Friday, March 8, 2013

The Owlman Terrorizes Online Chat Site

Lord Of Tears - Copy

Check out the bewildered reaction and fear on these chatter’s faces as the Owlman invades an online chat site. The haunting presence of the strange creature on screen freaked quite a few people out and even those with a bizarre fixation upon discovery found the apparition  quite creepy.

The Owlman of course is the focal point of the dark supernatural thriller “Lord Of Tears”. Directed by Lawrie Brewster, the screenplay was written by Sarah Daily and tells the story  of James Findlay, a school teacher plagued by recurring nightmares of a mysterious and unsettling entity.  Suspecting that his visions are linked to a dark incident in his past, James returns to his childhood home, a notorious mansion in the Scottish Highlands, where he uncovers the disturbing truth behind his dreams, and must fight to survive the brutal consequences of his curiosity. I interviewed Brewster not long ago about the film and the Owlman, read that interview here.

Lord Of Tears

Two New Images From “V/H/S/2”


Two new images have been released for the breakout anthology series “V/H/S” as well as word on a release date. “V/H/S/2” will will be On Demand June 6th, and in theaters on July 12th. Simon Barrett, Adam Wingard, Edúardo Sanchez, Gregg Hale, Timo Tjahjanto, Gareth Huw Evans, and Jason Eisener will feature some sick and demented tales which will star Adam Wingard, Lawrence Levine, L. C. Holt, Kelsy Abbott, Hannah Hughes.

Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static—white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.

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Trailer Released For Sci-fi Thriller “Cloned”

clonedCheck out the trailer for Gregory Orr's sci-fi thriller “Cloned” the opening chapter in a sci-fi franchise about identity and the threat of replacement scheduled for release on April 23rd 2013. The film stars Stella Maeve, Alexander Nifong, Jamal Mallory McCree, John de Lancie and Laura Moss. “Cloned”is a teen-orientated suspense film with roots in science-fiction realism and psychological terror. It merges the anxious paranoia of Invasion of the Body Snatchers with the killer-next-door quality of Disturbia and the teenage angst of the Twilight series.

Three friends on a camping trip discover a secret laboratory and accidentally trigger a deadly experiment that creates their clones--superior duplicates who plot to kill the teens and take over their identities. The film is the creation of award-winning filmmaker Gregory Orr, who grew up in the shadow of the movie industry. Both his father and his grandfather worked at Warner Bros. (the former was TV producer William T. Orr, and the latter was studio chief Jack Warner,) and his mother was an actress, whose film debut at age 18 was as the Bulgarian refugee Annina Brandel in Casablanca.

Unlike most people I fell in love with movies not at the movie theater, but on a movie set,” says Orr who is making his feature debut with “Cloned”, after many years producing documentaries for A&E, History Channel, AMC and France’s Canal+. “I witnessed first hand the cooperative nature of a film crew and how it prepared the environment for actors to play a scene.” The film was awarded Best Picture at Philadelphia's Terror Fest, and received its UK premiere in April 2011 at the Sci-Fi-London film festival, where Empire magazine called it, "A witty twist on the mad scientist and teens in peril scenario (and) an eminently enjoyable romp that more than merits a sequel."

Release Date Finally Set For “Maniac”

Maniac-UK-Poster-350x262Finally “Maniac” has been granted a release date. The remake of the 80’s horror classic directed by Frank Khalfoun will hit VOD and limited theatrical viewing on June 21st. It stars Elijah Wood as the psychotic serial killer opposite Nora Arnezeder who plays the object of his obsession. The chances to see this flick have the distribution utilizing all available formats including Amazon Instant, iTunes,, Xbox, and Playstation platforms. Fangoria broke the news yesterday on their site.

Trailer Released For “Soul”

SoulThe trailer for Mong-Hong Chung’s “Soul” has been released. The Taiwanese director’s psychological horror is not the normal revenge/ evil spirit flick most associated with the Asian horror community but takes a vastly different approach of dealing with the deceased. The movie is a philosophical investigation of possession, looking at what happens when someone is possessed by another soul, and how their family treats them. It stars Jimmy Wang, Joseph Chang, and Leon Dai.

Quiet, 30 year-old A-Chuan is a sous chef at a Japanese restaurant. One day he collapses and is rushed to hospital, where doctors are at a loss to explain what happened to him. They deduce that his sudden disassociated state is a psychological disorder and send him back to his hometown in the mountains to recuperate under the care of his 70 year-old father, Wang.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Power Of Kirkman Compels You!

Robert-Kirkman“The Walking Dead” creator Robert Kirkman has a new exorcism show lined up. The series will be based on his yet unpublished comic series and focuses on Kyle Barnes, a man plagued by possession since childhood, who sets out on a journey to find answers, which may spell the end of life on Earth. The show will be executive produced by Kirkman through his Image Comics Skybound imprint, and David Alpert of Circle of Confusion. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kirkman's upcoming Image Comics series set in the world of exorcism will receive the television treatment as the fan-favorite creator teams up with "The Walking Dead" executive producer David Alpert and Fox International Channels, which distributes AMC's "The Walking Dead" worldwide.

Official Press Release

FOX International Channels (FIC),The Walking Dead Creator/Executive Producer Robert Kirkman, Kirkman's Skybound imprint at Image Comics, and Circle of Confusion are developing a script based on Kirkman’s upcoming comic book series set in the world of exorcism. This partnership emerged from a long-standing and successful relationship between Kirkman and FIC during the ongoing run of AMC’s hit series, The Walking Dead, based on Kirkman's Eisner Award-winning comic book series, on which FIC is international partner.

Told through the Kirkman prism, the series follows a young man, Kyle Barnes, who has been plagued by possession since he was a child. Now an adult, he embarks on a spiritual journey to find answers but what he uncovers could mean the end of life on Earth as we know it. Kirkman will serve as executive producer alongside The Walking Dead executive producer David Alpert of Circle of Confusion.

Kirkman states, "Sharon Tal Yguado and the entire team at FOX International Channels have been instrumental in making The Walking Dead the worldwide success that it has become. I couldn't resist the opportunity to continue working with this forward-thinking and extremely talented group."

"Exorcism has captivated movie audiences all over the world but has never been explored on television," said Sharon Tal Yguado, EVP Global Scripted Programming and Original Development at FIC. "Robert Kirkman, who forever changed the scope of Cable TV with The Walking Dead, possesses an unparalleled talent of telling big concept stories in a smart and incredibly genuine way. We couldn’t be more excited to be working with him on this project, which we see as a reinvention of the genre."

Teaser Trailer Released For “Krampus: The Christmas Devil”

krampus the christmas devilKrampus: The Christmas Devil” is a film about that freaky little side kick of ole Saint Nick, Krampus. The film is expected to release in time for the holidays later this year. It is directed by Jason Hull and stars Bill Oberst, Jr, Rich Goteri, Mike Mili, Jay Dobyns, and AJ Leslie. A teaser trailer for the horror film about the devilish creature has been released along with some cool stills from production which were posted on the movie’s Facebook Page.

Special Agent Jeremy Duffin (AJ Leslie) leads a darkened life of memories stemming from an abduction as a child, where he was dropped into a frozen lake and left to die. Now, as Jeremy recognizes a pattern in the deaths and disappearance of children resembling what could have been his ill-fated end, he begins a personal quest to find the man disturbing a normally peaceful Pennsylvania town.

Unbeknownst to Jeremy, the man he is searching for is actually a creature of yule tide lore, Krampus (Brad Weaver), and has begun his final Christmastime task of finding his final victim, Jeremy's daughter, Rebecca. With the aid of his Department captain (Rich Goteri), Jeremy is able to track and locate the location of the kidnapper, but this results in the death of two of his fellow officers.

As Krampus approaches his final task, Jeremy is branded with the capture of his wife and child by the newly released felon, Brian Hatt (Bill Oberst, Jr). Can Jeremy protect his family from a vindictive ex-con and the Devil of Christmas, Krampus? The third action-thriller from director Jason Hull, is sure to keep children off the naughty list for years to come.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Review Of “Alyce” 2011

Alyce-poster-350x517[5]“Alyce” is directed by Jay Lee and stars Jade Dornfeld, Tamara Feldman, James Duval and Eddie Rouse. The story follows two best friends reconnecting after a small period of “too close for comfort” in their relationship. However after accidentally pushing best friend Carroll off the roof of a building Alyce finds her world crumbling fast. It isn't long until she spirals into a reality of darkness filled with drugs, reckless sex and homicidal impulses. The film is a dark satire and utter gorefest as viewed through Alyce’s perspective.

“Alyce” is a unique blend of arthouse expressionism and surrealism. It is a very dark comedy that plays with the whole “Single White Female” personality disorder pushing the scenario beyond the traditional outcome. The film takes a very quirky off-beat approach that reminds me of Todd Solondz’s or Alexander Payne but with a lot of gore and blood. The character of Alyce is one of the most twisted sisters that I have seen in cinema in a long while that is as likable as she is horrifying. The movie starts off casually building on the close yet distant emotional relationship between the friends. It is close in the fact that in the whole film they really do seem to be the only one each other can connect with and yet distant due to the fact that Alyce tends to absorb Carroll’s personality traits to become her own in that unsettling uncomfortable manner. The series of events that unfold after the tragedy and Alyce's fall from her own state of normalcy is one that both entertains and chills. It is one of the most disturbing slides into madness I have seen on film. I really found no fault in the movie and enjoyed every gory psychotic hot-mess act of homicidal mania that Alyce displayed. Plus the gore and bloody kill shots were pretty damn cool and gruesomely in your face.

Trailer Released For BBC Three’s “In The Flesh”

In The FleshA second trailer for BBC Three’s  three part zombie series “In The Flesh” has been released. The show is set after the zombie uprising and deals with the undead’s rehabilitation back into society. The first episode will appear in the UK on March 17th at 10 pm. Fingers crossed this one will also jump the pond to America.

Hammer Horror For A New Generation

legend_of_seven_golden_vampiresMillennium Entertainment announced a deal that will see new repackaged Hammer classics distributed to U.S. fans. The new deal will make available classics like “Dracula: Prince Of Darkness and The Legend Of The Seven Golden Vampires to a new generation of fans in the first new configuration of Horror classics in 10 years. It will be a multi-tiered approach with the full release schedule planned to provide both affordable and high end collectable sets as well as limited edition Blu-rays over a period of several years. 

The deal will kick off with an April 2nd DVD release of the “Hammer Horror 3 Feature Film Set” containing both films I mentioned and Frankenstein Created Woman”.“Hammer is one of the most renowned and beloved film brands in the world and we are thrilled to bring the Hammer Films library to U.S. fans.”  Steve Nickerson, President of Millennium Entertainment stated in a press release.“We are really pleased to be in business with Millennium to bring the newly restored titles from our library to the United States in HD for the first time,” said Peter Naish, Senior VP, Distribution, Hammer. “Alongside the new extras we have created, we hope that our American Hammer fans will love the Blu-Ray collector’s editions and that these editions will also help new fans discover our rich history.”

De princesa del Metal a "Scream Queen" :Mi entrevista con Paula Marcenaro Solinger

Paul Marcenaro SolingerBecause Google translator hardly ever gets the translation right or translates the material in a way that makes sense to the reader Paula Marcenaro Solinger was kind enough to create a Spanish version of our Interview for fans. She is truly a cool person and I thank her for her time. So here is the Spanish language interview ….

ASouthernLife: Cómo fue crecer en Buenos Aires? Qué tipo de series de televisión y películas mirabas y cuándo te diste cuenta de que querías actuar?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger
: La verdad es que el "bichito" de la actuación no tuvo nada que ver con la televisión o el cine... Soy hija única así que me encerraba en mi habitación y actuaba frente a un público invisible.. O un público de muñecos de peluche... Nunca fui fanática de la televisión, pero sí recuerdo que algunas de mis películas preferidas de chica eran "ET" y "Gremlins". Los quería de mascotas.

ASouthernLife:  Empezaste a hacer teatro en la escuela, a los 6 años. En qué obras actuaste?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Ufff, a los 6 años? En su mayoría obras de teatro para chicos de escritores argentinos. Fue mucho más adelante que empecé a hacer Shakespeare, Moliere, Ionesco y demás sospechosos de siempre.

ASouthernLife:  Cuándo empezaste a tomar a la actuación como una verdadera profesión; cuál fue tu primer trabajo como actriz?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Es decir, la primera vez que me pagaron? (risas) Mis primeros trabajos fueron en teatro under... De ahí a teatros de 1000 butacas y más adelante empecé a considerar hacer la transición al cine. Siempre lo vi como una profesión, incluso de adolescente, pero también siempre fui consciente de que recitar un monólogo no me iba a pagar el alquiler, así que fui a la universidad para tener un Plan B.

ASouthernLife:  Tus trabajos anteriores fueron películas de suspenso o terror... Se puede decir que sos fanática del género?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Me hice más fanática del género DESPUES de trabajar en películas de terror. Creo que a veces se subestima a las películas y actores del género. Nunca pensé lo difícil que puede ser hasta que tuve que hacerle creer al público que estaba muerta de miedo, que tenía una herida mortal o que estaba dispuesta a chupar sangre en mi almuerzo.

ASouthernLife:  En "Velvet Vengeance" personificás a Lita...contame del personaje, cómo la ves?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Lita es un chica sexy, tramposa, que está dispuesta a hacer lo que sea para salirse con la suya. Estoy que segura que todos conocimos a alguien así al menos una vez.
Paula M Solinger

ASouthernLife:  Qué opinás del corto y, teniendo en cuenta que la película presenta algunos cambios, cómo afecta al personaje de Lita?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Siempre hago "la tarea"... Leí el guión, vi el corto y fui por el personaje. Quería ESE personaje y tuve la suerte de obtenerlo. "Mi" Lita es distinta, si... Pero no voy a decir cómo ni por qué. Van a tener que esperar a ver la película!

ASouthernLife: Cómo te estás preparando para tu papel? Vas a tener muchas rutinas fisícas y peleas?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Hay muchas demandas físicas para todas las mujeres en esta película, así que va a ser muy divertido! Me encantan las escenas de riesgo y las peleas. Soy medio "varonera" y me encantan los deportes... mirar y practicar. Hice judo y kickboxing, y estoy con muchas ganas de usar mis conocimientos!

ASouthernLife: El rockero adentro mío se enojaría si no te preguntara..Estás casada con Johnny Solinger, cantante de Skid Row. Cómo se conocieron?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Estaban de gira en Sudamérica cuando nos conocimos, a fines de Noviembre de 2009. Nos llevamos bien en seguida, pero a los 3 días partió a la proóxima ciudad. Empezamos a hablarnos prácticamente todos los días. A las dos semanas me preguntó si quería pasar Navidad y Año Nuevo con el... dije que si, y ahora estamos felizmente casados.

ASouthernLife: Creciste escuchando metal, entiendo que se escucha mucho en Sudamérica?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: La escena musical de rock y metal es muy grande en Sudamérica, si. Crecí escuchando Kiss, , Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Guns n' Roses, The Ramones, Pink Floyd etc..

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ASouthernLife: Cuál es tu película de terror y tu canción de rock preferidas?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger
: Me voy a tomar la libertad de elegir no una favorita sino favoritas. El Resplandor, El exorcista, La masacre de Texas, Carrie, entre otras. Mi canción preferida tiene mucho que ver con mi estado de ánimo... En este momento es Kings of Demolition, del nuevo disco de Skid Row,United World Rebellion...Uno de los beneficios de "estar con la banda" es tener acceso completo a los temas antes que nadie!

Monday, March 4, 2013

David Morley’s “Home Sweet Home” Is Anything But Sweet

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Based on the images posted on “Home Sweet Home” Facebook Page the dark psychological project by David Morley is anything but sweet. The film stars Meghan Heffern, Adam MacDonald and Shaun Benson and focuses on one hell of a home invasion. The story has a suburban couple returning home from a date night only to be terrorized by a maniacal killer. Check out the images and like the movie’s Facebook Page to stay up-to-date with the film’s progress.

David Morley is a French director whose first feature film, the critically-acclaimed "Mutants" was released in 2009 and sold in thirty foreign territories. He began his career directing short films, which were selected in major festivals worldwide.  His short credits include "Bitten" and "Organik" (Best Short Film awards in Gerardmer and Valenciennes). This is his English-language feature debut.

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“Midsummer Nightmares II” Details

Midsummer Nightmares IIThe sequel to the Indie film “Midsummer Nightmares” from Concept Media is in pre-production with principle photography set to begin this summer. “Midsummer Nightmares II” plan to reunite the original cast with Stacy Freeders (Danni Waters) & Kelci C. Magel (unspecified role)confirmed. Talks have begun to have Julie Sherwood (Audrey) and Scott Gillespie (Rob) return as well. Autumn Richardson (Meredith) is also expected to be reprising her role in the sequel. Ryan Stacy will helm the project with Shawn Burkett set as director of photography. First-time producer Eric Nelson has joined the production. Negotiations are still ongoing for the rest of the crew and production team.

“Midsummer Nightmares II” is the working title thus far but plans are to change the title of the film upon release. The projected date of release is not set but Ryan told me that they are looking at a 2014 time frame for the project to be complete.  Concept Media also stated that "The story will take us a bit further down the road for Audrey. I think audiences might be be surprised at how much has changed. We are excited to bring in a fresh take on the world of 'Midsummer Nightmares.' This film is going to do what a lot of sequels do not:Deliver a better, stronger movie than its predecessor." More details are expected to come later about the this film.

The original story from “Midsummer Nightmares “ had four friends planning a Halloween-style party in the middle of summer, thinking it would be the night of their lives. But when their friends began dying, the four soon discovered that someone wanted a true blood bath...and went to great extreme to see it happen. The sequel picks up three years after Danielle Waters (Stacy Freeders) slaughtered her friends, Audrey Small (Sarah Beth Begley) finds herself mixed up in another dose of some deadly acts...Will she be lucky to survive this time?

You can read my review for “Midsummer Nightmares” here! And stay tuned for more info on this film.

Trailer Released For “Union Furnace”

Union FurnaceUnion Furnace” is an Indie film from Broadview Features Development. The horror thriller is directed by Nicholas Bushman and tells the story of a petty car thief in a small Southern Ohio town who gets involved in an underground game of life and death. It stars Mike Dwyer, Seth Hammond, Katie Keene, Keith David, Kevin Crowley, Tara Bellando, Lyle Kanouse, Ben FC Wallace, David Hayward and Misa Farslow. Check out the trailer for the film below.

Trailer Released For “Evangeline”

evangelineCheck out the teaser trailer for feature film “Evangeline”. The movie is inspired by Inspired by the award-winning shot film Doll Parts, written and directed by Karen Lam, Evangeline is the story of that horrific moment of transition, where a murdered girl can become something else. The film stars Kat de Lieva, Richard Harmon, David Lewis, Mayumi Toshida and Kelvin Redvers. “Evangeline” is scheduled to be released in the Fall 2013.

There she lies.

Evangeline has fled her strict religious upbringing to create a new identity for herself. But after her first college party, she is brutally murdered, her corpse dumped in the dark forest.Yet something is there, waiting in the trees.

Evangeline is resurrected, infected by an old and terrifying presence, transforming her into an avenging angel.

“Tunnels” Novel Set For Feature Adaptation

TunnelsThe adventure fantasy series Tunnels is getting some feature length love. Mikael Håfström is set to direct the feature film version of Gordon & Williams Tunnels. According to The Wrap “Håfström has previously worked on "The Rite" and "1408." Andrew Lobel is rewriting  the original screenplay by Joel Bergvall & Simon Sandquist. The "Tunnels" film is being produced by Mark Canton ("300"), Neil Canton ("Back to the Future") and Danny Davids, alongside Relativity CEO Ryan Kavanaugh. Relativity’s President Tucker Tooley ("The Fighter") will executive produce the film with Kelly Dennis ("1408").

"Tunnels," follows two teenage boys who discover a secret civilization beneath the streets of London. All this subterranean wonder has a downside, however. They also find evil forces who threaten to destroy the world above.

Trailer Released For “Chilling Visions: 5 Senses Of Fear”

Chilling-Visions-610x894Chiller Films has released the trailer for their upcoming horror anthology “Chilling Visions: 5 Senses Of Fear”. The anthology features Jesse Holland and Andy Mitton with “Hearing,”  Emily Hagins with “Touch,” Eric England with “Taste,”  Nick Everhart with “Smell,” and lastly Miko Hughes. The cast include Hilary Greer, Symba, Nicholas Tucci, Ace Marrero, Danae Nason and many more. The release date is set for May 2013. Check out the trailer below.

Joe Wheeler’s “Jengo Hooper”

Jengo Hooper still2Jengo Hooper” is a grindhouse gore flick from UK director Joe Wheeler. The film promises some seriously twisted shit with scenes of cannibalism, slaughter and some insane psychotica. The story follows Jake Weaver  who suffers from a mental illness that makes him believe he is 2 people, himself and an evil psycho named Jengo Hooper. After awhile the voices in his head and the constant nightmares drive Jake over the edge. He decides to commit suicide but gets rudely interrupted by the Police and this forces him to become his evil alter ego 'Jengo Hooper' on a permanent basis causing mayhem and destruction where ever he goes.He battles the police in his apartment, then takes on riot police in his town right before decapitating an innocent victims head.

The film is written and directed by Wheeler himself and set to star Joe Wheeler, Share Cherrie, Rebecca Lee Olejniczak, Nettie Roldan, P45 Band, Mickey Rawlings, Jason Wright, Rosa Jeffery, Anna Robinson, Dave Rodriguez, Richard Percy, Milli Illinna and Narin Oz. With production already under way “Jengo Hooper” looks to be a promising gorefest cult classic in the making.  There is no set released date although the IMDb page has one set for June. Who knows if that date will see this Indie flick released or not but I hope the date is closer to a fall release because gore flicks feel a bit more comfortable to me around the holidays. There is nothing like a blood stained scene on a cool Autumn night. Anyway…regardless of when this flick is finished and ready to be viewed it looks to be one hell of a horror film.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Review Of "The Last Exorcism Part II"

"The Last Exorcism Part II" continues the story of Nell and the demon who wants her-Abalam. With a new director but the same actress as the first film, Ashley Bell. "Part II" is straight up horror story telling in a classic format. There is no documentary style footage present save the internet shot of the footage from the first film so the opportunity to really utilize basic but brilliant gimmicks for shock and thrills are very well in hand for this film. Which I think the director managed to use quite well without being too obvious or any real "fail" issue for the most part. The story has Nell moved to New Orleans and on her way to rehabilitation for a new start with new friends. However Abalam is not done with the young girl and there will be no salvation for her in the city.

As far as the film's ability to bring the scares, I have to say that the film did it's job. There were moments that normally would not have been scary nor interesting in the film but because the director utilized the trick of closed in frame shots in most of the scenes random moments became thrilling. The story is more focused and open to the viewer with no real hidden plot which allows for more imagery and dogma that surround the whole possession culture and mystical icon-ism to play a big part in staging the story. It is a true classic horror story in all ways. That normally would seem like a bad thing but thankfully this director knew how to shoot the film and set up the moments that needed to be scary or exaggerated enough to make the movie work. Until the ending of course. That I have issue with. I appreciated the twist that says not every one gets a Hallmark moment but for me it came off cheesy and that boiled down to the use of CGI when more organic FX would have came off better for what the director was going for. "The Last Exorcism Part II" is a better story and movie than the first film but the first film had a way better ending. There must be a third film in the works because there where some elements of the over all story that were only vaguely highlighted and need to be unveiled in this character's grander story.

Trailer Released For Psychological Horror “Locked”

lockedCheck out the trailer for the psychological horror film by Indie director Eddie Lee Henderson. Shot in the Dallas area “Locked” stars Nate Scott, Forestt Randall, Cameron Inman, Trevor Ayala, Haileigh Todd, Corbyn Lowe and follows a teenager working at a psychiatric hospital. He learns from a troubled young patient of an mysterious lake house. Attempting to impress his high school friends with a cool party house, he fails to mention the horrible history of the lake house. The party turns tragic when the partying teens realize they're trapped in the house.

The film comes from BlackGinger Media and is slated for release on March 28th 2013. The film utilizes teenage actors portraying a group of teens-what a novel idea to actually cast age a appropriate actors in horror roles to create a more intense and personable connection to the story. Since it is a horror story the emotionally charged dramatic edge should make for some really choice intensity. Can’t wait to check this one out!

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DeadInk & “The Axeman At Cutter’s Creek” Announce Horrorhound Treats For Cincinnati

axemanIndependent Production Company Blood Red Films and it's premiere clothing sponsor DeadInk Apparel announce the exhibition of selected scenes at this year's HorrorHound Weekend: Cincinnati. The official teaser for the feature film, ‘AXEMAN AT CUTTER’S CREEK’, is viewable at

‘AXEMAN AT CUTTER’S CREEK’ is an ‘80’s style slasher film about nine vacationing twenty-somethings who are hunted down by an axe-wielding local legend.
Blood Red Films and DeadInk Apparel announced today that it has plans to showcase 17 minutes of selected scenes on Saturday, March 23rd at this year's HorrorHound Weekend: Cincinnati for it's hardcore fans and media. The announcement was made today as a joint venture between Blood Red Film's Joston Theney (Director and Writer) and Dr. Christopher Otiko (Executive Producer and Contributing Writer), and DeadInk Apparel's Justin Haines, for ‘AXEMAN AT CUTTER’S CREEK.'


"Unfortunately, I won't be at HorrorHound Weekend," said Dr. Christopher Otiko when asked of his attendance, "I decided to stay behind and see if I can hear the gasps and screams all the way from Los Angeles!" Dr. Christopher Otiko found and ultimately Executive Produced AXEMAN AT CUTTER'S CREEK while contributing his literary skills to the script. "This is a true return to '80s horror and what better place to premiere it than HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinnati? We love the convention and the environment HorrorHound creates. And this the perfect place to unleash the Axeman."

"I'll be there," Dylan Hobbs, one of the film's stars exclaimed. "Are you crazy? Hundreds of fans packed into a theater watching the most intense scenes from a horror flick that I'm a part of. How could I miss that?"
Also on-hand will be stars Elissa Dowling, Chantelle Albers, Stephen Eith and the Axeman himself, former NBA superstar Scot Pollard.

dead ink"This movie is for the fans. It always has been," said the film's writer/director and star Joston Theney. "I make no qualms about it. I love '80s slashers. True '80s slashers and we delivered on this and I'm just so happy that the fans and the stars of the film will get a chance to enjoy it. HorrorHound, here we come."
‘AXEMAN AT CUTTER’S CREEK’ stars Elissa Dowling, Tiffany Shepis, Brinke Stevens, Jamie Bernadette, Erin Marie Hogan and Arielle Brachfeld. Rounding out the cast are Chantelle Albers, Ray Trickitt, Eliza Kiss, Dylan Hobbs, Stephen Eith, Nihilist Gelo, Carlos Javier Castillo, Joston Theney, Paula Tracey Wilson, Suzi Hale and NBA superstar Scot Pollard as the Axeman.

From A Metal Princess To A Rising Scream Queen: My Interview With Paula Marcenaro Solinger

Paul Marcenaro SolingerPaula Marcenaro Solinger is an artist from humble beginnings as the Argentinian actress started out in the underground theatrical community in her home country. Born in Buenos Aries Paula Marcenaro first fell in love with acting at age 6, joining the drama club at her primary school. Working her way through the lesser acknowledged underground theatre scene she soon found herself actually gaining attention and earning a living at the thing she loved most, acting. Having worked in feature films, shorts, stage performances and as a television host Paula is now rising in the American Indie horror community as well and is now calling Texas home. The young actress has already starred in two  features her in the states and has two more in pre-production. Her best known role, aside from being a serious predator in the vampire flick “Blood Reunion” is, however, as a metal princess. Paula Marcenaro met and married metal legend Johnny Solinger of the self titled 90's metal band Solinger and now lead singer of Skid Row. It is also worth mentioning that the young actress is a very talented artiste, leaning toward a more expressionist style on canvas and in sculpture.

Now Paula Mercenaro Solinger is gearing up to star in the Indie action horror film “Velvet Vengeance”. A feature adaptation from the award winning short film by Jeremy Campbell. She will take on the role of Lita, one of the breakout characters from the short film and a fan favorite. It is a role she is notably excited to take on and one she is more than apt to kick ass in. The feature blends martial arts, fighting and slasher in a new visionary style becoming popular in genre film making. Blending multiple elements from different concepts to create a unique story is what will keep horror alive and viable for the next generation as most material now is becoming slightly less horror and more pre-washed rhetoric. (I hate saying that about the one field of entertainment I truly love but it is true. Just check mine and many other’s DVR lists and you will see.) I was thrilled to have the opportunity to ask Solinger a few questions about her life, her loves and of course “Velvet Vengeance”.

Paula M Solinger
ASouthernLife:Tell me about growing up in Buenos Aires, what type of shows and movies did you watch and is that when first realized you wanted to act?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger
: Honestly, the acting bug didn't have to do with me watching TV or films... I'm an only child so I would lock myself in my room and perform for an invisible audience. Or a stuffed animals audience...I was never a huge TV fan, but I do remember one of my favorites movies as a kid were ET and Gremlins. I wanted them as pets.

ASouthernLife:  You joined drama club at age six, at school. What plays do you remember performing?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Geez, when I was 6? Well most of them were kid's plays by Argentinean authors. It wasn't until I was older that I went on to performing Shakespeare, Moliere, Ionesco, and all the usual suspects.

ASouthernLife:  When did you make the transition into acting as a true profession, what was your first job as an actress?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: You mean, the first time I actually got paid? Hahhah! My first couple of jobs were in underground theatre. That lead to performing in 1000-seater theaters, and ultimately considering the transition to films. I always saw it as a profession, even as a teen, but I was also aware that delivering a classic monologue would not pay the rent, so I went to college and had a Plan B.

ASouthernLife:  Your previous three films here in the States were all thriller or horror genre films, so is it safe to assume that you're a horror movie fan?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: I became more of fan AFTER doing the films. I believe horror films, and actors in horror films are sometimes underrated. I didn't see it that way until I had to make an audience believe that I was terrorized, fatally wounded, or willing to suck blood for a meal.

ASouthernLife:  In "Velvet Vengeance" you are taking on the role of Lita, tell me about the character, how do you view her?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: Lita is a sneaky, sexy character that is willing to do anything to get her way. I'm sure everyone has met someone that fits that description at least one.

ASouthernLife:  What did you think of the short film and knowing the feature will a bit different does it change the character Lita any?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: I do my research before taking on a role...I read the script, watched the short, and went for the role. I wanted to do it, and I was lucky to get it. The Lita I am playing is different, yes. But I won't say how or why. You will have to wait and see!

Paula M Solinger 2ASouthernLife:  How are you preparing for the role, will there be a lot of physical routines or fighting demands for Lita?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: There are plenty of physical routines for the girls in the film so it will be fun! I love doing stunts and fight scenes. I am a little bit of a tomboy and I love sports...watching and playing. I have a judo and kickboxing background, and I am eager to use it!

ASouthernLife: The metal in me would be pissed if I didn't ask but your married to Johnny Solinger the lead singer of Skid Row. How did you two meet?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: He was touring in South America when we met in late November 2009. We hit it off immediately, but 3 days later he left for the next city. We started talking pretty much every day... Two weeks later he asked me to spend Christmas and New Year's with him.. and I did... Now we are happily married.

ASouthernLife: Where you into metal growing up, because it is pretty big in South America?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger: The rock and metal scene is huge in South America. And yes, I grew up listening to Kiss, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Guns n' Roses, The Ramones, Pink Floyd etc..

ASouthernLife: What is your favorite horror movie of all time and what is your favorite rock song?
Paula Marcenaro Solinger
: I will take the liberty of not choosing a favorite but favorites. The Shining, The Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Carrie, to name a few.... Now the songs depend a lot on my mood... That is such a difficult question... Right now, it's Kings of Demolition, off Skid's Row new record United World Rebellion, due on April 16th.. One of the perks of "being with the band" is having full access to the song… hehehehe.


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