One song, hidden underneath the Egyptian sands, could bring the promise of immortality and fame, or the end of us all, in Jeremy Wagner’s debut novel The Armageddon Chord. Check out the blurb below:
“The music was to be a battle cry heard around the world and throughout Heaven and Hell. It would summon and release Sethis and call out his dark legions to destroy all those who had light in their hearts…”
Deep beneath the Egyptian sands, an ancient and evil song written in hieroglyphics is discovered in the long lost and buried pyramid of the demonic pharaoh, Aknaseth. It is written, that if this song is performed for the world to hear, it will unleash the Apocalypse upon the world of man…Satan will reign and grant immortality to the chosen.
With the help of the abominable Egyptologist, Helmut Hartkopff, nihilistic multi-billionaire, Festus Baustone the Third will do whatever it takes to bring the song to life at any cost—even if his only daughter is to be sacrificed.
Kirk Vaisto, dubbed the “God of Guitar” by his millions of fans, soon finds himself caught between the forces of divine good and monumental evil. Vaisto begins a musical journey that takes him from an unholy chapter in ancient Egyptian history to the very remains of the Holy Cross, to the concert stage, and beyond all this, to the very edge of Hell itself.
Will Kirk Vaisto give the performance of a lifetime and either deliver our world from evil…or he will annihilate us all with the stroke of his hand?
What will happen when Kirk Vaisto strikes The Armageddon Chord?
Find out more over at Knight Romance Publishing.
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