Monday, May 7, 2012

RIP James Isaacs (1960-2012)

220px-Pig_HuntJames Isaacs was most notably known for “Jason X” and “Skinwalkers”. He also directed the cool uberswine horror flick “Pig Hunt” which I loved! Mr. Isaacs lost his battle with a rare blood cancer at age 54. His career started as a ‘creature technician’ on “Return Of The Jedi” and “Gremlins” after which he began his special effects legacy with David Cronenberg on films like “The Fly”, “eXistenz”, and “Naked Lunch”. James Isaacs received his first chance to direct with the film “The Horror Show/House III” before moving on to direct the 2002 “Jason X”.

Watch Horror Short “The Beast”

“The Beast” is a horror short film from director Peter Dukes and comes from Dream Seeker Productions. It stars Bill Oberst Jr., Peter Le Bas, and Alexander Le Bas.
A father faces an internal struggle with what to do with his only son, who's been afflicted with the curse of the werewolf. 

Dream Seeker Prod. or DSP Website

B-Movie Reels By Alan Spencer

How is this for a possessed item that can bring unbelievable horrors to life. A movie projector with a thrill to kill! A book worth reading!
Off of the screen and out for blood!

Andy Ryerson, a film school graduate, has been hired to write commentary on two dozen cheap, b-horror movies. It seems harmless enough, and he might even enjoy it. But the people in the town around him won’t enjoy it at all when one by one, the films he watches come to life. Andy chose the wrong projector to screen his movies. This one is out for blood. While Andy grumbles about low budgets and poor production values, a hungry butcher, a plague of rotting zombies, demonic vampires, a mallet-toting killer, flesh-eating locusts, and many other terrors descend on the unsuspecting innocent. By the time he realizes what he’s done, the town is teeming with evil, and it’s up to Andy and the few survivors left to stop the celluloid horror he’s unleashed.

Read An Excerpt At Samhain Publishing

Poster For “Millennium” Starring Nadya Suleman

The tagline “Evil Is Born” makes me wanna think this film is a kind of Antichrist story but the plot details only say this about the picture that stars Octomon Nadya Suleman
“Keven Clark and Manzie Jones directed the supernatural thriller about two friends, a young woman and young man, who visit another young woman who they've met on the internet.
Once they arrive at the woman's remote house unexplainable things begin to happen and the woman who owns the house is anything but what they expect.”

My Review Of “Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf” (2009)

Medium-Raw-Night-of-the-wolf-1Directed by Andrew Cymek  “Medium Raw” has a very in depth synopsis with multiple stories playing out centering around a serial killer and his connection to the other cast of characters in this action/horror flick. A rookie cop catches a notorious serial killer known as “The Wolf” who killed his sister when he was a child and left him scarred. While seeing the killer to his new digs at Parker’s Asylum officer Johnny Morgan and a small group of others find them selves in a twisted battle for survival when pandemonium ensues bringing them face to face with some of the worlds sickest killers. The film stars William Davis, John Rhys Daves, Brigette Kingsley, Mercedes McNab, Jay Reso, Kristina Miller and Andrew Cymek.

“Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf” has some really cool elements and some very bad ones. The things that I enjoyed about this film most were eclectic group of serial killers locked within the asylum and the fact that it happens on the eve of the Christmas holiday. There was a big flirtation with the Little Red Riding Hood fairytale between “The Wolf” and a small child that really should not have been in the facility to begin with. For me the most exciting thing about this film was the “smack down” concept as the killers are released from their cells forcing the people trapped inside to fight or flee in order to survive. The best character in “Medium Raw” was Mabel Hannibal. A crazy woman who was captured and locked away for killing and cooking people. If Hell has a chef then Mabel Hannibal is that chef.

The few things that fell flat for me in this blended plot structured action/horror flick are simple and only minor irritations at best. First Andrew Cymek’s direction and vision for this story was awesome but his portrayal of Johnny Morgan came of a little more comical than I think it was intended. The second thing that seemed to take way from the story was the under utilization of the twisted and dark doctor of Parker’s Asylum. William Davis as a sinister figure is commanding. He is evil incarnate on screen and I would have rather seen more of his character as well as the iron wolf suit than all the flashbacks to Johnny Morgan’s past.

“Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf” has a lot of good qualities to entertain. The gore and blood is there and great quality effects. The acting for the most part was believable and the haunting air of the Christmas holiday gave an added darkness to the film that I loved. The soundtrack played out perfect with the scenes and helped to bring the emotion outward. The asylum could have had a stronger story with more face time for the other killers but oh well. The fact is “Medium Raw” gives us a holiday gathering that only Hell could conjure.

Plot Details for “The Last Exorcism II”

According to Bloody Disgusting the story will take place six months after the events portrayed in the first film. Bell after moving into a halfway house discovers that the demon is still very much with her. Bell’s new boyfriend Chris will add a romantic air to the sequel while a rogue group of Reverends will bring the drama. BORING!

Poster For “Carnieville” Brings Out The Evil Clown

Directed by Victor Matthieu and starring Jeremy Jackson, Ashleigh Craig and Alex Rose Wiesel.
After having witnessed her neighbor murder his own wife in his clown outfit, Corey has been dealing with coulrophobia (fear of clowns) ever since she was a child. On Halloween night her boyfriend and his friends decide to help her overcome her phobia of clowns by taking her to a nearby carnival. However, they soon discover that the price of admission is their lives.

Childhood Nightmares: Under The Bed

CN_UTB_CoverThey haunt us all...
Those whispered tales of monsters hiding under the bed, or of the demons lurking in the shadowy corner where we dare not glance for fear that seeing them will make them all too real. Oh, how the innocent landscape of a child's imagination lends fertile soil to horrors ready to be sown on the slightest of sounds; the tales and the terror they wreak on our youthful minds never quite leave us.
Siren’s Call Publishing asked the authors to present nightmarish tales that could only come from the darkest places that rest in a child’s mind.

Explore the myriad of terrors that only a child can twist from nothing into some ‘thing’ in the span of a single rapid breath. Do you dare delve into your own memories? Perhaps you’ll start sleeping with the lights on again... Tell us, who is Under the Bed?

Amazon  Createspace

New Project From Jim Van Bebber

Indie iconic filmmaker Jim Van Bebber who created such epic cult films like “Manson Family” and “My Sweet Satan” has a new project starting up and looking for funders. “Gator Green” is a thriller about a Veteran who returns from the war to take over the operation of an alligator farm in Florida. Much madness, mayhem and murder ensues.

Kickstarter For "Gator Green"

Watch Trailer For “Cinco de Mayo”

Cinco-de-Mayo-350x479“Cinco de Mayo” is directed by Darren Lynn Bousman and will be released on May 5, 2013. The story follows a group of Latinos who attempt to cross the border in the dead of night only to have be preyed upon by horrors worse than Border Patrol. Not much is really known just yet about the horror flick. It could either be a creature feature of the monsters could be sick Americans getting their kicks by torturing immigrants.


Epic Season 2 Trailer For ‘Teen Wolf’

226941_163858863678345_150047735059458_410470_1575942_n‘Teen Wolf’ has turned out to be one of the coolest shows on television, well none cable shows that is, and I have been counting down the weeks until the premiere of season 2. Now that MTV has brought the epic season 2 trailer filled with a killer new plot turn, new creatures, and new enemies I am more than excited than before. The season begins on June 3 following the MTV Movie Awards with the second half of the premier episode airing Monday at the regular time slot of 10pm.

577367_353898248007738_150047735059458_980158_886024004_nAfter an action-packed end to its premiere season, "Teen Wolf" jumps full force into season two with even more suspenseful drama. Scott McCall, an ordinary teenager with a wild secret, continues to find himself caught in a supernatural war between hunters and werewolves. While navigating the complicated roadways of high school, Scott must keep his forbidden romance with Allison a secret and protect himself from new Alpha wolf Derek. Scott will have to trust his instincts above all else if he hopes to end the war in Beacon Hills and keep his friends and family safe.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

CthulhuCon 2012

May 11-13, 2012 • Hollywood Theatre, Portland Oregon

The 2012 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon will be held on all three screens at the historic, newly remodeled Hollywood Theatre. There will feature vendors, panels, author readings, and director guests, plus the usual classic and independent features and short films. You can find out more at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & Cthulhu Con Facebook Page.
The H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival promotes the works of H.P. Lovecraft, literary horror, and weird tales through the cinematic adaptations by professional and amateur filmmakers. The festival was founded in 1995 by Andrew Migliore in the hope that H.P. Lovecraft would be rightly recognized as a master of gothic horror and his work more faithfully adapted to film and television.
Here is a primary list of short films that will be showing at the Portland venue:
"Doctor Glamour" dir. by Andrew Jones
"The Tunnel" dir. by Ivan Radovic
"Vadim" dir. by Peter Hengl
"The Evil Clergyman" dir. by Charles Band (never before seen preview!)
"Shine" dir. by Jesse Blanchard (presented in 3D! Puppet style!)
"Cultist Co. Starter Pack" dir. by Thomas Nicol
"Bedtime for Timmy" dir. by Thomas Nicol
"Coda" dir. by Jeremy Peterson
"Curse of Yig" dir. by Paul von Stoetzel
"Fortuna" dir. by Casey Malone
"Thing in The Lake" dir. by Tim O'Connor
"A Lot of Evil" dir. by Gary Lobstein
"DumbShow" dir. by Jason Hooper
"Cell Phone Psycho" dir. by David White
"Ambidextrocity" dir. by Mike Dubisch
"Asleep in The Deep" dir. by Paul von Stoetzel
"Earth Rejects Him" dir. by Jared Skolnik
"Gamma" dir. by Jonathan Gales
"Stay At Home Dad" dir. by Andrew Kasch
"Nightgaunts" dir. by Richard Svensson
"Shadow Out of Time" dir. by Daniel Leneer
"Cthonic Doodling" dir. by Mike Dubisch
"Midnite, the stars, and Lovecraft" dir. by Reber Clark
"Space Bugs" dir. by Jesse Blanchard

Hunter's Moon by R. Scott McCoy

HuntersWS-200x300In Hunter’s Moon: Visceral Tales of Terror R. Scott McCoy delivers nineteen nightmare inducing stories. The anthology includes tales collected for the first time into a single volume with many never before released works. This is a collection no horror fan should miss.

From the powerfully affecting wartime tales “Frostbite” and “A Dish Best Served Cold” to the noir flavored “Bitch Queen” and darkly humorous yet disturbing “Jihad” and many more, McCoy displays his mastery of the short story as he pulls readers deep into the horrifying worlds of hunters and the hunted, predators and prey.

Check it out here!

“The Disco Exorcist” DVD Details

“The Disco Exorcist” is ready for pre-order at Amazon for the June 19th release. The film stars Michael Reed, Ruth Sullivan, Sarah Nicklin, Brandon Luis Aponte, Rich Tretheway, Gio Castellano, Michael Thurber, Lee Rush, Bruce Church, Erin M. Olson, Alex Lewis, Alexander Cipolla, Babette Bombshell, Aurora Grabill and Jennifer Scharf. “The Disco Exorcist” comes from Wild Eye Releasing.

Rex Romanski (Michael Reed) is a disco swinger of the late ’70′s. His “love ‘em and leave ‘em” attitude finally gets him into real trouble when he brings his charms to bear on Rita Marie Deveaux (Ruth Sullivan), a voodoo priestess with a mean streak a mile wide. Rita’s curse falls most heavily on Rex’s new flame, an adult film starlet named Amoreena Jones (Sarah Nicklin), who is possessed by the violent spirit of a voodoo demon and causes a rampage of bloody destruction that only Rex Romanski, the Disco Exorcist, can stop!”

“The Possession” Movie Poster

535622_377751038928714_365235090180309_992288_1322052625_nBD posted the killer poster for “The Possession” which used to be the “Dibbuk Box”. The film stars Natasha Calis, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgwick.

‘The Possession’ is the terrifying story of how one family must unite in order to survive the wrath of an unspeakable evil. Clyde (Morgan) and Stephanie Brenek (Sedgwick) see little cause for alarm when their youngest daughter Em becomes oddly obsessed with an antique wooden box she purchased at a yard sale. But as Em’s behavior becomes increasingly erratic, the couple fears the presence of a malevolent force in their midst, only to discover that the box was built to contain a dibbuk, a dislocated spirit that inhabits and ultimately devours its human host.

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The Girl’s Guide To Dating Zombies By Lynn Messina

get-attachment.aspxProduct Description
Hattie Cross knows what you're thinking: Zombie sex? Ewwwww. But she also knows that since a virus turned 99.9999 percent of human males into zombies, it's statistically impossible to meet—let alone date—the remaining 0.00001 percent. So she writes "The Girls' Guide to Dating Zombies" to help her fellow single women navigate the zombie-relationship waters.
Her practical how-to impresses the CEO of the largest drug company in the world, and before she knows it, Hattie, a reporter for a downmarket tabloid that specializes in conspiracy theories, is sitting down with the woman who single-handedly invented the zombie-behavioral-modification market. Granted access to the inner sanctum of zombaceuticals, she meets an actual, living, breathing M-A-N.
Now Hattie, the consummate professional, is acting like a single girl at the end of the twentieth century: self-conscious, klutzy and unable to form a coherent sentence without babbling. Worst of all, the human male appears to have impaired her ability to think clearly. Because all of a sudden she's convinced a conspiracy is afoot at the drug company and it seems to go all the way to the top!
About the Author
Lynn Messina grew up on Long Island and studied English at Washington University in St. Louis. She has worked at the Museum of Television & Radio (now the Paley Center for Media), TV Guide, In Style, Rolling Stone, Fitness, ForbesLife, Self, Bloomberg Markets and a host of wonderful magazines that have long since disappeared. She mourns the death of print journalism in New York City, where she lives with her husband and sons. She is author of six novels, including the best-selling Fashionistas, which has been translated into 15 languages and is in development as a feature film.

Check it out here!

Time For Learnin’ With “Chernobyl Diaries” Clip

Chernobyl Diaries is in theaters on May 25th.

Yeah! ‘True Blood’ Season Five Premiere Almost Here…

True Blood' season 5 premieres on HBO on Sunday 10 June at 9 PM ET.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Check Out The Killer Trailer for “Corpse Grinders 3”

“Corpse Grinders 3” is Ted V. Mikel’s latest installment in the Corpse Grinders series which is in production right now in Spain. Check out the trailer…
An American entrepreneur comes to Spain to build a new Lotus Cat Food factory and establishes the company in a small Spanish town. The new Lotus doesn’t do too well until they accidentally add a special ingredient to the food — human flesh, ground up into a mash. Soon the cats that eat Lotus not only attack people, but also transform into hideous mutated cat-monsters.”

What Did Stephen King Have To Say To Romney?

I received this email from and thought I would share since it shows how one of the worlds greatest horror story tellers thinks of the super rich Mitt Romney’s views.

Click the image to go to the entire text:

Evil Eternal By Hunter Shea

EvilEternal72lgOnly one priest can battle the ultimate evil!
An evil as ancient as time itself has arisen and taken root in New York City. Father Michael, the mysterious undead defender of the Church, answers the call to action from the Vatican, while Cain, a malevolent wraith that feeds on fear and blood, has taken the life and form of the city's mayor and readies a demonic army to ignite the apocalypse.
With an unlikely ally, Father Michael will prepare for the grim confrontation as he grapples with his sworn duty to God and the shreds of humanity left beating in his immortal heart. The time is ripe for Cain and the fulfillment of dark prophecies. Father Michael must battle Cain and his horde of demons in a final showdown that could very well herald the end of mankind.
Check it out here!
Copyright © 2012 Hunter Shea
All rights reserved — a Samhain Publishing, Ltd. publication

Cardinal Gianncarlo walked briskly to Pope Pius XIII’s office, his black robe billowing behind him. The sound of his quick and heavy footsteps echoed across the vast, marbled hallway. The day was bright and filled with promise, in stark contrast to the roiling cloud that had descended upon his fluttering heart.
The Cardinal was normally a stern man, authoritarian to those beneath him, unflappable in his sense of duty to the Lord. His parents, Italian citizens who had made the mistake of openly sympathizing with the Jewish plight during Word War II, had been murdered before his very eyes. At the age of seven, he had been placed in a Nazi death camp, managing to survive two years in brutal captivity until the Allied forces freed them all. He vowed to live the rest of his life in service to God and had done so with unequaled integrity and passion, earning the confidence of the leader of his blessed church.
The email from the lone priest of a small Vermont parish had turned his skin the color of spoiled milk when he had been urged by his secretary to open it just minutes ago. With a knot of dread cramping his stomach, he sped off to the Pontiff’s study. Time was of the essence. Time and –
He reached the library that doubled as the Pontiff’s main office and study, and with unsteady hands rapped loudly on the massive oak door. Like the architectural design of the entire Vatican Palace, the door was a study in elegant simplicity. The wizened voice of Pope Pius XIII beckoned him to enter.
“Sorry to disturb you, but something urgent just came in that I think you should see,” Cardinal Gianncarlo said with a slight stammer.
The Pope looked at the Cardinal and knew. The exact details of the message were still a mystery to him, but the outcome, of that he was sure. The Cardinal thought he detected a slight flickering of the light, the fire that had made him one of the most dynamic popes in centuries, behind his old friend’s eyes.
Pope Pius XIII unfolded the printout with trembling, liver-spotted fingers and read the extensive message. When he was finished, he looked up at his old friend. Deep lines of great sadness etched across his brow.
“So, the inevitable has come back to hound us,” the Pope said.
“As much as it pains me to say, yes.”
With a heavy sigh, the Pope slumped back in his chair.
“How long has it been since the last appearance? Twenty, thirty years?”
“Nothing since Jonestown. Well over two decades of praying the evil was finally gone forever,” the Cardinal answered.
“What has no life can never die, my friend. I had hoped to have passed on to our Father’s arms before this office was faced with such a situation, but we both well know life is never quite what we plan it to be. I’m an old man now. Do I have the strength to go through this again?”
The Pope shrugged, the weight of time and responsibility bearing down on his brittle, sagging shoulders. He had served the office of pope for over thirty years, no small feat. He recalled his days as a young man, fresh from the seminary in his first parish in Bergamo, Italy. That young man would never have even dreamed to be what he would one day become. And no one could have guessed the true secrets that lay in store for his discovery when he ascended to the papacy.
“Would you like me to get Father Michael?”
Cardinal Gianncarlo had to resist the urge to pull him close, offering comfort for a man who had dedicated his life to bringing peace and comfort to millions. They were different men the last time, when the beast within Jim Jones was sent to hell, but not before so much had been lost, terrible choices forced to be made, too many lives lost. It had changed them, added years and unbearable pain to their souls.
The old Pope shook his head.
“That is my duty. At my age, it will surely be my final call. Let the burden of the nightmares rest with me. I only ask that you sit and pray.”
The Cardinal settled into a plush leather chair and the Pope offered his hand across the large, neatly arranged desk. In silence, the two men prayed while life outside his windows carried on, ignorant to the dark shadows gathering at the earth’s edge.

The Nightcrawler By Mick Ridgewell

NightcrawlerThe72smWherever you run…he’s waiting for you!

Scott Randall is a corporate VP on top of the world. To celebrate a massive new deal, he’s going to drive from Detroit to LA. But before he leaves, he makes a bad mistake. He cruelly dismisses a homeless panhandler on the street. Along the road, he swears he sees the panhandler again. Then again. And again. Soon he sees the man—who calls himself the Nightcrawler—even in his dreams. No matter how frantically he tries, Scott can’t escape his relentless pursuer. He thought he was going to LA. But the Nightcrawler has a very different destination in mind.

Check it out here!

Copyright © 2012 Mick Ridgewell
All rights reserved — a Samhain Publishing, Ltd. publication

   Outside, the din of the city came as a welcome change to the numbing silence of the office tower. The heat however was stifling. Scott struggled with his computer and briefcase while trying to remove his jacket. He slung the garment over his shoulder. His mood soared. He took a deep breath of the stale, Motor City air. Not even the midday Detroit smog could diminish his euphoria. His accomplishment would be unparalleled at Cobra Exotics. Add to that, he could finally take a week or two to relax. Relax and bask in the pleasure of that knowledge.
   His eyes followed a blonde wearing tight shorts until she disappeared from sight, then he turned and walked directly into someone. He gave a halfhearted apology, not bothering to see whom he had bumped into, not until the odor registered in his brain. It was the scent of decay, of mold or old newspapers decomposing in a wet basement. It was stink, to an infinite degree.
   He looked at the dirtiest human he had ever seen. The man wore soiled jeans that were more charcoal gray than blue, and a gray overcoat. The overcoat in the heat of midsummer looked out of place. His greasy hair hung over his ears and had definitely not seen a comb in ages. His unshaven face had deep creases, hollow cheeks and jaundiced looking eyes.
   The bum held out his grimy hand. “Spare some change?”
   Scott sidestepped the vagrant without acknowledging him and tried to stride by. He stopped when a hand firmly grasped his arm just above the elbow. His anger boiled over as he spun around and met the piercing stare of the panhandler.
   “You were there, I saw you run,” the hobo said.
    “Get away from me,” Scott uttered, jerking his arm free. His anger had abated, replaced by fear. He didn’t know why he feared this man. He had no idea what the man meant by his accusation. Nevertheless, Scott saw something in those eyes that scared him.
   “You didn’t see her face,” the bum said, his wide-eyed gaze drilling through the younger man standing before him. “I still see her face.”
   “Just buzz off, “Scott croaked.
   “Okie-dokie,” the bum replied. He cocked his finger like a gun and clicked his tongue while pulling an imaginary trigger. Without another word or even a second look, the bum walked away and in moments faded into the pedestrian throng.
   Scott brushed the sleeve of his shirt where the filthy hand had been as though he could simply whisk the whole encounter away. The man’s face, those eyes were burned into the backs of Scott’s eyes and he squeezed them shut in an attempt to banish the image. He couldn’t fathom a soul beneath that repulsive exterior. He didn’t really consider him a person. It was a thing, just street vermin. They should exterminate it with the rest of the creatures prowling the streets and alleys. After a few steps along the sidewalk in the opposite direction, he stopped to look back over his shoulder. Scott felt the need to make sure the bum was gone.
   He resumed his walk and put the incident out of his mind. This was the beginning of his vacation and he wasn’t going to let one unpleasant altercation ruin his day. The only thing he needed concern himself with was what to do next.
   It was much too early in the day to go sit in a hotel room. He couldn’t imagine himself watching Oprah, or Ellen. He had no idea what people watched at this time of day. If he were in LA, he would be in the office, or meeting with a client. He wouldn’t be watching TV. Before he got to the end of the block his shirt clung to his skin, damp with perspiration. Sweat beaded his face and stung his eyes. He needed to get out of the suit.
In his room, Scott immediately set up his laptop, then changed into shorts and a golf shirt while his computer booted. He sent emails to the office indicating the deal went much better than expected. After checking his voice-mail messages, he hit the street again.
   He had lunch on the patio of Antonio’s Pasta House, a place plucked right out of a World War II movie. It had small circular tables with red and white checkered tablecloths on the sidewalk in front. The waitress wore a knee-length skirt and a white apron, her long dark hair tied back in a ponytail. She wasn’t pretty, but with the right makeup and lighting he thought she could look okay.
   Relaxing with a glass of iced tea after lunch, he recognized the same foul smelling bum he bumped into earlier, now standing across the street. When the man saw Scott look at him, a yellow smile riddled with gaps noticeable across the fifty-yard separation, added to his unsightly appearance. The bum again pointed his finger like a gun, winked, then trundled up the sidewalk and out of sight…

Unwelcome Bodies By Jennifer Polland

71_largePain. Pleasure. The sensation of touch…we feel everything through our skin, that delicate membrane separating “I” from “other,” protecting the very essence of self. 

Until it breaks. Or changes. Or burns. 

What would you do if you were the one called on to save humanity, and the price you had to pay was becoming something other than human? Or if healing your body meant losing the only person you’ve ever loved? 

Wander through worlds where a woman craves even a poisonous touch…a man’s deformities become a society’s fashion…genetic regeneration keeps the fires of Hell away…and painted lovers risk everything to break the boundaries of their caste system down. 

Separate your mind from your flesh and come in. Welcome… 

check it out here!

find out about the author at Apex Publishing

Dogfighters Under The Hill By Alex Beecroft

UnderTheHill-Dogfighters72lgSamhain Publishing is bringing Alex Beecroft’s Dogfighters Under The Hill sci-fi novel to gay alternative genre fans on all formats of ebook. There is even a tease warning that this book sets you up for a bittersweet ending. I love those kind of endings!

Fight a fire-breathing dragon with a wooden airplane? It’ll take a madman...

Under the Hill, Part 2

Kidnapped by the faerie queen, Ben is confronted with his own supernatural heritage, a royal family and a lover he doesn’t remember. His first instinct is to turn his back on them all and get back to Earth. Compared to this, Chris and his wacky cohorts seem almost…normal.
Back on Earth, Chris Gatrell is having trouble convincing the police that he didn’t do away with Ben and hide the body. Determined not to lose another sweetheart to the elves’ treachery, he presses his motley crew of ghost hunters to steal a Mosquito bomber…and prays the ghosts of his WWII crew will carry them through the portal to Ben’s rescue.
Meanwhile, Chris’s elf-trapped WWII love, Geoff, has a dragon and he’s not afraid to use it. If only he could be entirely sure which of the elf queens is the real enemy—the one whose army is poised to take back planet Earth for elf-kind.
In the cataclysmic battle to come, more than one lover—human and elf alike—may be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice.

check it out here

At The End Of Church Street By Gregory L. Hall

E-ChurchStreetCover-250x375Belfire Press has announced they will be bringing Gregory L. Hall’s vampire novel At The End Of Church Street to vamp fans everywhere.

For a limited time, you can purchase a digital download ofAt The End of Church Street at Smashwords for $0.99 using the code LX48T at the check out.

Desperate, costumed homeless kids or the blood drinking undead that have survived in legend for thousands of years? At the End of Church Street takes you to the forgotten that huddle in an abandoned theatre in the shadows of a tourist wonderland. The Vampires of Orlando.

Discarded and starving, Rebecca joins her new family and is reborn. As a Goth, she soon revels in the lifestyle of 'no rules'. Love whoever you want. Seek whatever high you wish. Live forever young. Every night is an adventure-hunting down tourists, challenging the local police, screaming to the world vampires really exist. They finally get the television coverage they crave to ensure the respect they've been denied. It's Neverland.

...Until the first murder.

There's someone else hiding in the darkness. Goth kids are found beheaded with wooden stakes pounded through their chests. The hunters have become the hunted. As the bodies pile up, Rebecca and the Family are forced to ask 'Who do you turn to, who can you trust, when the only person who believes you're an actual vampire is a vampire killer?'
This is not your father's Nosferatu. This is not teen romance disguised as horror with prom date vampires. Welcome to a world you already know. Welcome to the world at the end of Church Street.

check it out here!

Horror Project “The Graveyard Menace” Looking For Funding

A feature length independent horror film directed by Paul A. Brooks and starring Chase Cavalera. The project is currently in pre-production.
The Story - On Halloween night in a small town, the beautiful Ramona and her group of friends head to the local cemetery to conduct a dangerous séance. But when an ancient, other-worldly creature known as The Graveyard Menace is accidentally unleashed, Ramona gets much more than she bargained for. As news of The Menace spreads, he is forced to do battle with a motley gang of Nazis, while Ramona searches for the truth surrounding the origins of this mysterious beast.

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“Saturday Morning Massacre” Debuts at L.A Film Fest

“Saturday Morning Massacre” is Scooby-Doo with actual bloody horror. Described as a bloody parody to Saturday morning cartoon shows Director Spencer Parson’s flick will make it’s debut at the L.A Film Fest next month.
In Saturday Morning Massacre, a team of amateur paranormal investigators struggle to make ends meet by debunking reports of supernatural incidents. With the group on the verge of bankruptcy, Nancy takes on a case involving rumors of suspicious disappearances and violent deaths linked with the abandoned Kyser schoolhouse. Discounting rumors of satanic practices the team proceeds, desperately chasing cash and the opportunity to encounter their lives’ work – to catch a real ghost.
On a tour guided by the local sheriff, the team learns of the schoolhouse’s gruesome past. Despite his advice to spend the night in a hotel, the team decides to stay; they set up their gear and prepare for nightfall. When the sun goes down, the truth comes out: the Kyser house isn’t haunted – it’s inhabited by a sadistic feral family with an insatiable appetite for torture.


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David Szy’s “Devil’s Tree” In Pre Production

devils-tree-movieWriter/Director David Szy (The App Killer) has begun pre production for his upcoming horror film titled “Devil’s Tree”.

Currently in talks are actors: Hazel D’Jan, Robert Toretto, Siboney Lo, and Pau Masó. A release date has not yet been confirmed but shooting is set to go underway by early 2013.
A team of paranormal researchers tries to investigate the whereabouts of Susan, a beautiful woman that disappeared a year ago near her house in a place called DEVIL’S TREE. What they don’t know is that dark forces are lurking, and if they go on with their investigation they accidentally the could bring the Armageddon to earth.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First stills and Poster Release For “Roadside”

Eric England’s “Roadside” already has my interest peaked. Aside from the cross-hairs poster view posted by BD the Facebook has a poster that simply says “They Are Fucked”. How can you not be interested in that situation. The thriller stars Ace Marrero, Katie Stegeman, Jack E. Curenton, Alan Pietruszewski, Lionel D. Carson and Marshall Yates. “Roadside is scheduled for a fall 2012 release.
“Roadside, is a high concept thriller that finds Dan Summers and his pregnant wife, Mindy, in a fight for their lives when they are held hostage in their car by an unseen gunman on the side of a desolate mountain road.”

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My Review Of “Straw Dogs” 2011

StrawDogs-DVD-CoverArt     “Straw Dogs” is a remake of the 1971 cult classic starring Dustin Hoffman. I must admit that I have not seen the original so my review is based totally on the 2011 version as it is.. This version stars Kate Bosworth, James Marsden, and Alexander Skarsgard just to name a few of Hollywood’s elite that appear in this film. There are several top names in the grindhouse styled thriller.
     Set in Blackwater, Mississippi the story throws up so many red flags that would say “ stop-turn around- go back” to any sane city person. Right from the moment this film starts there is an air of emasculation that you feel as the couple enter the city limits where ruff neck politics and testosterone rule. Especially having experienced such emotion personally as a Southerner who has ventured many times into places where the environment was not so warming.
“Straw Dogs” has a steady slow build to a brutal climax of intense fear. The irony of this viewing experience for me is the fact that I found every man in Blackwater suspicious and untrustworthy. Like red lights flashing in my brain in almost every scene where the couple intermingles with the locals, even though Kate plays a hometown girl returning after the death of her father and a recent hurricane to restore the family home. Now for the ironic part, I come from a small town, lived the majority of my life in small towns nestled in the deep south and yet I became prejudiced against these “straw dogs”.
      The downside to this film for me was the fact that it takes nearly 50 minutes for the movie to become dramatically interesting. The violence and rape aside, “Straw Dogs” walks a close line of stereotyping rural cultures that tend to flow differently than “civilized” city life. The crude barbaric depiction of Southern men as sex offending ill-tempered ruff necks next to women who are objectified and demoralized almost become intolerable but even with this aspect, the suspense and intensity of this film as a thriller can not be denied. “Straw Dogs” does what it sets out to do – keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. The last 25 minutes of this film are almost worth the wait!

Official Trailer 3 For “The Dark Knight Rises”

The third trailer for “The Dark Knight Rises” has Bane escaping, taking down the bat and sending a sense of dread through Gotham. As the Dark Knight proves his is still in the game coming back after Bane, Catwoman and more beg for him to back down. The Batman never backs down. I must admit that I was not all that into “The Dark Knight” but this flick really has me jonesing for the Bat.
The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters on July 20.

The Dark Knight Rises

“No Tell Motel”

“No Tell Motel” is complete. The film is directed by Brett Donohwo and stars Angel McCord, John Hawkes, Chalie Howes, Andrew MacFarlane, Chelsey Reist. I hope like a lot of British horror films in the past this one is just as gruesome and chilling.
Secrets we keep from each other can come back to haunt us: NO TELL MOTEL is a compelling story of isolation, desperation, and the darkest kind of redemption. The old Horak place, an abandoned roadside motel tucked away in the woods just off Route H is the stuff of local legend. The place where little Angela Horak got run down in the middle of the road. Of course, that was nothing compared to what happened to her parents afterwards. It’s not exactly the ideal place to get stranded. But that’s exactly what happens to adorable Megan Walsh and her four teenage friends when their RV gives up the ghost. With no other options, the group reluctantly decides to hole up for the night in the crumbling motel’s mysteriously organized Room Six. It isn’t long though, before Megan and her friends discover they’re not alone…

“The Evil Inside” Is Completed

“The Evil Inside” comes from Blieberg Entertainment and is directed by Pearry Teo. The supernatural thriller stars Lala Hensley, James Adam Lim, Matthew Mercer, Jennifer Zhang, Tara Strand, Rayne Bidder, Sage Howard.
Sarah, a teen with a history of mental illness, has a jarring premonition of her friends' impending deaths one night at a sleepover. As her houseguests begin to turn murderously against each other, Sarah must determine whether her visions represent the preventable or the inevitable... or something entirely more sinister.

“Sorority Party Massacre” In Post Production

Finally in post production “Sorority Party Massacre” is directed by Chris W. Freeman, Justin Jones and stars Kevin Sorbo, Leslie Easterbrook, Ed O'Ross.
When a city detective follows a missing persons investigation to a sleepy mountain town, he finds himself protecting a group of weekend warrior sorority girls from a ruthless, brilliant serial killer.
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“Wasteland” Cannibalizing The Future

Directed by Kantz “Wasteland” is in post production and due out sometime this year.
It's the near future and we've finally done it. The chemicals that we have been pumping into the environment have caused our ecosystem to fail and collapse. Known as 'Black Sunday', hundreds of dust storms or 'Black Blizzards' occurred throughout the World First it was the land to go barren, then it was the animals who were brought to the edge of extinction and finally the death toll of man is in the hundred of millions. Keo Tanaka and his family are trying to adjust to this world gone wrong when group of religious zealots, simply named The Church, pay them an unwelcome visitor. Brutalized and tortured, The Church lead by the enigmatic Caine, leave him and his wife for dead and carry his son off for some unholy purpose. Now it’s 17 years later and the world has only gotten worse. Cannibalism has spread like wildfire and Scavengers, Mutants and unknown horrors that lurk beneath the sand are now threats of everyday life. Still alive and hardened by years of searching, Keo has finally come close to finding The Church and exacting his revenge. First he must make it through all the horrors the Wasteland has in store for him. “WASTELAND” is a non-stop sci-fi adventure of a man who has lost everything and what he will endure for a little piece of mind.

“The Glass Man” In Post Production

Neve Campbell’s new thriller “The Glass Man” is in post production and scheduled for release later this year. Starring: Neve Campbell, Lames Cosmo, Andy Nyman and directed by Cristian Solimeno.

Mild-mannered Martin Pyrite (Andy Nyman, “Black Death,” “Death at a Funeral”) is your typical well-to-do middle class businessman. He gets up for work every morning, eats breakfast provided by his beautiful wife, Julie (Neve Campbell, “Scream” series, TV’s “Party of Five”), before setting off for work. What is not typical of Martin is that Martin lost his job months ago, and he has yet to tell Julie. To avoid dealing with the shame of no longer being the provider, he continues the façade of getting up, eating breakfast, and going to work, even though he has no place to go.

He returns to his former place of work to try and reason with his ex-boss to take him back, but his ex-boss refuses and has security escort him out. When Martin returns home, Julie confronts him about a phone message Martin received from a woman at work, saying she was “sorry for what happened.” Julie thinks it’s someone Martin is having an affair with. Martin tells her she is being silly, but he is still unable to tell her the truth, that he is unemployed and his co-worker was sorry that he was fired.
Having spent his savings and borrowed money to keep up appearances, the net closes tighter on a desperate Martin, until one night a burly debt collector by the name of Pecco (James Cosmo, TVs “Game of Thrones,” “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”) comes calling. Taking pity on the docile Martin, Pecco offers him a deal-- assist him with some business that his partner has dropped out of this evening, and he will consider Martin’s debt repaid. The catch is that Martin cannot ask what this particular business will entail.

Fearing losing his wife, and perhaps his own life, Martin accepts the offer and soon finds himself taking orders from the shotgun-toting Pecco, no questions asked. Through the course of the evening, the thin veil of Martin’s sanity slips away, as everything Martin knows to be true and values is destroyed. Pecco leads him down a road of madness and murder, with a twist ending that has to be seen to be believed!

“Orc Wars” Take On The American West

13413“Orc Wars” is currently in production from Highland Films Group and will tell the story of an ex- Marine who purchases a ranch in the American West only to find trespasser's among which he discovers one is an elf princess. The Marine must give up his seclusion to once again be hero to fight back an army of Orcs who plan to destroy the world with dark magic.

“Orc Wars” is directed by Khol Glass and stars Maclain Nelson.

Ethan Hawke VS. Time Traveling Terrorists

13418From Darclight Films “Predestination” has Ethan Hawke facing time traveling terrorists attempting to protect our past and future! This film is in pre-production and should be later this year. “Predestination” will be directed by the Spierig Brothers.

A riveting adventure through time with two detectives from a secret government time traveling agency designed to prevent future killers and terrorists from committing their crimes.


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