Indie Actor/Director Brian Dorton’s “
Trashology” is a celebration of all that Americana Trash Cinema has given us over the past 40 years of B-movie elucidation of absurdities. Something that most people in the film industry attempt to steer clear of, only finding themselves buried in the subgenre by accident or misfortune. Trash cinema has only been embraced by those few cult fans who appreciate the exaggerated characters and situations that poke fun at the mundane and everyday life. The good, the bad and the fabulous. Embraced by John Waters, who gave us such cult icons as Divine and Mink Stole, Trash Cinema has also given rise to new faces and visions of a style of film making that rails against the tide of mainstream normality and forces you face first in the bizarre and twisted caricatures of society. A vision that others flee from or self medicate in order to escape.
Brian Dorton, like his inspiration John Waters, fully embraces Trash Cinema and does so with fresh modern vision and an understanding that crazy is fun! Take the Louisville, Kentucky based director’s homage to the legendary Waters, “Trashology”. It is a film that gives rise to colorful all be it insane characters that dance the dance of the crazy wonderfully. With stories that explore the fringes of social normality in loud, proud fashion. It is a film that I hold as a true original piece of Indie brilliance in it’s exploration of life psychotic. In my interview with Brian Dorton, we discussed the film, his inspiration and the drama that comes from having the balls to embrace a subgenre that very few “get”, choosing to dismiss it as garbage-FUCK THEM! I know, as we all know, one man’s trash is a generation’s treasure. “Trashology” is produced through Dorton’s company
reelEpic Entertainment and will be released on DVD and Home entertainment formats through
Slasher//Video Distribution which is owned by Jesus! Jesus Terán.
ASouthernLife: How did the concept for "Trashology" come about?
Brian Dorton: Well, my team and I did many short films and one thing that they all had in common were the bizarre characters. After doing nearly 40 short films we decided we were ready to take on a feature. I love anthologies but don't know of many comedy anthologies, "The Ten" from 2007 comes to mind. I began to write the first segment which is "The Vat" and I loved the story so much and the characters that I built off it and Douglas and I thought this would be a great feature film. So I kept writing and interlocking the characters. The last task was a way to pull the 3 chapters together and that is how the wrap around developed.
ASouthernLife: Was there ever a moment when you were writing the scripts that you thought "it was too much" or that it "wouldn't work"?
Brian Dorton: Whenever I felt it might be too much that was when I was certain it belonged in the film.
ASouthernLife: There are so many micro plots and stories barely hinted at within the film do you have plans for a "Trashology II"?
Brian Dorton: We joke about it often but there are no plans as of now.
ASouthernLife: Which of the characters would you be most likely to be caught "squashing" with and which of the characters would you be more prone to kill and why?
Brian Dorton: I'd love to kill Ann because she is such a high riding bitch! I doubt I would ever actually want to partake in squashing but I'd like to see Ms. Green squashed!
ASouthernLife: Who did you model your character Katrina after, was it someone in your family?
Brian Dorton: She developed over the years from co-workers from the past. Just women that were absolutely ridiculous and over the top.
ASouthernLife: In the wrap around story you have Sean Kasky help "make a pie", was it hard to get him to agree to the scene?
Brian Dorton: He was reluctant at first thinking that the character was into it, but when he realized the character was against the idea, he became open to it.
ASouthernLife: Which is easier for you, writing the characters or directing the actors?
Brian Dorton: Both are about the same. I think directing can be easier for me than writing. I feel more natural when I direct.
ASouthernLife: This is your homage to John Waters, if you were caught in his house "copping" some souvenirs, what items would you take?
Brian Dorton: A Franklin Mint Faberge Egg. (John Waters fans should get that reference.)
ASouthernLife: First ever John Waters film you remember seeing, what is your favorite film of his?
Brian Dorton: First was "Serial Mom" when I was 15 years old, then I became intrigued with his work and researched older films. I like "Female Trouble" the best but that is subject to change.
ASouthernLife: When did you realize you wanted to make movies?
Brian Dorton: When I was a teenager, around the time I saw the movie "Heathers".
ASouthernLife: You also have two other projects in the works, "Crazy Fat Ethel" and a film yet to be titled about a serial killer. What drew you to the film "Criminally Insane"?
Brian Dorton: Douglas and I saw "Criminally Insane" years ago and loved it! After we started getting more into the indie scene we had a discussion about how that film might be like today and really got obsessed with a remake. The other film is now titled "The Horror Network" which has become an anthology with Joseph Graham, Ignacio Martín, and Manuel Marín.
ASouthernLife: Will "Crazy Fat Ethel" be a true remake of the original or more of a reimagining?
Brian Dorton: It will pay tribute in a modern version. No CGI effects.
ASouthernLife: How are things coming with the "The Horror Network" anthology?
Brian Dorton: The script is done and we hope to have it out for people to see by Halloween.
ASouthernLife: There has been an attack on the film at IMDb lately, do you want to say anything about the rating the film has received by these "phantom" users on the movie site? As we all should know those ratings are bogus and anyone with character would realize you read the written reviews but foremost watch a film to see if you like it not go by a number rating!
Brian Dorton: It does make me question the integrity of the site but I imagine any film can be attacked so it's fair game. Hopefully people watch "Trashology" for themselves and decide. Saying negative things about me or my films doesn't bother me but I held IMDb up higher before I realized all they care about is how many hits their site receives.
ASouthernLife: I just want to finish by saying that "Trashology" is fun, entertaining and well done. Has the negativity of late affected your feelings or desire to make Indie films?
Brian Dorton: Thank you very much and no... I am unstoppable!