These three were worshipped in the great joint temple on the Capitoline Hill of Rome, usually called the temple of the Capitoline Triad or the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus ("Bestest and Greatest Jupiter"), as His was the central of the three cellae (temple chambers). This temple had very ancient origins—tradition ascribes it to Tarquinius Priscus, an early King of Rome said to have ruled in the late 6th century BCE and considered more legendary than historic. Juno had Her cella to the left, Minerva to the right; and in this temple were also two smaller shrines to the God Terminus and Goddess Iuventas, who had been a part of a sanctuary to multiple Gods formerly on the site and who refused to move! Each of the Triad had Her/His own hearth-altar, and though it is not known for sure what the cult-statues of Juno and Minerva looked like, they were probably of the same style and early date as Jupiter's, which was of Etruscan workmanship and made in terracotta.
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