Montalvan, “Legend Of The Hillbilly Butcher” has a new poster, and “tribute” video for horror fans to enjoy as news sets in of the film’s release date, so check ‘em out.

In a lonely backwoods shack, Carl Henry Jessup spends his time drinkin' and thinkin' bout dem good ole days with only his half sister Rae Lynn and his friend Billy Wayne to keep him company. He lives an isolated existence - that is, until folks start tresspassin' on his property, and Carl gets off his ass and becomes the Hillbilly Butcher.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

IFC Midnight To Bring “Asmodexia” To U.S.

1Deadline is reporting that IFC Midnight has acquired Spanish horror “Asmodexia” .  Plans for a fall release are in the works for the Marc Carreté directed film. “Asmodexia” stars Albert Baró, Marta Belmonte, Pepo Blasco, Roser Bundó, Ramon Canals, Irene Montalà, and Mireia Ros.

Five days in the lives of an exorcist (Eloy Palma) and his granddaughter (Alba), working in the Barcelona area.

New Artwork Promoting “Apocalypse”

Check out the new poster artwork released for zombie apocalypse flick “Apocalypse”. Also read the updated press release detailing the film’s vision and progress.

image205Press Release
From the makers of Crying Wolf and Cute Little Buggers comes a new movie of apocalyptic proportions. ONE MOVIE – 20 COUNTRIES – A MASSIVE BLOCKBUSTER.


While an enzyme that causes the dead to reanimate brings the world to its knees, the scientist responsible entrusts his cataclysmic findings to Katya Nevin, a troubled ex-war correspondent turned anchor-woman at W.W News. While she and the rest of her crew witness the collapse of society via video feeds from around the globe, a deadly special agent climbs the building floor by floor, his only goal to ensure her silence. Armed only with information and an indomitable will to live, Katya must overcome her crippling anxiety and learn to lead in order to make it out of the studio and into a terrifying new world where only the dead survivE.

Official Production News
released 26/02/14
Apocalypse: British Horror RELEASED 2015

Jopia Productions, Great Dayne Entertainment and Full Motion Entertainment are glad to announce that pre production has begun on the upcoming epic zombie movie ‘APOCALYPSE.’

image75This movie draws it’s inspiration from such classics as “Dawn and Day Of The Dead” whilst still weaving in the new breed of zombie movie classics like “La Horde” and “28 Days Later.”

Apocalypse marks the third feature collaboration between Kris Dayne of Great Dayne Entertainment and director Tony Jopia, Crying Wolf and Cute Little Buggers, both out later this year. The film will also be the first collaboration with Fabien Muller of Full Motion Entertainment.

Due for release in 2015 ‘APOCALYPSE’ is an epic zombie, action horror movie that starts with
an enzyme that causes the dead to reanimate, which brings the world to its knees, the scientist responsible entrusts his cataclysmic findings to Katya Nevin, a troubled ex-war correspondent turned anchor-woman at W.W News. While she and the rest of her crew witness the collapse of society via video feeds from around the globe, a deadly special agent climbs the building floor by floor, his only goal to ensure her silence. Armed only with information and an indomitable will to live, Katya must overcome her crippling anxiety and learn to lead in order to make it out of the studio and into a terrifying new world where only the dead survive.’

image76DIRECTOR Tony Jopia tells us “Apocalypse is going to be the zombie movie we’ve all been waiting for, made for fans by FANS!”

“Having grown up with films like ‘Evil Dead’ and ‘Dawn Of The Dead’ it is with great pleasure that Great Dayne Entertainment would like to announce “APOCALYPSE” a film that we are sure will blow the mind off of the Zombie Nation! Bringing cult classic zombie fandom and a modern twist on the living dead “Apocalypse” is the most thrilling and exciting project we have ever worked on! Said EXEC PRODUCER and STAR Kris Dayne.”

EXEC PRODUCER and STAR Fabien Muller says “Full Motion Entertainment is glad to announce entering pre-production with it’s new movie Apocalypse;
An epic, breathtaking Zombie feature none like the others.”

“Crypt Of The Living Dead”-Full Movie

1This Sunday’s horror movie classic is the 1973 B&W vampire flick, “Crypt Of The Living Dead”. Directed by Julio Salvador and Ray Danton the film stars Andrew Prine, Patty Shepard, Mark Damon, and Teresa Gimpera. The original title is “La tumba de la isla maldita” and is also known as “Hannah Queen Of The Vampires”.

Two archaeologists on a scientific dig come across a vampire burial ground and discover that the creatures are about to awaken and attack a nearby village.



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