Saturday, June 15, 2013

“The Dinner Guest” Meets Crowd Funding Goal

TDGposterNight Walker Cinema’s first feature film “The Dinner Guest” has met it’s crowd funding goal. With less than 8 hours to go the project surpassed it’s target on Indiegogo. “The Dinner Guest” is a suspense thriller from indie filmmakers Joseph Dean Martinez and James Neff who formed the production company Night Walker. After producing two short films the duo have moved to the next logical step – into feature films. “The Dinner Guest” is considered to be dark and brooding. The story follows a young couple’s plans for a special evening are suddenly interrupted by an unexpected visitor. Already the film has special effects being provided by Syfy alumni Eric Fox. Check out the promo teaser for “The Dinner Guest” below.

Oh Chucky How You Tease!

CurseofChuckyThe biggest sequel news, that has been running wild with sinewy goodness lately, has been all the hype around “Curse Of Chucky”.  The film has been “in the making” for a good minute now but it seems since the first whisper everything has been simply speculated. When the first mentioning of this project coming to fruition hit the web it was under the shadow of rumor. Thrilled is what I was when that bit was officially confirmed. The most that has come lately – up until these past several weeks- was that it was happening-production notes-cast member updates and progress reports. Now it seems that more word is oozing out the dark regions of Chuckyverse. Not only word but vision. Beautifully cryptic vision in the form of production stills and behind the scene shots. All of which started when young miss Fiona Dourif posted a shot on her Instagram of the soundtrack. Incidentally that gave us our first ominous glimpse at the new Chucky.

What is the point of this seemingly ramble of mine? Well there is no point-only the fact that now after several days of stills and news I am fucking super amp’d about this flick. But when will we see this “next nightmare” in the world of Chucky vision.?! Well that to lives under the shadow of rumor and whisper. It more than likely will happen September 24th but that is not confirmed… not officially anyways. It hasn’t actually been truly denied yet either. Anyway that bit of uncertainty only heightens  my already throbbing jones for this film. Plus there have been these cool and creepy but never revealing images coming from the set of “Curse Of Chucky”. Check them out for yourself. I for one am hoodoo’d by Charles Lee Ray’s little dolly voodoo. “Curse of Chucky” is directed by Don Mancini and stars –not only Fiona Dourif but also- A Martinez, Danielle Bisutti, Brennan Elliott, and Brad Dourif.

Nica (Fiona Dourif) is grieving over the gruesome suicide of her mother when her domineering older sister Barb (Danielle Bisutti) arrives with her young family in tow to help settle their mother’s affairs. As the sisters butt heads over Nica’s plans for the future, Barb’s young daughter comforts herself with a grinning, red-haired talking doll named Chucky (voiced again by Brad Dourif) that recently arrived mysteriously in the mail. But as a string of brutal murders begins to terrorize the household, Nica suspects the doll may hold the key to the bloodshed. What she doesn’t know is that Chucky has a personal score to settle. He’s determined to finish a job he started more than 20 years earlier, and this time he’s going to see it through to the bloody and shocking end.

(image source:
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Tony Moran Signs On For “Dead Bounty”

tony-moran-2Horror icon Tony Moran stars in the upcoming film “Provoked” directed by Jordan Pacheco. I have an interview coming up with the legend-which will mark my first ever podcast-Kind of nervous about that. It will be my first time coming close “even if it is virtual” to Michael Myers and I don’t want to die! ; )  Anyway besides the paranormal thriller mentioned Moran has signed on for the second feature from “Provoked” production company Lock it Down Productions. The film is titled “Dead Bounty”. Read the details in the press release below. 

June 15, 2013
RE: Horror Feature staring Tony Moran - “Dead Bounty”
The team behind the much anticipated independent horror feature, “Provoked” (due to premiere Fall 2013), has a new horror feature in the works. Lock it Down Productions is excited to announce, “Dead Bounty” which will begin filming in the Fall of 2013.

“Dead Bounty”, Directed by Jordan Pacheco and Produced by David Langill, will star horror icon Tony Moran. Moran is best known for playing Michael Myers in John Carpenter's horror classic “Halloween” “Dead Bounty” follows a group of bounty hunters as they head into a vast New England forest in hopes to capture a dangerous fleeing felon. Closing in on their quarry, the group encounters more than just a murderer on the run when they are confronted with a seemingly endless horde of the undead. With no shelter, no help and no end to the carnage, survival seems hopeless.

Also Tony Moran is working on a documentary titled “Life of a Horror Icon: Tony Moran” which I have been told will be a very staunch look at the legend’s life. Stating to Langill that “nothing was off limits”. October 2013 marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of “Halloween” and Moran is as busy as ever. During the Fall, besides filming, Moran will be making several personal appearances throughout the New England area.

Chilling Provocations Of Paranormal Piques: My Interview With Actress Kati Salowsky

kati salowskyKati Salowsky is – well – a hottie! With the charm of a truly grounded young woman and the features of a focused young Heather Locklear, with a bit of Indie scream queen Jessica Cameron thrown in, this budding actress is well on her way to solidifying a strong career. Kati has put in a fierce amount of time building a pretty buff resume. From print to television she seems to be well on her way to reaching her goals and dreams of acting. Kati told me in our recent interview that she can vividly remember being 3 years old and standing in front of her family-belting out the Disney standards. She has a theatre foothold so I am guessing she has the chops to cohere those “little princess” classics. Acting has always been the brightest star shining in this Massachusetts native's horizon. I venture to say that “Provoked” will prove that desire. “Provoked” isn’t the first horror trip that Kati Salowsky has taken, the actress also stars in the film "Gleam" with Sean Carmichael as well as "House Across The Street" with Eric Roberts and Ethan Embry. Not to mention the dark thriller “Mary Loss Of Soul” which is in post-production as well.

In Jordan Pacheco’s “Provoked”, also in post-production, Kati Salowsky plays paranormal investigator-Alexis- an assured, contemplative person whose determination is apropos to her friends-and the people she helps-well being. The film is a very intense paranormal thriller structured on a script that all involved contend to be a very chilling story. In my interview with Kati Salowsky we discuss her character in “Provoked”, her interest in the paranormal among other things. I have to say this Boston girl is a very interesting actress with a promising future-and oh as I said before – for all horror ghouls out there-she is a hottie.

ASouthernLife: In "Provoked" you play Alexis one of the paranormal investigators who takes it very serious, can you tell me a little more about the character and her relationship to the other investigators on the team?
Kati Salowsky: Alexis is focused primarily on the job at hand. Unfortunately, she is constantly distracted by her ex boyfriend who also happens to be on the paranormal team. This makes investigating a bit more difficult for her. She is, however, compassionate and cares strongly for the families that are affected by spirits and also for the rest of her coworkers always looking out for them.

ASouthernLife:  What did you most relate to about the character and how did you prepare for the role?
Kati Salowsky: I absolutely LOVE paranormal television shows. I watch almost every single show that's currently on TV--I find it fascinating! It wasn't hard for me to prepare for the role because it's (in reality) a position I've always wanted to be in!

ASouthernLife: How has it been learning all the techniques used for ghost hunting while filming?
Kati Salowsky: I knew what the equipment was that we were working with and also its purpose...but it was my first time really using it. It was cool to finally be investigating!

ASouthernLife:  How does it feel filming in the Lizzie Borden house and have you had any "experiences" on set or while hanging out in the house?
Kati Salowsky: Ugh. The Borden house creeped me the eff out. As soon as I walked in I had a weird feeling about it. The house just felt eerie. Our stunt coordinator, Anthony, wanted to give me a tour of the place--and I reluctantly agreed. After about 60 seconds of starting the tour I ran back downstairs because it was too scary for me!! I may love paranormal shows...but I'm such a wimp!!

ASouthernLife: In the story the team uses "questionable" methods to draw out the spirits in order to get evidence. How does your character feel about this decision?

Kati Salowsky: She hates it. Haha. She knows that provoking spirits is a bad sign. You'll see how she immediately realizes the danger in the film by her reactions to such methods.

ASouthernLife: Are there any scenes in the movie that your character is in that make you nervous? Every cast member says that the script is really scary.
Kati Salowsky: The script IS scary! They're right about that! There is a scene in particular that Alexis is in which gives me chills...but you'll have to see it to know what I'm talking about!

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ASouthernLife: This isn't your first time doing horror you have two others in different stages of production. Where you a big horror fan growing up and who is your favorite Scream Queen?

Kati Salowsky: Yes, I have done some horror films prior to working on Provoked. But honestly, horror films really do scare me! They are fun to play, but when I watch them I'm always the girl hiding behind her hands peeking through her fingers! Like I said before...giant wimp!! So I can't say I have any favorites--I was always to scared to figure it out!

ASouthernLife: What is your hometown and where do you call home now?
Kati Salowsky: I grew up in Chelmsford, Ma, but now I call Boston my home. No matter where I end up...I'll always be a Boston girl at heart :)

ASouthernLife:  Growing up did you know of a lot of haunted places in your town, if so did you ever explore them?
Kati Salowsky: There was one street "Dudley Road" in Billerica. The story was that there was a nunnery that had some rouge-nuns-turn-witch. The nuns were supposedly hung for their evil behavior. It is said that when you drive down Dudley Road weird things will happen. Example: If you stop the car under a certain tree it will have difficulty starting up again...and lights to one particular house will turn on and off. Odd things. My friends and I would drive down to see if anything would ever happen, but (being the wimp I am) never stuck around long enough to find out!

ASouthernLife: What is the scariest ghost story that you have ever heard?
Kati Salowsky: Possessions are the scariest BY FAR. Lorraine Warren (Demonologist) came to give a lecture at my college during Halloween once. She showed us pictures and told us stories of things she had seen during her investigations. The scariest stories were always of demons and their possessions. Ugh. Chills just thinking about it.

ASouthernLife: Who in the cast do you think would be the most scared by an encounter with a ghost?
Kati Salowsky: SEAN CARMICHAEL. Sorry, ya, but.....its true--besides me of course...;)

Friday, June 14, 2013

New Poster Released For “Reunion” Thriller

reunionI just received a new poster that has been released for the up coming thriller “Reunion” . The project is currently seeking production support at Indiegogo.
Reunion is an independent thriller/horror film spearheaded by a diverse team of professional industry veterans.

It's a cold, stormy and thunderous night. Trapped in his own home, former rock stars Brad Norton and Grant Foley prepare for the return of their infamous band when a strange woman, Mia, shows up at their door looking for her son she calls "Alan." Unbeknownst to them, she is guided by a dark spirit and is convinced Brad kidnapped her long-lost son.

The filmmakers have assembled an experienced crew from Emmy-award winning TV shows, studios such as Lionsgate, and feature films such as "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Star Trek: Into Darkness," and "The Dark Knight." Starting with a rock solid screenplay written by Bert Havird and led by Producer Thelonius Alexander and Director Shawn Chou, the philosophy of the filmmakers was to look for undiscovered talent that wouldn’t break the bank. After laboring through months of casting, they recruited talented up-and-coming actors Sarah Schreiber, Cara Santana, Reign Morton, Arielle Brachfeld and Leif Gantvoort. The independent movie also features a young heartthrob Jack Turner in his debut as well as veteran actor-producer Maria Olsen, who plays Mia, who is best known for her role as Mrs Dodds/The Fury in Fox’s “Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief”.

“We rely on our team’s passion and dedication to bring our vision to life,” says Shawn. “The most important thing is to tell a story about a ghost who tries to reunite his lookalike twin with this mysterious murderer. It’s filled with twists and turns. Ultimately, we ask tough questions about why people repress their memories to cope with life.”

Jack adds, “It's an incredibly interesting relationship to investigate with all its myriad complexities, amnesia, abuse and sexual tensions, and Maria is wonderful to act with.”

The film has plans for theatrical distribution and aims to break new boundaries in the thriller/horror genre. And why not? They have a great script, cast, crew, and an established formula in place. Join Team Reunion on their journey.

Reunion is raising $75,000.

Nightmare In Tina Land: A Photo Blog Of The Death Of Tina Gray

nightmare on elm street stills

Nightmare In Tina Land is a photo blog of the dead of Tina Gray. Tina was played by Amanda Wyss. She was the very first fatality of Freddy’s diabolic war on the children of Elm Street. Poor Tina – don’t you know that everybody has nightmares. The key is not to die! Tina’s nightmares where a dark journey down a blood soaked rabbit hole. Unfortunately for this little “Alice” Wonderland is made of fire and blades filled with the sounds of death.

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“I only dream in a brilliant white” -In Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.  Tina starts in a beautiful white environment but it isn’t a symbol of her clean pure bliss. She is moving away from the white serenity toward her fate. This is an omen for Tina Gray- to dream of such a bright white- It sings of death. Tina should have never went back to sleep. The poor child should be held up in some run down trailer park chasing the dragon and rambling of the burnt man with knives for fingers. Still singing 1-2 Freddy’s coming for you – but not me!
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Dreaming of a long corridor or hallway symbolizes the journey that one is one it the waking life. As Tina steps from her omen of white she finds herself walking down this very path to her future. A future that is dark, shadowy and full of uncertainty. Oh Tina-go back into the light!!!
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The lamb is a marker of innocence. Considering it too is in the dark corridor and fleeing shows that innocence is lost or is in transition. This is a very critical and dangerous time for the spirit-many things wait just beyond innocence to devour the naïve wanderer. Once there was a lamb as white as snow, it played- it sang- it’s fleece was gold, ah but soon this lamb did lose it’s way, the devil came to stay and stole it’s soul!
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Tina flees the omens of the white light surrounding her and the dark corridor, far from the little lamb, only to find herself disoriented within the damp confines of an old industrial building. She herself is somewhat lost and confused-trying to stay connected to herself. The fact that she seems to be fleeing from some one in her dream shows the fear of not knowing what the future holds. It holds death Tina!!!!!
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To find yourself dreaming of such fiery surroundings is a clear warning against current behaviors that may be risky or dangerous. To dream of a bad man means that someone is feeling a little guilty about recent actions. Maybe getting laid wasn’t such a good idea after all. Or maybe it is a feeling that someone around you is not a good person and could be leading you down a wrong path. Either way it is a real fuck-all moment. Tina ran from her pursuer but she couldn’t run from her dreams. Freddy do love a lost child! A but fortunately for Tina she survived that night’s frightful dreamfest!
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Poor Tina why did you have to go and fall asleep again! Now you got someone tapping at your window on a night when the air is blue. The fact that Tina is dreaming of a someone outside her window shows clear signs of not feeling to optimistic about her current state of affairs or future journey. The window actually being broke screams omen. It means that bad things are ahead, tread lightly or take a moment to decide if this particular journey is worth traveling at all. Oh Tina don’t go outside!
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Facing the bad man. Poor Tina is forced to confront the dark side of path in the form of a psycho killer- a horribly burnt man with knives as fingers! These are your God now Tina. You have gone too far on this reckless path and sadly you must now die. 1-2 Freddy has done came for you!
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Ah to be attacked in our dreams. It is not a good thing. It symbolizes an emotional flux. This are no longer balanced and we struggle between who we where and who we are to become. The key to take control of the attacker and not let them win. Sadly there is no kung-fu awakening in Tina. She is defenseless against her fears. Don’t worry though Tina soon Freddy will take all that hurt and pain away!
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The Death Of Tina Gray! This “Alice” never survived her journey through the rabbit hole, her adventures in Wonderland or the struggle to get back home. Freddy came, Tina screamed and the blood flowed. A lot of blood flowed. It soaked the room. It is never coming out of those sheets and you might as well plan on buying some new wallpaper as well!

Trailer For “The Last Will And Testament of Rosalind Leigh”

rosalind leigh“The Last Will And Testament Of Rosalind Leigh” hits DVD and Digital Download on July 30th. In anticipation of the supernatural horror flicks release a trailer has gone up. The film is directed by Rodrigo Gudiño and stars Aaron Poole, Vanessa Redgrave, Julian Richings, Stephen Eric McIntyre. Check out the official trailer below.

After the mysterious death of the reclusive Rosalind Leigh (Vanessa Redgrave), her estranged son, Leon (Aaron Poole), arrives at her house to take stock of his inheritance. But there's more to this house than dark corners and dusty antiques. Rosalind has left something behind...and it has been waiting for Leon. Now a force from beyond the grave will pursue him through a night of lurking terror and a desperate struggle to survive.

Check Out “Don’t Go To The Reunion” Trailer And Reserve Your Copy Today

don't go to the reunionDon’t Go To The Reunion” is Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield’s first feature length horror. They have had critical acclaim with several horror shorts that seemed to embody the modern contemporary slasher film. So it is only natural that the duo take the next step to feature films.

"Don’t Go To The Reunion” tells the story of Scott Rantzen, a horror movie loving misfit who is teased by the popular students in school. When a date with the very popular and very beautiful Erica Carpenter (Stephanie Leigh Rose) backfires, he feels as though his life is ruined. Ten years later, the gang reunite for their class reunion. Little do they know that someone is waiting for them and ready to see that they pay for what they did. Is Scott back for revenge and will the old gang survive to tell the tale? It’ll be more gore for Class of 04.

An official trailer was recently uploaded to the Slasher Studios site along with several production stills from the film. Plus the DVD is now available for pre-order. As a special bonus, the first 50 slasher fans that preorder get a signed 11 x 17 poster of the film signed by the filmmakers (or not signed, your choice) absolutely free. Hurry on the special deal because they are limited. All orders will ship on or around August 15th and the special features are tentative as followed:

* Audio Commentary with the filmmakers
* Theatrical Trailer
* Teaser Trailer
* Blooper Reel
* “Class of 2004″ Yearbook
* Audition Reels
* Insert featuring the amazing work of the runner-up contest winner, Jeff Quick
* Slasher Studios short films (Teddy, Popularity Killer, Blood Brothers)

Massacre Video To Release Controversial “Snuff 102”

snuff 102Massacre Video posted on their site that they would be releasing Argentinian director Mariano Peralta’s controversial film “Snuff 102”.

Press Release:

The two DVD set will boast a plethora of special features that underground film aficionados will sure appreciate! DVD/VHS and Hardbox editions will be available for this title!

First on sale will be the VHS edition(street date: 6/19/13), the VHS will be limited to 100 copies and will come on a clean white VHS tape!

The standard DVD for “Snuff 102″ will be ready at the end of June and will begin to ship early July! The DVD will be on sale at the “Days of the Dead” convention in Indianapolis, IN on 7/5-7/8! Hardbox edition will be limited to 66 copies, due to a mix up at the printer the “Snuff 102″ and “Savage Vengeance” hardboxes will be available at the same time, should be a few week wait after the DVD is out.

When a young journalist decides to investigate the macabre world of “snuff films”, the worst of destinations awaits her as she becomes the next on camera victim. Gagged, beaten and terrified; she will do anything to survive!

DVD Specifications
-Spanish Language with removeable English Subtitles
-Audio Commentary with director Mariano Peralta
-Extensive Cast Interviews
-Interview with director Mariano Peralta
-”Bits and Pieces” – Making of Featurette
-Deleted Scenes
-Stills Gallery
-Trailers for upcoming Massacre Video releases

Feed Your High With This Trailer For Sid Haig’s Crime Thriller

high on the hog

"High on the Hog", is an independent crime/thriller feature film about the struggle and triumphs of the modern cash crop farmer. Big Daddy (Sid Haig), a man larger than life, lives on his farm in a small mid-western town. In order to survive his trying times he started growing marijuana to save his family farm and to overcome the hardships in his life.

During his road to success, he delivers his product to the city and begins to adopt some strays that move to his farm to help him with his crop. Little does Big Daddy know that his biggest challenge still lies ahead. On a wild run to the city, his girls have an encounter that will change all their lives. His “drug cartel” is now a target of trigger-happy Agent Dick (Joe Estevez) & other Federal Agents from the big city. With the help of his trusted friends and townspeople Big Daddy’s family uses sex, drugs and rock-n-roll to make a stand and avoid the long arm of the law.

Check out the first trailer released for this sweet and sticky treat! The film is expected by released later this year and is directed by Tony Wash. The flick stars Sid Haig, Joe Estevez, Robert Z'Dar, Brenda-Marie Whitehead, Fiona Domenica, Siarra T. Mong, Katrina Hill, Adam Budron, Joette Waters, Walt Sloan, Danny Glenn, Jesse C Boyd, Shaun Vain and Emma Blyth.

Del Toro Talks Jaegers In New Featurette

Jaeger- first I think shots which result in embarrassing behavior followed by mind splitting headaches but then I think of giant robots kicking some monstrous alien ass!

Guillermo Del Toro discusses the concept behind the Jaegers in new featurette for “Pacific Rim”. The influences and passions of his childhood surrounding anime, along with the desire he has to bring into into modern live action for the west. Normally we have to turn to our Asia-Pacific genre brothers for kick ass mecha stuff-which is where I was introduced to this element of sci-fi as a kid. Check out the new featurette below. Del Toro is a testament to the fact that a genre fan doesn’t have to pick on single area to live and breathe. His ability to portray wonderful stories in fantasy, horror and sci-fi are inspiring and affirming.

“Pacific Rim” opens in 3D IMAX and standard theatres on July 12th and stars harlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Ron Perlman, Robert Kazinsky, Max Martini, Clifton Collins, Jr., Burn Gorman, Larry Joe Campbell, Brad William Henke and Diego Klattenhoff.

In the near future, giant monsters identified as "Kaiju" have risen from a portal in a crevasse beneath the Pacific Ocean, resulting in a war which takes millions of lives and quickly consumes humanity's resources. To combat this new threat, a special type of weapon is designed: massive robots, known as Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. As time passes, even the powerful Jaegers prove almost defenseless in the face of a relentless enemy. On its last stand and on the verge of defeat, the remaining defending forces of mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)—and the weapon they are teamed to pilot; a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the early trials of the mechanical titans. Together, man, woman and machine must stand as the human race’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

Conjuring The First TV Spot For James Wan’s Paranormal Horror

the conjuringThe first TV spot for James Wan’s “The Conjuring” has made it’s way into the light. The film stars Patrick Wilson (yum), Vera Farmiga and  Ron Livingston. The film is due out on July 19th.

Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren work to help a family terrorized by a dark presence in their farmhouse. Forced to confront a powerful entity, the Warrens find themselves caught in the most terrifying case of their lives.

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First Teaser For “Eat”

Eat-PosterCheck out the teaser trailer for the indie flick “Eat”. The existential psycho melodrama that flows into  dark satirical social commentary is directed by Jimmy Weber and stars Meggie Maddock, Ali Frances, Jeremy Make, Maru Garcia and Dakota Pike. The film plays heavy with the macabre. Based on the trailer it will be like watching the tragedy of a life in a horrific downward spiral. Can’t wait!

Novella McClure is like most struggling actresses in Los Angeles: she’s in her early 30s, her fake name sounded cooler ten years ago, and she hasn’t landed a role in three years.  To top it all off, she’s developed a disturbing habit of eating her own flesh.  Novella desperately tries to hide her strange condition from her motherly landlord, Eesha, and somewhat psychopathic best friend, Candice, but her body and mind continue to deteriorate in the depressing world of failed auditions and sketchy night clubs.  Can a romantic relationship with her psychiatrist prevent her from self destruction?  Or will her fatal habit continue to eat away at her?

Roller Derby Slasher Gets Distribution

murderdromePress Release:
Strongman Pictures Entertainment and Monster Pictures today announced that they have penned a deal to distribute Daniel Armstrong’s roller derby slasher flick, MurderDrome. The deal with Monster Pictures includes all distribution rights in the territories of Australia and New Zealand, as well as the UK and Ireland via Monster’s UK based office.

No timetable has been made public regarding release plans, although Monster Pictures have indicated that MurderDrome will be part of Monster Fest, the successful genre film festival Monster Pictures launched three years ago (initially launched as the Fantastic Asia Film Festival).
The producers of MurderDrome hope to seal further deals for territories throughout the rest of the world at the American Film Market later this year.

Synopsis: Roller derby dames take on supernatural evil. Cherry Skye just wants to skate, but the vengeful ghost of a killer has plans for her soul. Trapped between the wrath of love scorned and supernatural evil, Skye races towards The MurderDrome at breakneck speed. When she gets there there’s no guarantees anyone is coming out alive.

Welcome to The MurderDrome, it’s not a game anymore…

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Poster Released For “The Mangled”

The MangledLawrence W. Nelson II has released a new poster teasing his upcoming familial-slasher driven, psycho-drama “The Mangled”. The film boasts a pretty hefty indie cast and will be released through  Archstone Distribution.  The cast includes Bill Moseley, Michael Berryman, Sue Rock, Edwin Neal, John Dugan, Debbie Rochon, Elissa Dowling, Mindy Robinson, Juliet Reeves, Jim O’Rear, Megan Hauserman, Taya Parker, Morgan Lester, Heidi James, Rebecca Olejniczak, Sophie Gotberg and Hoyt Richards.

The Mangled tells the bloody tale of a simple farming family who is preparing to celebrate a 25th anniversary on a rainy night in Southern, Texas. When four twenty-somethings come pounding on their door desperate for help. One of them seriously injured. But as the night goes on, we find out the Bates have secrets of their own. (IMDb)

Check out the new poster below…

The Mangled poster

My Review Of “Alien Crash At Roswell: The Truth Lost In Time”

alien crashThe documentary “Alien Crash At Roswell: The Truth Lost In Time” comes from Reality Entertainment and is narrated by ‘Ancient Aliens’ Philip Coppens. This documentary focuses on Major Jessie Marcel whom discovered the crash that is now the epitome of Alien conspiracy references.  Roswell will never fade as it represents the true ushering in of the UFO phenomenon for time immemorial. “Alien Crash At Roswell” seeks deeper knowledge and understanding of the ordeal and situation that surrounded Mercel who became a scapegoat over the following controversy about the truth of the crash. In early July, 1947 Major Jesse Marcel, commander of the most technologically advanced bomb group in the world, discovered the crash site of a downed UFO in the New Mexico desert following a harrowing and record breaking storm.

Documentaries are rather biopic and walk a fine line between actual enlightenment against the marketable value of entertainment. Whether or not “Alien Crash At Roswell: The Truth Lost In Time” offers anything new to the mythos of the Roswell crash or rather anything new to Jesse Marcel’s story is something that I could not define. I love Alien and UFO conspiracies and stories but I am not a major buff when it comes to the multitude of information surrounding such topics. I can say that what info I gathered from this documentary was knowledge that I already heard from many other documentaries about the incident or people involved. I can say that it was entertaining as most documentaries about Aliens and UFO’s is to me. I enjoyed the added interviews from Marcel’s family members, most notably the descendants that bare his name.  After viewing this documentary I still don’t know if anything really new was discovered or if it adds to the collection of info already out there. Philip Coppens is fun to watch and his enthusiasm is obvious. He is someone that I have become familiar with through the television series that he is attached to- ‘Ancient Aliens’.  Check “Alien Crash At Roswell” out if you are a die hard follower of everything Roswell, but for the random viewer with basic intrigue, I can not say whether or not this docu is a must see.

Two Teasers Released For Indie Horror “Open House”

open houseCheck out these two brutal teases for the indie horror flick “Open House” from director Brian Troxell. The film stars Jessica Cameron, Savana Jade Wehunt, Mel Heflin, Russ Forga, Jennifer Ward, Jimmy Dempster. “Open House” was inspired by true events, Open House takes you on a trip through the torturous mind of a serial killer targeting female Real estate agents.

When Wardell Subotsky was 8 years old, His mother made ends meet by working as a Real Estate Agent. After witnessing her countless sexual favors to get the properties sold, he grows up believing all agents are whores. Now in his late 40's, Wardell, (Russ Forga) puts his own home on the market but is thrown into a mental tailspin as the selling agent, (Mel Heflin) is a spitting image of his mother. Convinced she too is a whore, Wardell abducts her in an attempt to show her the error of her ways.

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Trailer Goes Online For “Do Not Disturb”

do not disturb

The official trailer debuts for B.C. Furtney’s “Do Not Disturb”. The psychological horror film stars Corey Haim, Stephen Geoffreys, Tiffany Shepis, Ezra Buzzington and will be released on August 6th.

Holed up in a seedy hotel, Hollywood screenwriter Don Malek is scripting a diabolical plan for revenge. But instead of writing about a bloodthirsty serial killer, Don is doing the dirty work with his own hands.

“Friday The 13th: The Complete Collection” On Blu-ray


Warner Bros. will be debuting the complete Friday The 13th movie franchise on Blu-ray for the first time ever. “Friday The 13th: The Complete Collection” debuts on September Friday The 13th! The collection will include all 12 films. Seven of the movies are making Blu-ray debuts, as well as a bonus DVD packed with special features. The release also comes with digital versions of all 12 movies with UltraViolet, 40 page soft cover book and an official Camp Crystal Lake embroidered Counselor Patch.

Films in the Collection include:

jason• Disc 1 - Friday the 13th (1980)
• Disc 2 - Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
• Disc 3 - Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D (1982)
• Disc 4 - Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) NEW TO BLU-RAY
• Disc 5 - Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985) / Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) NEW TO BLU-RAY
• Disc 6 - Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) / Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) NEW TO BLU- RAY
• Disc 7 - Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) / Jason X (2002) NEW TO BLU-RAY
• Disc 8 - Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
• Disc 9 - Friday the 13th (2009) (Theatrical Version and “Killer Cut” Extended Version)
• Disc 10 – Killer Bonus DVD Disc

Official Trailer Released For “The Demented”

demented“The Demented” will be released July 30th 2013. The film is directed by Christopher Roosevelt and stars Kayla Ewell, Richard Kohnke, Ashlee Brian, Brittney Alger. Anchor Bay has released the official trailer for the horror film. Check it out below.

The Demented follows six college friends as they meet up for a carefree weekend in a beautiful rural home. A terrorist missile attack in a nearby town infects much of the townspeople with a deadly virus that induces rabies-like symptoms...with devastating consequences. Ravenous and fast, the infected townspeople turn their sights on the vacation home where the friends are gathered...and are now barricaded. How long can they hide? Even with the infected “sleeping” in the streets, can they make their escape? If so, to what?


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