Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Review Of "Scary Stories"

"Scary Stories", the highly anticipated documentary about Alvin Schwartz’ iconic Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book series, explores the history of one of the most controversial works of modern children's literature. The series scared a generation of young readers and became one of the most banned books of modern times. Scary Stories creates both the ultimate celebration and dissertation of this iconic piece of horror literature.

The stories feel timeless, the books are infamous and the slice of nostalgia is priceless. And this documentary celebrates all of it. "Scary Stories" offers a deeper look into the controversy surrounding the books. The battle between censorship and free speech, framing literature as cultural heritage. Which is exactly what these books were then, and still are today. Cody Meirick, the director offers both sides of the argument, showing no forced, influential bias. Greatly appreciated because it allows for an authentic flow to the documentary's narrative. 

The film includes introspective pieces from R.L. Stine, Amelia Cotter, Bruce Coville and Q.L. Pearce, plus plenty of artists and writers influenced by "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark". The real star of the documentary, and rightfully so, is the books' original artwork. Meirick guides the viewer through the three distinct topics explored in documentary nicely. The author, Mr. Shwartz, the controversy, and the legacy of the book series' influence on pop culture and horror fans. This is clearly a must for both the horror reader and anyone who's childhood included the books- especially those who maintain a love for "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark". It is a fun, informative, and entertaining watch. (5/5)

My Review Of "Silencio"

"Silencio" is described as a sci-fi time displacement drama in the realm of The Butterfly Effect and Quantum Leap. It is directed by Lorena Villarreal and stars John Noble (“Fringe”, “Elementary”), Rupert Graves (“Sherlock”, The Madness of King George) and Melina Matthews (Mama).

In order to save her son’s life, Ana must find a powerful stone. Her grandfather originally discovered it in the Zone of Silence, the Bermuda Triangle of Mexico. Throughout her desperate search, Ana stumbles upon family secrets and enemies who believe the stone’s power is worth killing for.

The story is a blend of psuedo-scifi thriller and crime drama based melancholy. At first glance I was eager to check this one out, knowing that John Noble was apart of the cast. Been a fan since season one of Fringe. However, this film practical keeps him in queue, with limited character development and weak writing. It is a shame really because with the right development, Noble could have brought his character to life, and helped vitalize the story. Same with others, several familiar actors both recognizable and talented. 

The concept is a great scenario with its blend of human nature and tragedy, showing a very relatable balance between conflict and resolution set upon the backdrop of near supernatural circumstance. Unfortunately there is so much about the plot that is confusing, muddling the dramatic tendencies with questionable science fiction that raises more eyebrows than excitement. Even with the actors' committment to the project "Silencio" fails to ever pull you into the intended thriller elements. 

There isn't a lot happening as far as special effects. Most of the sci-fi aspects take place in the opening scenes with quick bursts of CGI. Beyond that the film relies mostly on monochromatic atmosphere both dark and moody. Situational moments and dialog are meant to solidify the breadth of science fiction stuff with slow paced drama and some crime thriller thrown in. Overall "Silencio" never really catches enough energy to be thrilling and the writing and tempo create a sedated experience. Which is sad because the idea and the cast were great enough to elevate the story's potential. (2/5)

Friday, June 7, 2019

LANDING LAKE Comes To Digital And DVD This July!

THE THING gets wet! Body-horror throwback LANDING LAKE comes to Digital and DVD this July!

A body-horror throwback out of the UK, writer-director Cesare Pollacci Libardi di K’s Landing Lake premieres on VOD and DVD July 9 from High Octane Pictures. Victoire Vecchierini, Emma Bown, Aaron Stielstra and Phil Zimmerman star.

A team of satellite technicians enter the woods to repair a communication station but they are forced to rescue the crew of an airplane that crashed near a lake. They quickly realise that something may be coming from the lake that is affecting their minds and the passing of time. As they lose their inhibitions their most primal desires take hold. Lured on by the unseen entity it seems that only one of the team is permitted to bond with it and so be reborn in a new physical body. A terrifying game of strategy not to survive, but rather to die with the promise of life anew.

"Ashes" Is Set To Be Released On Digital And VOD This July

Indie horror "Ashes" is set to release on digital and VOD July 9th. The film is directed by Barry Jay and stars Elizabeth Keener, Jeremy Earl, Yumarie Morales, Angelique Maurnaé, and Melinda deKay. WEBSITE:

After a family’s estranged aunt passes away, they’re reluctant and creeped out to receive her cremated ashes. But when a series of supernatural misfortunes beset them, they’ll have to go through Hell to be rid of her angry spirit.

Trailer Released For Upcoming Horror "The Dawn"

Check out the trailer released for upcoming horror "The Dawn". The film is directed by Brandon Slagle and stars Devanny Pinn (Escape from Ensenada, “Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery”), Stacey Dash (Clueless, “Single Ladies”), Ryan Kiser (Gangster Land, “House of Manson”), Jonathan Bennett (Mean Girls, “Entertainment Tonight”), Heather Wynters (“Fear the Walking Dead”), David Goryl (“American Crime”), Andrew E. Wheeler (“Sons of Anarchy”), Susan Slaughter (“Ghost Hunters International”), Claire Engler (A.N.T. Farm), Julie Rose, Amanda Day, Scott C. Roe, Ronnie Kerr, Jimmy Redhawk James, Briana Caitlin, William McMullen and Teilor Grubbs (“Hawaii Five-0”).

The Dawn follows a young woman who witnesses her father murder her family in the wake of World War 1. Sent to live in a convent, she dedicates her life to the Lord. However, her demons follow and manifest themselves in ways which bring the nightmares of her past with her.

Teaser Released For Fan-film Sequel "Myers: The Evil Of Haddonfield"

Chris R. Notarile and Blinky Production Inc. has released a teaser trailer for fan-film sequel "Myers: The Evil Of Haddonfield", a follow up to the previous film "Myers: The Butcher Of Haddonfield". The film will premiere on YouTube June 21st. 

Three bodies have been discovered, but the night HE came home is far from over, and the only man capable of stopping Michael Myers’ evil from spreading is Dr. Loomis.

Joseph Callari stars as Doctor Loomis and Chris Callaway stars as Michael Myers in a Chris R. Notarile fan-film. Brian J. Mange, Aaron Matis and Tess Speranza also appear.

Crime Thriller "Midnight Runner" Gets Digital Release This June

Crime thriller "Midnight Runner" is set for a digital release on major platforms June 14th. The film is directed by John Mathis, and Jared Sprouse. It stars Ben Weinswig (Polo Rainbow), Dawn O'Donoghue, Mekhai Lee, Tavis L. Baker and Noah Crandell. On the 14th, "Midnight Runner" will show on Prime Video and VuDu, then it will be followed up by release on iTunes, Tubi Tv, iFlix and several others. 

The film focuses on Ian (Weinswig). He moves into a new neighbourhood, with his Aunt (O'Donoghue). Here, he meets a local gang leader, Kurdt (Lee). As Ian and Kurdt's lives collide, they both become intertwined with a local murder. Now, Ian has left one violent past, only to be caught up in a more dangerous present. Ian's relationship with Anna might be his only way out, of this criminal underworld.

Pagan Festival Shout Out: Vestalia

Roman festival honoring Goddess Vesta (Greek Hestia). Women made food offerings at the sacred hearths of home and temple.

Domestic and family life in general were represented by the festival of the goddess of the house and of the spirits of the storechamber — Vesta and the Penates — on Vestalia. On the first day of festivities the penus Vestae (sanctum sanctorum of the temple of Vesta which was usually curtained off) was opened, for the only time during the year, at which women offered sacrifices. As long as the curtain remained open, mothers could come, barefoot and disheveled, to leave offerings to the goddess in exchange for a blessing to them and their family.

For the celebration of Vestalia, the Vestales made a sacred cake, using water carried in consecrated jugs from a holy spring. The water was never permitted to come into contact with the earth between the spring and the cake, which also included sacred salt and ritually prepared brine as ingredients. The hard-baked cakes were then cut into slices and offered to Vesta.D

Duringthe eight days of the Vestalia, only women were permitted to enter Vesta's temple for worship. When they arrived, they removed their shoes and made offerings to the goddess. At the end of Vestalia, the Vestales cleaned the temple from top to bottom, sweeping the floors of dust and debris, and carrying it away for disposal in the Tiber river. Ovid tells us that the last day of Vestalia, the Ides of June, became a holiday for people who worked with grain, such as millers and bakers. They took the day off and hung flower garlands and small loaves of bread from their millstones and shop stalls.
Here’s a cleansing spell you can try:
“Salt and Sage, cleanse this broom and let it come to power for me, and me alone.
Goddess Vesta, guard my home and my hearth, and let your fire burn bright
In every room.”

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Teaser Trailer Released For Dating App Horror "Killer Weekend"

Blanc-Biehn, the production company by famed actors Michael Biehn and Jennifer Blanc-Biehn has released the teaser trailer for their new film, Killer Weekend, directed by Jamielyn Lippman (3 Years in Pakistan: The Erik Aude Story; When the Bough Breaks). The film will be released this fall.

The film stars Andy Davoli(Sopranos, Knock Around Guys), Vanessa Zima (Manson Girls, Scandal, House), Alex Urbom (Westworld, Masters of Sex), Michael Biehn (The Terminator, Aliens, Tombstone), and features Jennifer Blanc (Dark Angel, Party of Five, The Victim).

Killer Weekend is a thriller about a young LA girl named Kimberly (Zima) who’s enjoyed a lavish lifestyle thanks to a "dating app". With the help from a lowlife insurance agent, Fred (Urbom), they come up with a way to scheme even more money from these men. Everything goes according to plan until she falls in love with Ted (Davoli), who happens to be a serial killer.

Killer Weekend is produced by Lorna Paul & Kurk Kasparian, Blanc-Biehn Productions & Point of View Pictures, Javelina 98, Tibbony Productions, written by Travis Romero, story by Lony Ruhmann. Michael Biehn & Jennifer Blanc-Biehn serve as an Executive Producers.

"Hallowed Ground" Hits Theatres Friday June 7th

This summer, trespassers will be prosecuted with terror.
From writer-director Miles Doleac (Demons), comes a spine-chilling new motion picture experience in the tradition of The Green Infernoand DeliveranceHallowed Ground.
A married couple, trying to rebuild their relationship after an affair, travels to a secluded cabin and stumbles into a blood feud between the Native American owners of the property and the neighboring clan, who obsessively guard their land and punish those who trespass on it in terrifying ways.
Doleac (‘’Banshee’’), Sherri Eakin (Hayride), Ritchie Montgomery (The Magnificent Seven), and Lindsay Anne Williams (The Hollow) star in an Uncork’d Entertainment release. 
Doleac and Williams produce alongside Wesley O’Mary and Michael Williams
Hallowed Ground in select theaters June 7, and releasing on VOD/DVD June 11.

Pulp Indie "RONDO" Is Now Out On DVD & VOD

Critically Acclaimed Rondo Now Out on DVD & VOD 
Part Black Comedy, Part Slasher, Part Revenge Thriller. All Pulpy Exploitation!
Drew Barnhardt's RONDO, a stylized homage to the grindhouse features of the 1960s & '70s, is now out on DVD and VOD.
The film can be bought or streamed at the following outlets:
Synopsis: Paul, a troubled young veteran, is told by a psychiatrist that sex is the solution to his dependency and drinking problems. But things turns out otherwise as Paul and his sister are sucked into a criminal underworld where sex and murder are daily specials and revenge is served piping hot.

The Hardened Critics Sing!

"The hype is deserved, Rondo is the real deal!" - 
"A wild and crazy neo-noir, pulpy watch that’s destined for cult status." -AlienBee
"A Tarantino-esque clusterfuck of a movie...enjoy the wild, rollicking ride." Projected Figures
"An exciting, darkly comedic revenge thriller." - The Rotting Zombie
"Cinematic gold." HK Film News
“Twisted” - Bloody Disgusting
“A classic in the making” - Starburst Magazine
"A pulp novel come to life…thoroughly entertaining.” - Haddonfield Horror
“A modern day low-budget exploitation masterpiece.” -  Nightmarish Conjurings
"Amazingly blackly funny and extremely violent!" Beneath the Underground
Its sleaze is a class act." Eye For Eye

Pagan Festival Shout Out: Lukumi Feast Day

Lukumi Feast Day for the Orisha Ochosi, the Divine Hunter.

The deities or gods worshipped in Lukumí religion are called orishas. All the orishas are direct emanations and representatives of Olodumare whom He created and placed on earth to aid and supervise humankind. The orishas serve as mediators between the cosmos and as the major means of communication with the Supreme Being.

Oshosi is the orisha of hunting. He protects all those who are persecuted unjustly and punishes the guilty. Close friend of Elegbá and Ogún: they share many of the same domains. Fugitive slaves would plea to Oshosi, seeking his aid to escape from their white masters. They invoked Oshosi so he would impede their being found since Oshosi is known to have the ability of going into the densest of forests and finding his way out without the slightest difficulty. Yet Oshosi does not live in the forest.

Though Oshosi enters the forest, he does so only to hunt. Oshosi is an urban orisha, residing in Obatalá’s compound. He was Obatalá’s favorite hunter and rendered all the fruits of his labor to the creation divinity. Most of his life was spent in the service of Obatalá and living within his palace and not in the forest.
Oshosi was the first Yoruba wizard or magician. The Yoruba word oshó means wizard. The Lukumí often associated him with the Bantú magico-religious practices known in the island as Regla de Congos or Palo Mayombe. As a result, many include a Congo vititi mensu, divinatory instrument prepared and employed by the Bantú priests. Oshosi has no roads.
Celebration: June 6
Garments: Dark Blue and gold, ornamented with hides and cowries
Beads: Dark blue, amber, & red, with coral and jet beads
Ritual implement: Bow and arrow
Sacrifices: He-goats, deer, agoutis, roosters, quails, pigeons, guinea hens, and all hunted animals.
Taboos: None
Ritual Numbers: 3, 7, and 21

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

"The Evil Inside Her" Set For Release This June

"The Evil Inside Her" is setting up its World Premiere for June 13th. The film is directed by James Suttles and stars Eric Roberts, Melissa Kunnap, Brian Ashton Smith, Amadeline Olivia Tesh. The World Premiere will take place in Asheville, North Carolina at the Fine Arts Theatre.

"The Evil Inside Her" involves a hidden killer. Clayton (Roberts) drugs his victims, which leads to self-mutilation. Then, they are compelled to murder those around them, leading to a battle with psychosis. Now, Vikki (Kunnap) is his latest drug-infused puppet. But, who is Clayton's real target?

The film's official website (with ticket information): The Evil Inside Her Homepage 

New Teaser Poster Released For "Wonder Woman 1984"

Check out the new electro-lucious teaser poster for "Wonder Woman 1984". The film opens June 5th 2020. Director Patty Jenkins debuted the poster on her Twitter. It is clearly a tribute to Pride month. 

Trailer Released For Upcoming Dee Wallace Horror "Dolls"

Check out the trailer for upcoming horror starring Dee Wallace, "Dolls". The feature debut from director Cuyle Carvin will be released on DVD and VOD in the U.S. July 2nd. It costars Tom Downey, Trinity Simpson, Bret Green, Elise Muller, Melinda deKay, and Robert R. Ryel.

"Dolls" concerns a struggling children’s book author and his rebellious teenage daughter who move into a house they’ve inherited and find mysterious dolls in the attic. They soon learn that the dolls have a sinister — and deadly — past.

First Trailer Released For Psychological Thriller "Luce"

Adapted from JC Lee’s acclaimed play, and directed by Julius Onah, the first trailer has been released for "Luce". The psychological thriller stars Octavia Spencer, Naomi Watts, Kelvin Harrison Jr., and Tim Roth. It is due out August 2nd.

The film centers on an all-star high school athlete and accomplished debater, Luce is a poster boy for the new American Dream. As are his parents, who adopted him from a war-torn country a decade earlier. When Luce’s teacher makes a shocking discovery in his locker, Luce’s stellar reputation is called into question. But is he really at fault, or is Ms. Wilson preying on dangerous stereotypes?

Official Trailer Released For "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark"

The official trailer has been released for highly anticipated "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark". Written by Guillermo del ToroDan Hageman, and Kevin Hageman, the film stars Zoe Colletti, Michael Garza, Gabriel Rush, Austin Abrams, Dean Norris, Gil Bellows, Lorraine Toussaint, Austin Zajur, and Natalie Ganzhorn. It is directed by André Øvredal.

Set in 1968 in America, change is blowing in the wind…but seemingly far removed from the unrest in the cities is the small town of Mill Valley where for generations, the shadow of the Bellows family has loomed large. It is in their mansion on the edge of town that Sarah, a young girl with horrible secrets, turned her tortured life into a series of scary stories, written in a book that has transcended time—stories that have a way of becoming all too real for a group of teenagers who discover Sarah’s terrifying home.


Arrow’s Michael Rowe stars in the powerful new crime drama CROWN AND ANCHOR, premiering on DVD and Digital July 2 from Uncork’d Entertainment.

A raw look at the effects of childhood trauma through the eyes of two estranged cousins, writer-director Andrew Rowe’s “unique, rather unflinching perspective on the fragile nature of the human psyche”* bows July 2.

CROWN AND ANCHOR follows James Downey (Michael Rowe), who is living a disciplined and straight edge lifestyle as a result of growing up with an abusive alcoholic father. His estranged cousin Danny (Matt Wells) is drowning his own trauma with drugs and booze. When their lives are forced to intersect once more, they each begin to unravel as the past returns with violent and tragic consequences.

Featuring a blistering punk/hardcore soundtrack, CROWN AND ANCHOR stars Michael Rowe (‘Deadshot’ on TV’s Arrow), Matt Wells (“Designated Survivor”), Natalie Brown (“Saw V”), Robert Joy (“CSI : NY”), Stephen McHattie (“Orphan Black”) and Ben Cotton (“The X-Files”).

CROWN AND ANCHOR on DVD and Digital July 2 from Uncork’d Entertainment.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

RLJE Films Acquires Highly Anticipated Horror SATANIC PANIC

RLJE Films (NASDAQ: RLJE) has acquired the highly anticipated horror film SATANIC PANIC.  The latest in the line-up from the recently re-launched FANGORIA, and based on a story by Grady Hendrix (Mohawk) and Ted Geoghegan (We Are Still Here), the film was written by Hendrix and directed by Chelsea Stardust (Hulu’s “Into the Dark”). 

 SATANIC PANIC stars Hayley Griffith (The Drew), Ruby Modine (Happy Death Day), Michael Polish (Before I Wake), Jerry O’Connell (“Billions”) and Rebecca Romijn (X-Men Franchise).  The film will be released in theaters and on VOD and Digital HD on September 6, 2019.

“We could not be more excited to be releasing the instant classic, SATANIC PANIC,” said Mark Ward, Chief Acquisitions Officer of RLJE Films. “Chelsea Stardust is a filmmaker on the rise and we know audiences will line up to see this completely original and wild film from FANGORIA.”

In SATANIC PANIC, a pizza delivery girl at the end of her financial rope has to fight for her life – and her tips – when her last order of the night turns out to be for high society Satanists in need of a virgin sacrifice.

SATANIC PANIC world premiered at this year’s Overlook Film Festival.  It was produced by Dallas Sonnier, Adam Goldworm (My Friend Dahmer) and Amanda Presmyk (Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich).

Charles Dorfman and David Gilbery are executive producers for Media Finance Capital. Phil Nobile Jr. (Horror Noire) and Danielle Cox (The Standoff at Sparrow Creek) are executive producers for FANGORIA.

The movie was negotiated by Ward and Jess De Leo for RLJE Films and Sonnier on behalf of the filmmakers. Double Dutch International is handling foreign sales of the film.

Dark Sky Films To Release "Darlin'" In July

Dark Sky Films to release "Darlin' in select theaters and on VOD July 12th. Directed by McIntosh, the film stars Lauryn Canny, Bryan Batt, Nora-Jane Noone, Cooper Andrews, and McIntosh

Found at a Catholic hospital filthy and ferocious, feral teenager Darlin' (Lauryn Canny) is whisked off to a care home run by The Bishop (Bryan Batt, AMC's Mad Men) and his obedient nuns where she is to be tamed into a "good girl." However, Darlin' holds a secret darker than the "sins" she is threatened with, and she is not traveling alone. The Woman (Pollyanna McIntosh, The Walking Dead), equally fierce and feral, who raised her is ever present and is determined to come for her no matter who tries to step in her way.

DARLIN' sees standout star Pollyanna McIntosh both in front of and behind the camera, expertly commanding an all-consuming feast for the senses and sensibility in equal measure.

PARTIAL THEATER LIST (additional cities will be added)
New York City - Nitehawk Brooklyn
Los Angeles - Laemmle Music Hall
Columbus, OH - Gateway Film Center
Kansas City, MO - Alamo Drafthouse Main Street
Charlotte, NC - Back Alley Film Series"

CW Adds New Series 'Two Sentence Horror Stories' To Summer Lineup

The CW is adding another original sc
anthology series 'Two Sentence Horror Stories' to summer lineup. Set to debut August 8 at 8 PM with back-to-back episodes, the series consists of eight half-hour stand-alone episodes. Nicole Kang (Batwoman), Jim Parrack (Suicide Squad) and Aleyse Shannon (Charmed) star. 

'Two Sentence Horror Stories' features contemporary tales of horror and haunting for the diverse and digital age. Inspired by the viral fan fiction of two-sentence horror stories, the anthology series taps into universal primal fears, filtered through the anxieties of the most connected and racially diverse generation. Despite dizzying advancements in technology, inequality, social progress and environmental degradation…the things that haunt us are still the same.


Patrick DiCesare’s Artist Rights Distribution has acquired global distribution rights to two high-profile genre films, both of which will be released theatrically in North America later in the year.

The critically acclaimed Hitchcockian-style feature What Death Leaves Behind (TRAILER), starring Vincent Young and horror staple Erin O’Brien (Clinton Road), and an Anna Stromberg spookfest titled The Lost Footage of Leah Sullivan (TRAILER), are the company’s latest acquisitions.

What Death Leaves Behind, directed by Scott A. Hamilton, tells of a man who, after a kidney transplant, experiences reoccurring nightmares he believes to be visions of his donor's violent murder, sending him on a dark path of vengeance, leading to an unbearable truth.

The Lost Footage of Leah Sullivan, starring Anna Stromberg and directed by Burt Grinstead, has also been acquired for theatrical release in the US. In the pic, an unedited memory card from a camera shows a woman’s school project about a cold case murder that doesn't seem to be so cold after all.

Artist Rights Distribution is preparing to release their latest acquisition Kareem Mortimer’s Cargo, a water-set thriller starring Jimmy Jean-Louis and Warren Brown in North American theaters on June 7. -- ENDS

Wild Eye Releasing Will Release Nightfall Pictures’ Horror Anthology HI-DEATH June .

Wild Eye Releasing will release Nightfall Pictures’ horror anthology HI-DEATH on disc, digital and limited edition VHS on June 10.

From the makers of “Hi-8”, five new twisted tales showcasing the talents of both veteran and emerging horror filmmakers. When two young women take the “Terror Tour” through the underbelly of Hollywood, they are led into a bizarre world of unspeakable horror.  Their first stop proves that “Death Has a Conscience”, but doesn’t spare the unlucky souls who stumble into his path.  Next, a meeting with the “Dealers of Death” exposes the perils of collecting murder memorabilia.  Then, it’s off to a quick “Night Drop”, where your next movie rental may be your last.  An actress’ worst nightmare unfolds as she is forced to perform a terrifying “Cold Read”, and our Terror Tour comes to a disturbing end as we meet the ancient, seductive evil known as “The Muse”.

The film is written and directed by Anthony Catanese, Tim Ritter, Amanda Payton, Brad Sykes and Todd Sheets.  Cast includes Fabiana Formica, Jay Sosnicki,  Todd Martin, Thomas Kindler,  Jensen Jacobs, Craig Kelly, Nick Randol, Dilynn Fawn Harvey, Christopher Preyer, Eric Salinas, Kristen Adams and Kate Durocher.

Drag Queen Horror "Killer Unicorn" Screams Across U.S. Theatres This June

The Drag Queen horror filmKiller Unicorn has just been acquired by distribution house Indican Pictures, at the Cannes Film Festival. Part comedy and all party, Killer Unicorn is the latest film from long time director Drew Bolton and writer Jose D. Alvarez. Set in the underground dance scene of Brooklyn, New York, this film brings a serial killer into the mix. As the local Drag Queens are targeted, survivors must use their special, very unique skills to save themselves and track down this stalker. Killer Unicornwill be in theatres this month, across the United States.
Writer Alvarez has talked about the film at several major magazines. At Billboard, Alvarez described the film as: “like John Waters topping John Carpenter, so equal parts scary, campy and queer.” This are two filmmaking icons that are hard to best. The writer also mentions that there are hidden references in the film: “so you will get some I Know What You Did Last SummerScream and Halloween.” All of these films will combine with a colourful Brooklyn nightlife, this June 14th.
On this date, Indican Pictures will show the film from coast-to-coast. The initial theatrical release will take place in: New York City, Houston and Los Angeles. This first showing will be followed by other cities, with Killer Unicorn to show on DVD and Digital platforms July 9th. For now, horror fans can view some of many over-the-top characters from the film, including Lady Havok, Isis Vermouth and Latrice Royale, before the film’s wide release, next week!


Director Mark Wilson’s Wade in the Water, a semi-finalist for the prestigious Nicholl Fellowships in 2018, will premiere at the prestigious Dances with Films Film Festival Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 at 7:15 PM.  

Sure, our man never gives his name. He works from home. His neighbours are all idiots. He doesn’t really "do" friends. But all that changes when a mis-delivered package arrives in his post office box bearing a horrifying secret –one that will set him on a collision course with a predator, the man's disillusioned daughter, and his own dark past.

Real Rob’s Tom E.Nicholson and Danika Golombek (I Am The Night) star.
Wilson, whose film was awarded "Best Drama" at the 2019 Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival, directs from a script by Chris Retts.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

My Review Of "Room For Rent"

"Room for Rent" stars Shaye as a lonely widow who rents out a room in her house and becomes dangerously obsessed with one of her guests. The Uncork’d Entertainment release, also starring Oliver Rayon, Valeska Miller, and Ryan Ochoa. 

Lonely widow Joyce rents out a room to make easy money.  She meets mysterious drifter Bob and takes him in as a long-term tenant.  She becomes obsessed with her much younger guest, making him the object of her deepest romantic fantasies.  When a friend’s betrayal derails Joyce’s fantasy world, she seizes control of her own destiny with a deadly mission to finally get what she deserves.

"Room For Rent" entices a thriller akin to "Single White Female" or "Hush". A dark and cold killer masking as a loving, comforting matriarchal figure. And to some extent it is. Only the thriller angle is soft spoken and not at all dark. The concept is, but the execution is not. There is no tension or suspense in Joyce's transition from caring to psychotic impulse. To Lin Shaye's credit though, her character portrayal is compelling.

The story is well written and the cast give great performances as these somewhat tragic characters. As a dramatic character study, "Room For Rent" is a perfect 'Lifetime' after dark TV movie. As a full on psychological thriller, the film fails to take off. The pace is too slow and mundane to ever rise above the melodrama. That being said, when Joyce does snap it is quick, and cruel and delicious. The problem is there is no real build to those moments and when it's over the tone goes straight back to sheer melodrama. 

The horror elements are minimal in "Room For Rent". Very little violence happens aside from the typical pedestrian concepts. A pillow, a frying pan, and not much else. I think most of the nightmare takes place in Joyce's head, unfortunately it never gets fleshed out. When those moments do happen they are great glimpses into the psychological thriller this should be. Lin Shaye is great at bringing a little needed darkness and cruelty to the scene. 

"Room For Rent" will be please Lin Shaye fans, she gives her character as much as she can. As always, her acting is queen. As for horror fans looking for a wicked psychological thrill ride, this one will disappoint.  It will have an audience, the writing and acting is quality. All the makings for a good movie are here, its just they came together as a dark drama and not a real horror movie. Check it out if you really enjoy Shaye, but leave it if you want some psycho madness murder mayhem. (3/5)

My Review Of "Mummy Reborn"

Written by Dan Allen and Scott Jeffrey, "Mummy Reborn" stars Becca Hirani, Tara MacGowran, Tiffany-Ellen Robinson, Victor Toth, Louis Findlay and Rita Siddiqui. Packed with adventure and coffined with scares, a horror legend returns.

"The Mummy Reborn" tells of a group of teens in financial ruin that decide to rob the local antique store of an ancient amulet. But what they don't realise is that this tomb is cursed, and when the amulet is separated from it's master he will do anything to get it back. Our burglars must save the day and return the Mummy to it's tomb before it is too late to save the world.

"The Mummy Reborn" is a straightforward horror comedy with low budget props and low budget laughs. A lot of films, even British born, fall apart quickly when tackling both iconic horror tropes and convincible humor. This movie avoids most of those pitfalls and succeeds in creating a entertaining, heartfelt dicatomy between thrills and emotion. The story may not be completely original. It doesn't stray to far from the classic "mummy's curse" that we all know. It does, however, freshen things up with a more organic, Western setting in the English countryside, and more light, emotion driven family friendly situations. 

The cast offer believable, endearing characters. The acting feels a cut above the expected low budget fare with Tina and Max anchoring the bond. It softens the roughness of the movie's jittery tempo. There are moments that lines land flat and comedic antics are a bit over-the-top, but by all accounts the actors own these characters. Most of the comedy lands. The film feels more Saturday afternoon action-adventure on public broadcast than theatrical release. On some level it works in favor of "Mummy Reborn".

The horror elements are light, keeping more with the softer comedy angle the overall film takes, the deaths and mayhem stay mild and uncelebrated. The effects are mostly low budget practical tricks, with a small amount of CGI. Think Power Rangers VFX. The results vary. Some of the practical stuff is pulled off through clever screen shots and simple action. A few times the lens lingers a bit too long and the quality drops. For the most part everything, including the soundtrack and creature design work in favor of the overall asthetic of "Mummy Reborn". 

Overall the film is not going to appeal to the greater horror movie fan, the creature is visible but not in a scary, nightmarish way. The fact that most of the movie takes place during daylight stiffles any chiller effect. "Mummy Reborn" isn't anything like the blockbuster/mockbuster counterparts, but it isn't really trying to be.  What it is is a small, indie mummy comedy film tied together with a few heartstrings. Check it out but don't go into thinking it is a Brendan Fraser /Tom Cruise knock off. (2.5/5)

EXTREMITY Joins Broke Horror Fan's VHS Line presents Extremity on limited edition, fully functional VHS! The latest contemporary horror film to join the retro home video line is on sale now at, along with a restock of Terrifier.

Extremity features new artwork by Dean Karr (Slipknot, Marilyn Manson) and Broke Horror Fan's Alex DiVincenzo, housed in a black clamshell case. The one-time VHS pressing is limited to 50 units. The film has been cropped from its original aspect ratio to 4:3 for optimal VHS presentation.

The 2018 extreme haunt horror film includes a letter from director Anthony DiBlasi (Last Shift, Dread) and exclusive introductions by actors J. LaRose (Saw III) and Dana Christina (Wynonna Earp), plus stay tuned after the movie for a behind-the-scenes featurette.

The movie features cameos from genre favorites Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Tiffany Shepis (Victor Crowley), Kristina Klebe (Halloween), Ricky Dean Logan (Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare), Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination), Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler), Adam Gierasch (Night of the Demons), and Nick Principe (Laid to Rest).

Terrifier's standard edition, with original artwork by Vasilis Zikos, has been restocked on VHS. The 2016 slasher cult classic includes a letter from writer-director Damien Leone, an exclusive introduction by Art the Clown actor David Howard Thornton, and special features after the movie.

Extremity and Terrifier are available on VHS now from, along with Victor Crowley, Book of Monsters, and more.

Extremity is also available on Blu-ray and digital via Dread. Watch the trailer:

Terrifier is also available on Blu-ray/DVD and digital via Dread. Watch the red band trailer:


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