Crowd funding has begun on indie, paranormal thriller
“The Rectory”. The film is set in 1937 England with principle photography is set to start in Los Angeles and England in the fall of 2014. “The Rectory” is written and directed by Jonathan Chance and set to star Crispian Belfrage, Jason Vail, David Hogan and Angela DiMarco. The campaign is set up over on
Indiegogo.com so head over and check out the perks for funding support.
For one year Harry Price has the key to the notoriously most haunted house in England. Borley Rectory. A notice in The Times is given to the public urging fifty candidates to exercise an experiment to find out the truth of the house. The bizarre accounts increase per group bound under contract to keep quiet. As the candidates enroll the house shadowed in mystery begins to take on a life of it's own.
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