Friday, June 21, 2013

Horror-Rock Songstress Characula Earns HMMA Nomination for Latest Single “Ready For Love”

characulaThe Multi-Talented Performer's Fiery Take On The Bad Company Classic Is In the Top 50 on The Mediabase Activator Chart, Keeping Close Company with Rihanna, David Guetta, American Idol Phillip Phillips and
The Goo Goo Dolls

LOS ANGELES - Spooky-wicked Southern California-based horror rocker Characula ( continues her trailblazing, dimension busting ways, scoring her first ever Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA) nomination.
The multi-talented singer, songwriter and performer's latest single, a blistering cover of Bad Company's "Ready For Love,” received a nod in the Adult Contemporary/AAA category, whose winner will be revealed at the upcoming 2013 event, set for Thursday, November 21 at the Fonda Theatre in Hollywood.

"Ready For Love” remains in the Top 50 on the Mediabase Activator chart, just below the latest hits by such superstars as Rihanna, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, American Idol Phillip Phillips, J. Cole and David Guetta, and ahead of the Goo Goo Dolls and DJ Suss One.
Beyond a creepy-fun alter ego for multi-talented singer, songwriter and performer Cheri Anaclerio, Characula is her turned inside out as she unleashes the demons in her powerhouse imagination to create, in a tip of the blood-dripped cap to Frank Zappa, blistering music about monsters, sex and rock 'n roll.

An engineer by trade, Characula may not be able to hide her wild inner truth from anyone much longer, considering the momentum that's been building since fall 2012. Before Halloween and for a few weeks after, her infectiously ghoulish single "Mummy Dance” snagged airplay on numerous Top 40 stations across the country. Her singles are being promoted by Howie Rosen of Howard Rosen Promotion, Inc. (

In her video for "Ready For Love,” she sports two different looks, one with a red "electro-shocked” wig, the other with black hair and wearing a nightgown from the 1940s. She is also shooting videos for "Come On Baby” (a searing blend of seduction and evil) and "Mummy Dance.”

Characula is busy putting the finishing touches on her full-length debut album, helmed by renowned rock producer Dito Godwin (No Doubt, Great White, members of KISS, Motley Crue).

For the latest news, visit, and

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Trailer Released For Israeli Flick “Big Bad Wolves”

big bad wolves_thumb[1]An official trailer has been released for Israeli Directors Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado’s “Big Bad Wolves”. The guys are the same duo that gave us the really brutal and awesome “Rabies” horror. Magnet Releasing will be taking care of U.S. distribution of the film. “Big Bad Wolves” stars Lior Ashkenazi, Tzachi Grad, Rotem Keinan, Dov Glickman, Menashe Noy and Dvir Benedek.

“Big Bad Wolves” is the story about a series of brutal murders that puts the lives of three men on a collision course: The father of the latest victim now out for revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police blunder.

2010’s “The Black Waters Of Echo’s Pond” Finally Gets DVD Release

The Black Waters Of Echo PondGabriel Bologna’s long awaited horror “The Black Waters Of Echo’s Pond” will finally see a run on DVD and Blu-ray September 10th with pre-sale starting Aug. 14th 2013. It has been a while for the Danielle Harris, Robert Patrick project which saw a festival run in 2009 followed by limited showing on April 2010. The film also stars Sean Lawlor, James Duval. The film will be released by Anchor Bay .

"In the film, nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island off the coast of Maine. There, they uncover a game first discovered as part of an archaeological expedition from over 80 years ago that resulted in a series of mysterious – and grisly – deaths. What they don’t realize is that when played, the ancient artifact brings out the worst in each of them. Jealousy, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil. A warning to all those who start the game: it just might finish you!"

Paranormal Ghost Flick “Muirhouse” Gets U.S. Release

muirhouseThe Australian paranormal horror “Muirhouse” will see a limited edition DVD and VOD release in the U.S. thanks to Brinkvision. “Muirhouse” is written and directed by Tanzeal Rahim. This is Rahim’s feature film debut and the project also saw him as producer and editor. Now that is a focused passion for your vision! The film stars Iain P.F. McDonald, Kate Henderson, Steve Lynch, Libby Ashby, and David Saporito. Glad to see that it is gonna get some love American style!  Check out the trailer below.

New York, NY.BrinkVision will be releasing the Paranormal Ghost Hunter Horror film Muirhouse on Limited Edition DVD and VOD on September 17th in the U.S. & Canada. Muirhouse has been scaring audiences worldwide with festival screenings at Shreikfest, Monsterfest, Fright Night Film Fest (winning best foreign horror film), and many more.

“A Great Edge of the Seat Paranormal Thriller.” - Geek Culture Examiner

In 2007 Phillip Muirhouse began a promotional book tour on supernatural phenomena. As a publicity stunt he was to be filmed inside a local tourist trap, The Monte Cristo Homestead, known as ‘the most haunted house in Australia’. He spent one night in the house. The events, which took place, were recorded in real time on audio devices and night vision cameras. By morning three people were discovered dead. This is the footage… (source: Anything Horror)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

#Crowdfunding Campaign For “Blackwater Rd”

blackwater rdThanks to Facebook’s new hashtag feature I ran across this little Indie project. The film is called “Blackwater Rd” and there is a Kickstarter crowd funding campaign going on right now. Written and directed by Michael E Stephenson, it stars Jessyka Blanco, Michael Martin, Alma Hill, Dan Jopling, Karlyn Koebe, Rebecca Miller. Check it out!

Having received a grant to research American folklore, graduate student Dekker enlists the help of his best-friend Tim, girlfriend Kate, research partner Joan, and her friend Madeline to research stories of mythic horror across the American South. Running low on time and money the group takes the advice of small-town girl Lynn, and head into the woods surrounding the Blackwater river to investigate claims of horror and bloody revenge.

When the group leaves Blackwater Rd to stay overnight in an abandoned cabin, though, they soon find that some tall tales have more than a grain of truth in them; and that outside the carefully built world of man dwells an evil they could not have imagined.

New Character Poster For “Blood Sombrero” Revealed

Today the guys over at “Blood Sombrero” released a new character poster for the action/horror film. It introduces us to Greg Ingram who plays the character of Coffin. “Blood Sombrero” is a neo-western full-throttle project written and directed by Abel Berry. It stars Billy Blair, Nick Gomez, Greg Ingram, Frederic Doss,Jennifer Stone, Abel Berry, Patrick Sane, Stephen Brodie, Paula Marcenaro Solinger, Michael P. Brown, Lynne Dee, Ava Page. I interviewed Paula Marcenaro Solinger a while back about another project. (Read that here and for the Spanish version click here). This one seems to be keeping right with that kick ass groove she was in then.

Introducing BLOOD SOMBRERO! A new action-packed thriller from the mind of Abel Berry! This star-studded film is currently in production and will bring you a heart pounding thrill ride into a dark world of Ruthless Predators! Leather! Guns! Knives! Hardcore Badasses! Psychotically Gorgeous Women! And of course, Blood! War is hell, but hell is home in Blood Sombrero! Production began on this film earlier this month. It is one I intend to keep on my radar.

Greg Ingram

Pagan Festival Shout Out: Summanus

summanusJune 20th is the Festival Of Summanus. SUMMANUS, according to some, an old Sabine or Etruscan deity; the name, however, is Latin, formed by assimilation from sub-manus (cf. mane, Matuta), signifying the god of the time "before the morning." His sphere of influence was the nocturnal heavens, thunderstorms at night being attributed to him, those by day to Jupiter. Summanus had a temple at Rome near the Circus Maximus, dedicated at the time of the invasion of Italy by Pyrrhus, king of Epirus (278), when a terracotta image of the god (or of Jupiter himself) on the pediment of the Capitoline temple was struck by lightning and hurled into the river Tiber. Here sacrifice was offered every year to Summanus on the 10th of June, together with cakes called summanalia baked in the form of a wheel, supposed to be symbolical of the car of the god of the thunderbolt.

 In Plautus (Bacchides iv. 8, 54) Summanus and the verb summanare are used for the god of thieves and the act of stealing, with obvious reference to Summanus as a god of night, a time favorable to thieves and their business. The later explanation that Summanus is a contraction from Summus Manium (the greatest of the Manes), and that he is to be identified with Dis Pater, is now generally rejected. Saint Augustine records that in earlier times Summanus had been more exalted than Jupiter, but with the construction of a temple that was more magnificent than that of Summanus, Jupiter became more honored.

Pagan Festival Shout Out! Midsummer

midsummer fire festivalMidsummer is the period of time centered upon the summer solstice, and more specifically the European celebrations that accompany the actual solstice or take place on a day between June 21 and June 25 and the preceding evening. The exact dates vary between different cultures. Midsummer is especially important in the cultures of Scandinavia, Finland and the Baltics where it is the most celebrated holiday apart from Christmas and New Year's Eve. European midsummer-related holidays, traditions, and celebrations are pre-Christian in origin.

Midsummer is also sometimes referred to by Neopagans and others as Litha, stemming from Bede's De temporum ratione which provides Anglo-Saxon names for the months roughly corresponding to June and July as se Ærra Liþa and se Æfterra Liþa (the "early Litha month" and the "later Litha month") with an intercalary month of Liþa appearing after se Æfterra Liþa on leap years. The fire festival or Lith- Summer solstice is a tradition for many pagans. However it is not a pagan tradition entirely-  Midsummer may stem originally from  tradition, in Christianity it is associated with the nativity of John the Baptist, which is observed on the same day, June 24, in the Catholic, Orthodox and some Protestant churches. It is six months before Christmas because Luke 1:26 and Luke 1.36 imply that John the Baptist was born six months earlier than Jesus. So Christians, it would seem, have more in common with there pagan brethren than they may actually realize.

The celebration of Midsummer's Eve (St. John's Eve among Christians) was from ancient times a festival of the summer solstice. Some people believed that golden-flowered mid-summer plants, especially Calendula, and St. John's Wort, had miraculous healing powers and they therefore picked them on this night. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southwards again. In later years, witches were also thought to be on their way to meetings with other powerful beings.
The solstice itself has remained a special moment of the annual cycle of the year since Neolithic times. The concentration of the observance is not on the day as we reckon it, commencing at midnight or at dawn, as it is customary for cultures following lunar calendars to place the beginning of the day on the previous eve at dusk at the moment when the Sun has set. In Sweden, Finland, Latvia and Estonia, Midsummer's Eve is the greatest festival of the year, comparable only with Walpurgis Night, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve.
As Christianity entered pagan areas, midsummer celebrations came to be often borrowed and transferred into new Christian holidays, often resulting in celebrations that mixed Christian traditions with traditions derived from pagan Midsummer festivities. The 13th-century monk of Winchcomb explained that the fires where to drive away the dragons, which were abroad on St. John's Eve, poisoning springs and wells.
Let us speak of the revels which are accustomed to be made on St. John's Eve, of which there are three kinds. On St. John's Eve in certain regions the boys collect bones and certain other rubbish, and burn them, and therefrom a smoke is produced on the air. They also make brands and go about the fields with the brands. Thirdly, the wheel which they roll…

…The wheel is rolled to signify that the sun then rises to the highest point of its circle and at once turns back; thence it comes that the wheel is rolled.” - 13th-century monk of Winchcomb, Gloucestershire

“Zombie Exs” Release Date Set

zombie exsIndie zomedy “Zombie Exs” has it’s official release date set. The horror comedy will scorn heartbreakers everywhere on September 10th 2013. The story of three friends. Two of them have to save the world from the next zombie apocalypse, the other just wants to save his beer. The film is directed by George Smith and stars Alex Hammel-Shaver, Madison Hart, Scott Keebler, Kendall Valerio, and Brandy Bryant.

The newest and most entertaining independent horror-comedy to satire “loving you to death” is coming your way this September courtesy of Bloody Earth Films.  ZOMBIE eXs is the first feature from director George Smith and producer Paul Manoogian of Northern Fabulous Productions, and the critics are calling it, “equal parts Shaun of the Dead, The Hangover and a soupçon of Scott Pilgrim”**


What if your ex-girlfriends all wanted you back…and came back as zombies? 

Zach’s about to break up with the girl of his dreams…again.  To teach him a lesson, his buddy Dan rigs a dating show so that the contestants are all Zach’s ex-girlfriends.  If that’s not bad enough, the show is sponsored by HAPIwater, the newest fad in H20 drinks, and it’s having a really odd effect on everyone who drinks it.  Luckily, Zach’s best friend Lilly might have a lead on a cure, and together with Dan they launch a plan to steal the antidote and save the world.  That is, if they can just stay one step ahead of Zach’s ravenous ZOMBIE eXs!

Zombie eXs screened to audience acclaim at 2012’s ZED Fest and the 2012 Buffalo Screams Horror Film Festival, where festival director Gregory Lamberson stated, *“Zombie eXs may be the most sidesplitting zom com feature since Shaun of the Dead.  The leads in this millennial love ‘em and blow their brains out before they can eat you tale are appealing, and the film demonstrates that bad relationships can devour your soul as thoroughly as the undead.  Irony has never been so red.”
DVD Technical Information and Specs; SRP: $19.98-Aspect Ratio Feature Film: 1.85.1-Number of discs: 1; DVD Format: 9-Rating: Not Rated-Audio:  2.0-Run Time Feature: 101 min-Total Run Time: 168 min

Check Out U.S. Poster For “Grabbers”

In case you had any confusion before now about the film “Grabbers”. This poster released for the U.S. invasion of the creature sci-fi comedy should help you out. Drinking! Surviving! Drinking! Surviving! I relate to that!  Yep that about covers it. Sort of – you really need to see the film to get the true comic power of this black comedy. “Grabbers” comes ashore on on July 19th VOD and select theatres. It is directed by Directed by Jon Wright and stars  Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley, Russell Tovey, Lalor Roddy.

On Erin Island, an idyllic fishing village off the coast of Ireland, charming but somewhat work-shy Ciaran O’Shea, is tasked with greeting Lisa Nolan, a straight-laced young officer who has arrived from the mainland. Not that there is much for them to do, aside from dealing with the occasional drunk, and that’s usually O’Shea himself. But strange doings are afoot: the crew of a fishing boat disappears, whales start appearing dead on the shore, a local lobsterman catches a strange tentacled creature in his trap. Soon it becomes clear to O’Shea and Nolan that there’s something big out there, and that it’s hungry. It’s time to rally the villagers, arm the troops…and head to the pub.

US grabbers poster

New Images From “100 Bloody Acres”

100 bloody acres[3]“100 Bloody Acres” splatters it’s way to horror fans on VOD and theatres June 28th 2013. The film is directed by Colin and Cameron Cairnes. A few new images have worked there way online. Check them out below. You can check out the trailer here!

In 100 BLOODY ACRES, brothers Reg and Lindsay Morgan are struggling to keep their organic blood and bone fertilizer business in motion. Their secret “recipe” for success (using dead car crash victims in their product) was a huge boon to business, but lately supply has been gravely low. Months have passed since their last find, and an important new customer is now waiting on a delivery. When junior partner Reg (Damon Herriman of Justified) stumbles upon 3 travelers stranded on a remote country road, he cooks up a radical solution to their problem, and a way of finally gaining the respect of his bossy big brother (Angus Sampson). But when Reg starts to fall for Sophie, one of the intended victims, things get complicated…

A bloody good time, the Cairnes’ brothers witty horror-comedy blends sly Australian humor, gory fun, and a clever storyline that gives “recycling” a whole new context.

U.S. Trailer For “Cockneys VS Zombies”

cockneys vs zombiesCheck out the U.S. trailer for Brit zomedy “Cockneys VS Zombies”. The full on satire of boisterous East End dark humor zombie outbreak flick is directed by Matthias Hoene. It stars Michelle Ryan, Georgia King, Honor Blackman, Alan Ford, Harry Treadaway, Richard Briers, Rasmus Hardiker and is due out stateside August 2nd.

The Bow Bells Care Home is under threat and the McGuire’s – Andy, Terry, and Katy – need to find some way to keep their grandfather and his friends in the East End, where they belong. But, when you’re robbing a bank, zombie invasions makes things a lot harder. And let’s face it, they need all the help they can get when their bank-robbing experts turn out to be Mental Mickey and Davey Tuppance. As contractors to an East London building site unlock a 350-year old vault full of seriously hungry zombies, the East End has suddenly gone to hell and the Cockney way of life is under threat. Equipped with all the guns and ammo they can carry, it’s up to the gang to save the hostages, their grandfather, and East London from zombie Armageddon.

New Google+ Page For A Southern Life In Scandalous Times

click the image above to go to Google+ page for A Southern Life In Scandalous Times 

Dig The Artwork For Film4 FrightFest


On The sites official Facebook page Film4 Frightfest released this kickass poster, with killer artwork for this year’s festival. Uber talented Illustrator Graham Humphreys work is deliciously dark epitomizes the mental fromage of how we feel as fans of the Horror genre. Film4 FrightFest is the UK's premiere fantasy and horror film festival. Also check out a clear print of the actual artwork used to create this years iconic poster.

Film4 Artwork

Poster Released For Welsh Creature Flick “Pounce”

Well not so cute and not so cuddly but they come close….?!?! Maybe.. The creature feature “Pounce” focuses on spying on top secret experimental research going on in the Welsh mountains. We were given a tease to the result of these experiments with a small look at the actual creature. Not quite cute as say- a Gremlin- but could be loveable in a grotesque vicious sort of way! Depending on which side your darkness is stroked on! Anyway a poster has been released for this feature directed by Kevin R Robinson. The film stars Kelly Wines, Lucy Jane Clarvis, Phil Stone, Jordan Murphy, John Hoye, Sean Hayes, and Matt Brewer. View a teaser of the creature feature here. See more coverage of “Pounce” here.

POUNCE is a horror/thriller film about a group of conspiracy theorists that are secretly watching a Top Secret military base in the desolate Welsh mountains. They are looking for experimental and highly classified test aircraft to report about in a magazine, when they suddenly discover a Top Secret and highly lethal creature (secretly discovered in the 1920′s) which the military and Government are testing who’s fur has the ability to turn invisible in moon light. The film follows their plight as they are hunted both by the creature (which the Army has nick named “The Silverhide” and the military who will stop at nothing to keep their classified specimen a secret…


First Release Poster For “Seed 2”

The first official poster for “Seed 2” has been released. The Uwe Boll sequel will be directed by Marcel Walz and stars Caroline Williams, Christa Campbell, Nick Prinzipè, Jared Demetri Luciano, Manoush, Natalie Scheetz, Annika Strauss, and Sarah Hayden. It isn’t scheduled for release until sometime next year.

The plot seems to focus on a group of young women traveling to Vegas in an  RV to celebrate with a bachelorette party. Unfortunately, they meet up with the descendants of the notorious serial killer Maxwell Seed.

seed 2

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

More About A Southern Horror Fan At AboutMeDotCom

“Evidence” On VOD June 21st

EvidenceThe intense thriller “Evidence” hits VOD this Friday June 21st. The film which has investigators deciphering the cryptic clues of a murder, only evident in two cell phones and a flip cam, stars Stephen Moyer along with Radha Mitchell, Torrey Devitto, Caitlin Stasey, Dale Dickey. “Evidence” is directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi and will see release courtesy of Image Entertainment.

Evidence tells the story of a team of detectives (Moyer, Mitchell) trying to piece together what happened at the site of a brutal massacre using a number of recording devices found at the crime scene. The footage reveals a group of bus passengers who were forced to fight for their lives after they crash in the middle of the desert and a mysterious killer violently murders them one by one.

Pagan Festival Shout Out! Festival Of Minerva

MinervaThe Festival of Minerva (Athena) was a Roman celebration to the Goddess Minerva. Minerva (Etruscan: Menrva) was the Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, and defense. She was born from the godhead of Jupiter with weapons. Her name stems from an Italic moon goddess *Meneswā ('She who measures'), the Etruscans adopted the inherited Old Latin name, *Menerwā, thereby calling her Menrva. It is assumed that her Roman name, Minerva, is based on this Etruscan mythology. She was the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce,weaving, crafts, magic. She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually named as the "owl of Minerva", which symbolizes that she is connected to wisdom.

This latter festival to Minerva was also known as the Minusculae Quinquatria became heralded by the flute-players, who were particularly useful to religion. In 207 BC, a guild of poets and actors was formed to meet and make votive offerings at the temple of Minerva on the Aventine hill. Among others, its members included Livius Andronicus. The Aventine sanctuary of Minerva continued to be an important center of the arts for much of the middle Roman Republic.

And now I am bidden to tell of the Lesser Quinquatrus.

Now favor my undertaking, you blonde Minerva.  "Why does the flute-player march at large through the whole City?  What mean the masks?  What means the long gown?"

So did I speak, and thus did  (Athena) Tritonia answer me, when She had laid aside Her spear - would that I could report the very words of the learned Goddess!  "In the times of your ancestors of old the flute-player was much employed and was always held in great honor.  The flute played in Temples, it played at games, it played at mournful funerals.  The labor was sweetened by its reward; but a time followed which of a sudden broke the practice of the pleasing art.  Moreover, the aedile had ordered that the musicians who accompanied funeral processions should be ten, no more.  The flute-players went into exile from the City and retired to Tibur: once upon a time Tibur was a place of exile!  The hollow flute was missed in the theater, missed at the altars; no dirge accompanied the bier on the last march.  At Tibur there was a certain man who had been a slave, but had long been free, a man worthy of any rank.  In his country place he made ready a banquet and invited the tuneful throng; they gathered to the festal board. It was night, and their eyes and heads swam with wine, when a messenger arrived with a made-up tale, and thus he spoke (to the freedman): 'Break up the banquet without delay, for see here comes the master of the rod ! ' Immediately the guests bestirred their limbs, reeling with heady wine; their shaky legs or stood or slipped.  But the master of the house, 'Off with you all!' says he, and when they dawdled he packed them in a wagon that was well lined with rushes.  The time, the motion, and the wine allured to slumber, and the tipsy crew fancied that they were on their way back to Tibur.  And now the wagon had entered the city of Rome by the Esquiline, and at morn it stood in the middle of the Forum.  In order to deceive the Senate as to their persons and their number, Plautius commanded that their faces should be covered with masks; and he mingled others with them and ordered them to wear long garments, to the end that women flute players might be added to the band.  In that way he thought that the return of the exiles could be best concealed, lest they should be censured for having come back against the orders of their guild.  The plan was approved, and now they are allowed to wear their new garb on the Ides and to sing merry words to the old tunes."

When She had thus instructed me, "It only remains for me to learn," said I, "why that day is called Quinquatrus."

   "A festival of mine," said She, "is celebrated under that name in the month of March, and among my inventions is also the guild of flute-players. I was the first, by piercing boxwood with holes wide apart, to produce the music of the long flute.  The sound was pleasing; but in the water that reflected my face I saw my virgin cheeks puffed up.  'I value not the art so high; farewell, my flute!' said I, and threw it away; it fell on the turf of the river-bank.  A satyr (Marsyas) found it and at first beheld it with wonder; he knew not its use, but perceived that, when he blew into it, the flute gave forth a note, and with the help of his fingers he alternately let out and kept in his breath.  And now he bragged of his skill among the nymphs and challenged Phoebus (Apollo); but, vanquished by Phoebus, he was hanged and his body flayed of its skin.  Yet am I the inventress and foundress of this music; that is why the profession keeps my days holy." (Ovid, Fasti, VI. 651-710)

Minerva’s devout spread far beyond Roman society reaching into the mythos of the Celtic gods of the Guals.

The classic entry about the Celtic gods of Gaul is the section in Julius Caesar's Commentarii de bello Gallico (52–51 BC; The Gallic War). In this he names the five principal gods worshipped in Gaul (according to the practice of his time, he gives the names of the closest equivalent Roman gods) and describes their roles.Mercury was the most venerated of all the deities and numerous representations of him were to be discovered. Mercury was seen as the originator of all the arts (and is often taken to refer to Lugus for this reason), the supporter of adventurers and of traders, and the mightiest power concerning trade and profit. Next the Gauls revered Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, and Minerva.

U.S. Poster For “Frankenstein’s Army” Unveiled

Richard Raaphorst’s “Frankenstein’s Army” will invade select theatres on July 26th. Check out the U.S. poster commemorating that dark scientific invasion of American shores. The film stars Karel Roden, Joshua Sasse, Robert Gwilym, Alexander Mercury.

Using shocking vintage newsreel footage as his jumping-off point, Raaphorst has hit on a unique and bold premise. Toward the end of World War II, Russian soldiers pushing into eastern Germany stumble across a secret Nazi lab, one that has unearthed and begun experimenting with the journal of one Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The scientists have used the legendary’s Frankenstein’s work to assemble an army of supersoldiers stitched together from the body parts of their fallen comrades – a desperate Hitler’s last ghastly ploy to escape defeat.

Frankenstein's Army

Crowd Funding Started For “Night Of The Demons: After Party”

afterpartyThe crowd funding campaign has kicked off for demon horror “Night Of The Demons: After Party”.  Original director of the cult classic “Night Of The Demons” Kevin Tenney has left it up to fans of the NOTD franchise to decide if there will be a new sequel in the works through Kickstarter . The crew and script are ready now it is simply up to the fans! 

A Halloween Party in a cemetery turns diabolical when demons and zombies arise and all hell breaks loose!

Chiller Clips From “The Haunting Of Helena”


The supernatural horror flick “The Haunting Of Helena” hits select theatres on 21st just after the VOD release on the 18th 2013. The film is directed by Christian Bisceglia, Ascanio Malgarini and stars Harriet MacMasters-Green, Sabrina Jolie Perez, Jarreth J. Merz, Matt Patresi, Paolo Paoloni, Giuliano Montaldo, Susanna Cornacchia.

A tale of a mysterious woman, a little girl, and her single mother, THE HAUNTING OF HELENA presents a new twist on the legend of the Tooth Fairy.
After a divorce, Sophia moves to the south of Italy with her daughter, Helena. Their new home, an apartment within an austere building of the Fascist age, is a chance for them to start a new life. But inside an old storage room hides a mysterious closet and a buried secret. After the loss of Helena’s first baby tooth, a chilling obsession begins and an apparition haunts her sleep. Dreams become nightmares. Nightmares become reality. When Helena collects her classmate’s fallen teeth with an urgent hunger, it is clear that there is far more to their new home than can be seen. Sophia finds herself in a terrifying fight to save her child while maintaining her sanity. THE HAUNTING OF HELENA will keep you at the edge of your seat as it slides in agony along the sharp blade of psychological terror.


Also take another chilling look at the trailer for “The Haunting Of Helena” ….

Trailer Released For “Abandoned Mine”

abandoned mineCheck out the trailer that has been released for thriller “Abandoned Mine”. The supernatural adventure styled film is directed by Jeff Chamberlain and hits select theatres August 15th. It stars Reiley McClendon, Saige Thompson, Charan Prabhakar, Adam Hendershott and Valerie C. Walker.

“Abandoned Mine” follows five small-town friends who decided to celebrate Halloween with an overnight adventure into the legendary “haunted” Jarvis Mine. Local legend says that a family was murdered in the mine exactly 100 years prior, and that angry spirits have occupied the mine ever since. The group becomes trapped, and their cameras catch the mysterious occurrences that follow.

Clip Released For “Europa Report”

europa reportCheck out this “one small step for man” clip of sci-fi thriller “Europa Report”. The film hits VOD June 27th thanks to Magnet Releasing and stars Embeth Davidtz, Sharlto Copley, Michael Nyqvist, Christian Camargo. The clip shows a humbling and awe inspiring such a step for mankind would possibly appear as we make our way to one of the most fascinating  bodies in our solar system. “Europa Report” will hit theatres later this summer on August 2nd.

“Europa Report” follows a contemporary mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa, to investigate the possible existence of alien life within our solar system. Developed in close collaboration with NASA, JPL, SpaceX and other leaders in the scientific community, the film imagines the next step in manned space exploration and is based on recent scientific discoveries and theories.

Cuddly Critter Horror “Cute Little Buggers 3D”


Get ready for a whole lot of cute and cuddly in your horror. With recent word of “Gremlins” remake a definite I imagine that there will be more films-with cute critters hell-bent on carnage and a strong bloodlust –coming out. Recent details suggest just that with this tease for 2014’s “Cute Little Buggers 3D”. The creature feature, horror-comedy is directed by Tony Jopia and stars Caroline Monroe, Joe Egan, Kristofer Dayne, Gary Martin, John R. Walker, Dani Thompson, Jess Jantschek, Samar Sarila, Jo Price, Sarah Bennett and Leslie Grantham. It hits on June 14 of next year.

From the Director of ‘Deadtime’ and ‘Crying Wolf’ comes Cute Little Buggers! Will you let them take our women? It’s Gremlins meets Hot Fuzz set in the English countryside. When hostile aliens crash land on local farmland the villagers at the summer ball get suspicious when young women start going missing. The villagers soon band together around our hero Melchoir (Kristofer Dayne) to fend off the invaders and bring back peace to the sleepy English countryside! B-movie laughs in this creature feature from director Tony Jopia. The film is Produced by Jopia Productions and Great Dayne Entertainment.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sneak Peek At Tonight’s “Defiance”

defianceCheck out the sneak peek of tonight’s episode of ‘Defiance’ titled “If I Ever Leave This World Alive” .
“A deadly plague threatens the town; racial tensions rise when the Irathients, who are immune to the virus, are quarantined.”

Death Is Coming To Beacon Hills

teen wolfCheck out these nice sneak peeks at tonight’s episode 3 of ‘Teen Wolf’. “Fireflies” will bring death to the rag tag pack of frienemies of Beacon Hills.

With Boyd and Cora on the loose and under the influence of the full moon, Scott and Derek must turn to an unlikely ally for help."

Red Band Trailer For “Kill That Bitch”

killthatbitchCheck out the trailer for indie slasher flick “Kill That Bitch”. Dustin Mill’s has released a red band trailer for his new slasher horror which stars Jessica Cook, Brandon Salkil and Josh Eal. The story follows a methodical killer who is systematically slaughtering a group of women who are connected and bound by the same dark secret. It is considered as a dark vision framed in death, beauty and bloodlust.

New Trailer Released For “Revolution 666”

revolution 666A new trailer has been released for Matt Jaissle’s “Revolution 666”. The low budget Indie flick is a horror/ comedy that features a zombie killer resurrected by a lost Beatles song with a little help from a Manson-esque cult.

Feast On The Weeks Ahead Promos For ‘True Blood’

True BloodLast night was the ground shaking, thrilling and epitomic premiere episode for season 6 of ‘True Blood’. It starts the set up to the inevitable war that is coming, and has Bon Temp targeted as ground zero. Now check out the promos released that teases what is in store for Fang bangin’ fan’s.

Trailer Released For “Copiii: The First Entry”

copiii“Copiii: The First Entry” is directed by L.Gustavo Cooper and stars Graci Carli, Rod Luzzi, Emily Rogers, Cindy Hogan. If the film is as intense as the trailer then this definitely a film to see! Newlyweds Holly and Trevor Davidson are on a road trip to celebrate their honeymoon in Miami when their new life together takes a surreal turn. A whimsical pit stop in a tourist trap goes horribly wrong and they find themselves forced to face an ominous new presence in their lives and an ambiguous threat. But is that threat coming from Trevor's family, Holly's dark past, or something far more sinister and otherworldly, such as the ancient curse of the Copiii Pierdere?

The official trailer has been released for dark supernatural thriller “Copiii: The First Entry”. The film is based off of an old Romanian legend considered to date back to the 1500’s. There once was a woman named Alina Patkavior, the daughter of the village witch. On her deathbed, the witch gave Alina an amulet and a hex: "By the Belly of the Snake, May those that mean to harm me be put to death."

One day a group of bandits raped her and left her in the woods to die. Alina awoke took the amulet and said the words summoning the demon Din Burta de Sarpe. The demon destroyed the men that attacked Alina in exchange for the child that the bandits had left in her womb. When the time came for the Demon to claim it, she could not give him up breaking her promise. The Demon then cursed the Patkaviors who would be infertile forever.Alina's son grew into a young man. On his mothers deathbed, Alina shared that fatal night with him, passing the amulet knowing he may be the only one to lift the curse. Desperate to produce a child with his wife he called the demon and begged it to lift the curse.

The demon said he could not undo what had been done, if he wanted a child he would have to bloody his hands to take one. However, as soon as the child was named a Patkavior, it would join the curse and be unable to produce another child. He did as he was bid and cut a baby from its mother's belly.

For generations, the Patkaviors continued this ritual driven by the demon to carry on their family name..

First Tease Of Nick Basile’s “Dark”

dark titleThe teaser poster for Nick Basile’s Achluophobia thriller “Dark”. The film is written by “Gut” writer Elias. Actors attached to the project are Whitney Able and Alexandra Breckenridge.

Set in NYC during the blackout of 2003, Kate, a struggling 30-something model with a troubled past, has just moved into her girlfriend Leah’s Brooklyn loft, but already doubts about their relationship have begun to loom. When Leah leaves for the weekend, Kate unexpectedly find herself alone in the apartment in the midst of the worst blackout in North American history. As darkness falls over the city, Kate’s paranoia grows and she begins to believe someone in the building is stalking her. With no one to help her and escape out of reach, Kate is forced to confront her deepest fears as she fights to survive through the night.


Check Out The Poster For “Ascension”

ascension titleThe first official poster for James Hart directed “Ascension” has been released. The UK zombie flick tells the story of one family’s struggle to survive the zombie apocalypse by making some pretty harrowing choices. The film stars Derek Melling, Jacky Fellows, Laurence Saunders, Mark Rathbone, Debbie Nicholls, Samuel Knight, Susan Hawkins, Laura Childs and was written by Dave Jeffery.

A small group of survivors make the ultimate sacrifice to keep their family together while the rest of the world rots. Hard choices need to be made for the good of the few.

Welcome to the family ...

My Review Of “Hatchet III”

Hatchet III“Hatchet III”-the non-stop onslaught gorefest! The third installment of the Hatchet franchise came on like gangbusters, with a fierce body count, grue-master deluxe amount of gory kill shots that really was like the 4th of July. This one, directed by BJ McDonnell, held true to the stylized massacre that has become synonymous with the name Crowley. The thing that really sets this it apart from the other two films is the insane amount of firepower and action-styled explosions that almost pays homage to “Friday the 13th: Jason Goes To Hell-opening sequence”. Only slightly though-because what was a momentary thing in that film was an extended Apocalypse now folderol of spent shells, grenade  and thunderous sound effects. Really the only times the story rested on the melodrama and character builds where the moments that featured Danielle Harris’ character. Most of the action and carnage was reserved for the “guns-a-blazin’” scenes.

“Hatchet III" was set up as ‘man’s belief that he can maintain or regain control over anything he faces- including the supernatural or impossible-only to realize it just may be a delusional assumption’. After all Victor Crowley systematically eviscerates strike forces and government officials with rabid savagery. At moments it seems to only cover the fact that the writing may not hold up within the story or the fact that it may have been written with more insecurity to the script than desired. Kind of like “sky flowers” for the audience to distract from a flimsy story line. Can’t really say but as I was hearing the set up to finally putting Crowley to rest I felt a little “brake squeaking” moment in the back of my mind-especially considering only moments earlier it was made very clear that there was no killing the monster that was Victor Crowley. However considering the last breath of the film, that original clarity, of Crowley’s inability to die, may very well hold up. I sure hope so because, all negative aspects aside, I really do enjoy the “Hatchet” films and they seem to embody the original spirit of the slasher genre set forth in the 80’s. And the kills scenes and gory effects are awesome. Even if the blood and gore look a little more pumpkin-y prefab than I would like to see splattered across my nightmares.

In all aspects, within the “Hatchet” mythos, “Hatchet III” stands as close to solid as a sequel to the original and even the lesser affective “Part II”. There isn’t much in the lines of character build here but somehow I didn’t mind because the cast was stellar and visceral onslaught was a true gruesome spectacle to see. Even with the kind of flat finally between Marybeth and Crowley which really does beg the question “why did crazy blogger lady just join in and dust this shit in part two?” I mean she seemed to be crotch rocket strapped to the whole Honey Island legend and Victor Crowley thing so why wasn’t she up in the shit earlier in the story. Maybe I missed something. Which is a good reason for me to watch this along with “I “ and “II” over and over again. “Hatchet” really does provide much desired blood into the fictionalized slasher genre that somehow the very human psycho killer just doesn’t give us.


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