The Faceless by Simon Bestwick
In the Lanchashire town of Kempforth, people are vanishing. Mist hangs heavy in the streets, and in those mists moved the masked figures the local kids called the Spindly Men. When two-year-old Roseanne Trevor disappears, Detective Chief Inspector Renwick vows to stop at nothing until she finds her. In Manchester, terrifying visions summon TV pyschic Allen Cowell and his sister Vera back to they town they swore they'd left forever. And local historian Anna Mason pieces together a history of cruelty and exploitation almost beyond belief, born out of the horrors of war - while in the decaying corridors and lightless rooms of a long-abandoned hospital above town, something terrible is waiting for them all.

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Pitch by William Ollie
October 1968
Life is good for a group of seventh graders known as the High Street Boys: fall has arrived; Halloween is just around the corner. A brand new scary movie is coming to town and they can't wait to see it. But life won't stay good for long, for soon the High Street Boys will learn a secret that will change their lives forever. Deep inside a cave on Ward Rock Mountain, Scratch waits for a bargain to be fulfilled, struck one dark Halloween night when the demon saved river-rat gambler William Pitch from an angry lynch mob. Every thirteen years, Pitch has returned with his grisly bounty, and each time he's left, a little piece of Scratch has left with him.
Now, sixty-five years later, the demon waits impatiently for Pitch to complete the final leg of his journey. This year, business will be concluded, all accounts settled. It's time for Scratch to rejoin the world.

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