Check out the viral video for OmniCorps products and tease for latest invention that combines Human Resources with state of the art Technology. This is just the first for a long line of advertising to come for the newest reboot/remake/revision craze. “Robocop” is scheduled for Aug. 9th 2013 but the campaign leading up to the future release of this reboot by Jose Padilha has began.
OmniCorp: “For a half-century, these words have set the framework upon which OmniCorp has aimed to build a brighter world.
We don’t do passive technology. At OmniCorp, our solutions generate a beacon of safety that we shine upon on the dangers of the day. No matter the obstacle – political, cultural, philosophical – we pursue our convictions around the globe to secure peace of mind at home. And when this requires bold new direction, we never allow doubt to shrink our duty. When your quality of life is in the balance, our leadership team will tip the scales.
Our products have elevated your lives. Our people have inspired your future. Our passion will always be at your side.”
Starring Joel Kinnaman as Alex Murphy, Hugh Laurie as the CEO of OmniCorp, Gary Oldman as the scientist-creator and Samuel L. Jackson as the media mogul.

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