The film is written and directed by Wheeler himself and set to star Joe Wheeler, Share Cherrie, Rebecca Lee Olejniczak, Nettie Roldan, P45 Band, Mickey Rawlings, Jason Wright, Rosa Jeffery, Anna Robinson, Dave Rodriguez, Richard Percy, Milli Illinna and Narin Oz. With production already under way “Jengo Hooper” looks to be a promising gorefest cult classic in the making. There is no set released date although the IMDb page has one set for June. Who knows if that date will see this Indie flick released or not but I hope the date is closer to a fall release because gore flicks feel a bit more comfortable to me around the holidays. There is nothing like a blood stained scene on a cool Autumn night. Anyway…regardless of when this flick is finished and ready to be viewed it looks to be one hell of a horror film.

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