Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Review Of “Silent Cry”

silent cryJulian Richards'  “Silent Cry” is a slow-burn, crime noir. The film follows a single mother who battles forces beyond her control to get back the newborn son taken from her. It is a stark look into the underworld of crime, cradled in the shadowy life of the destitute and street walker. People who are at the mercy of those above them in society with the power to manipulate and exploit. The film is a pulled back melodrama foregoing the theatrics and over-the-top elements that Richards has shown in earlier films. Instead “Silent Cry” is a more emotional, heartfelt thriller that seems to bring a chilling light into a corrupt aspect of modern society. Although the film is not a supernatural thriller, nor does it deal with the occult, “Silent Cry” still maintains a haunting, almost macabre atmosphere steeped in surrealism.

The cinematography is well thought out and visceral, focusing more on the human connection between the characters. The sound effects offer a eerie sense of unease that is chilling. The characters are well rounded and tenable. The story of “Silent Cry” is a somber, disturbing tale of conspiracy, exploitation and corruption that manages to make the viewer feel the helplessness and despair of the main character, “Rachel Stewart”. It is also a story that is ripped from modern times and haunts the alleyways and doorsteps of urban legend-the stolen child from the hospital nursery.

“Silent Cry” is a true, thrilling film that should appeal to anyone longing for mature crime noir storytelling. It is well shot, well acted and maintains a strong continuity from start to finish. The over-all effect of the film is a more subdued suspenseful tale that is just as horrifying as any. This was a film that I had not seen before and I am glad to have seen. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and found it to be a true modern classic.

New Clip From Paranormal Horror “Skinwalker Ranch”

skinwalker_ranchCheck out the clip “Cody’s Birthday” from paranormal horror “Skinwalker Ranch”. The film is based on true events at a real paranormal hotspot. “Skinwalker Ranch” releases on October 10th 2013 and is directed by Devin McGinn. It stars Jon Gries, Kyle Davis, Erin Cahill, Devin McGinn, Matthew Rocheleau and Steve Berg.

In 2010 “Skinwalker Ranch” gained media attention after experiencing a wide range of unexplained phenomena. Reports ranged from UFO sightings to livestock mutilation, but maybe most notable was the disappearance of ranch owner Hoyt Miller’s eight year old son, Cody on November 11, 2010.

Close to a year later, Modern Defense Enterprises (MDE) has sent a team of experts to document and investigates the mysterious occurrences, which only escalate upon their arrival. The incidents become more violent, causing tensions to rise as the team must decide how far they will go to unlock the mysteries of “Skinwalker Ranch.” The group debates whether the answers are worth risking their lives for, or if they should just call off the investigation and leave the ranch – that is, if leaving is actually an option…

Lionsgate To Release John Voight’s “Dracula: The Dark Prince”

dracula-dark-princeLionsgate Home Entertainment has announced it will release John Voight’s supernatural action film “Dracula: The Dark Prince”. The film hits DVD and VOD October 15, 2013. Check out the Walmart exclusive cover artwork.

Once the honored and respected Prince of Wallachia, Dracula turned to the dark side after those whom he trusted most murdered his wife. After Dracula meets a beautiful crusader named Alina, he is convinced she is the reincarnation of his long-dead love and has her kidnapped. Alina’s companions, led by the renowned vampire hunter Van Helsing, set off in pursuit. Their thrilling journey takes them into savage country where they must fight nightmarish creatures and armies of the undead-culminating in an epic battle against the terrifying power and malice of the lord of the vampires.

Check Out The Trailer For “Devil In My Ride”

devil in my rideDevil In My Ride” premieres at Shriekfest in October-the 6th to be exact. The horror comedy is directed by Gary Michael Schultz and stars Frank Zieger, Joey Bicicchi, Erin Breen, Llou Johnson, Sid Haig. Check out the trailer for the film below.

Doreen is about to marry the man of her dreams, Hank a mild mannered guy who is equally as excited about marrying Doreen. However Doreen's older brother a wild man named Travis, who's been estranged from her for several years’ shows up to make amends, but instead accidently, curses her. Doreen is now possessed by the devil. In Las Vegas is a homeless man known as Johnny Priest who is the last known person to perform an exorcism in America. It's up to Travis and Hank to put aside their differences and travel from Chicago to Las Vegas to get Doreen an exorcism before it's too late and her soul is lost forever.

A New Trailer Released For “Evangeline”

evangelineIndie thriller “Evangeline” has a new official trailer. The supernatural, revenge horror film is directed by multi-talented Karen Lam and will premiere at Monsters Of Film Festival in Stokholm, Sweden, from September 26 to 28, 2013. “Evangeline” stars Kat de Lieva, Richard Harmon, David Lewis, Mayumi Toshida and Kelvin Redvers. The story follows a young college girl who is brutally attacked and finds herself in a supernatural struggle between revenge and redemption. Check out the trailer below.

Evangeline Pullman (Kat de Lieva) has just escaped from her sheltered upbringing to reinvent herself in college. As she begins to break out of her shell, she attracts the attention of a violent fraternity leader (Richard Harmon) and his two cohorts. Beaten and dumped in the woods to die, Evangeline finds herself trapped in a supernatural nightmare, where she must choose between vengeance and redemption.

New Poster And Trailer For Spike Lee’s “Oldboy”

Check out the new poster for Spike Lee’s remake of “Oldboy”. The film stars Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, and Sharlto Copley. “Oldboy” is due out November 27th and is one highly anticipated thriller which has created a mixed but enthusiastic buzz across the blogosphere. I have often expressed discontent with Western remakes of Asian or Spanish films preferring to enjoy the original with subtitles-something always gets lost in the translation. I am on the fence with this one as well but I definitely intend on seeing it. It is Spike Lee!-how could I not!

“Oldboy” is a provocative, visceral thriller that follows the story of an advertising executive (Josh Brolin) who is abruptly kidnapped and held hostage for 20 years in solitary confinement. When he is inexplicably released, he embarks on an obsessive mission to discover who orchestrated his bizarre and torturous punishment only to find he is still trapped in a web of conspiracy and torment.


My Review Of “Darklands”

Julian Richards “Darklands” is a modern cult thriller-noir that plays on classic misbeliefs of Celts, pagans and gypsies based on common misconceptions that run through European society (not that the Americas are exempt from such poor quality judgment of cultural differences). The movie is a traditional display of western giallo film making and “Darklands” is as good an example of cult-pagan genre storytelling than contemporary films such as “Spellbinder” and “The Wicker Man”. The story follows journalist Frazer Truick as he investigates the mysterious death of the brother of trainee journalist Rachel Morris. Delving deeper, Truick becomes convinced that the tragedy was murder, committed by a bizarre religious cult. But as the evidence unfolds, things take on a more sinister and potentially lethal significance for the reporter, as he becomes embroiled in devil worship, witchcraft and ultimately human sacrifice! (That is the official synopsis).

For me this film is a captivating crime thriller and great example of 20th Century noir. The story is plays on mystery, intrigue and suspense in a classic style that is often associated with Italian giallo-most notably Argento’s work. Even with the very obvious culture insensitivity that plagues the film, “Darkland” is a very interesting and mesmerizing story that slowly builds suspense through melodrama and eerie atmospheric effects. I did find the view of pagans, Celts and gypsies as some dehumanized boogeymen wrought with villainous intent a tad offensive, but in proper context as a fictional setting it is easy to swallow.

The sound effects and cinematography used for “Darkland” is traditional 80’s and 90’s creepiness one expects in these suspenseful stories. The characters are classic and mysterious, well developed if needed and never over-indulged to the point of annoyance. Visually the film entertains with moments of post-industrial, neo-primal experimental theatrics that creates a wild urban paganism aesthetics. Usually these images are saved for post-apocalyptic or future-dystopia films. The witchcraft, or primitive traditional religious elements where minimal but when on screen became very effective. Mostly this is a great conspiracy, crime noir. “Darklands” is a very cool, classic cult thriller that offers a great witchy story, and plenty of suspense. The blood and gore is almost non-existent which was a bit of a bummer but over-all I enjoyed the film.

My Review Of Pilot Episode Of ‘A Seat On A Train’-“Out Of Place"

outofplace“Out Of Place” is the pilot episode of a new web series titled “A Seat On A Train” from writer/director Daniel MacMunn. The series is a modern celebration of the classic television series ‘The Twilight Zone’. The first episode which premieres Halloween introduces us to the lead character “Spencer”. He is a writer so wrapped in his craft that his reality becomes fused with is project both emotionally and physically. “Out Of Place” is a surreal expression of one man’s break from true reality. The episode opens with an almost Hitchcockian calm that is as unsettling as it is welcoming. Unsettling in the atmospheric sense that lets the viewer know that something is just not right with the events unfolding. The show it’s self (at least the first episode) is very well structured and shot beautifully. It flows with a strange macabre that one becomes familiar with having grown up watching the old ‘Twilight Zone’ episodes.

“Out Of Place” blends the psychological thriller with classic surrealism and sets the stage for some truly dark melodrama to come from future episodes. The acting is superb, with characters that are believable and emotive. I connected the with actor’s portrayal and can’t wait to see how far the intense psychological imperative to maintain control versus the succumbing to chaos will carry these characters. “A Seat On A Train” has peaked my interest in this indie series with it’s homage to classic story telling and modern yet timeless subject matter. There is a haunting, almost supernatural component to the story that plays out as an expression of the mental conflict of the lead character that is very Serling and Daniel MacMunn is definitely doing something that proves storytelling is his true calling. If you get a chance (well put it this way-make the chance) to see this series and the pilot episode when it airs on digital media outlets across the internet, then do so! I can’t wait to see more from “A Seat On A Train”. 

My Review Of “An American Ghost Story”

an american ghost story“An American Ghost Story” is an Indie supernatural thriller written by Stephen Twardokus  and directed by Derek Cole. The film deals with a supernatural presence that torments the residents of a particular home. A writer moves into the vacant home to become inspired by the hauntings for his next project. Soon things begin to happen inside the home that prove how malevolent the entity is, which proves dire for the struggling writer.

The story of “An American Ghost Story” is a typical haunting/evil spirit story, that is as common as it is indispensable in paranormal lore, so there is not anything new offered in that respect. It doesn’t matter because this story like many others is as well written and on it’s way to becoming a modern classic as any of the other films in this sub-genre. It is a mature, dark tale that keeps with an ominous tone through the whole film allowing for a tense apprehension for the viewer. The acting is somber, melodrama that draws you into the shadowy life of the protagonist as he faces the true error of his decision to move into the home. There is a black veil over the atmosphere of this movie almost from the start. No cheeky, campy, light-heartedness here! The story is a chilling, episodic nightmare that is executed nearly perfectly by the actors and director.

The film quality and sound effects in “An American Ghost Story” are pretty tight, even with the stripped down, lower budget nature that is utilized. The film proves you don’t need a massive budget or fancy effects to pull off a good ghost story. There were moments that I jumped and moments I found myself holding my breath over what was coming next. It is a truly spooky, sometimes scary film. The story plays out in an almost somber, haunting way that allows for a natural build of suspense and intensity. The further into the film you get the more creepy and thrilling it becomes. I did find the ending a tad hokey, but really there is no real way to end a ghost story, horror film that doesn’t feel a bit over-done and redundant. That being said “An American Ghost Story” ends with a dark, chilling finality that is almost not an ending at all, only a break in an ongoing horror saga-to be continued-maybe.

“An American Ghost Story” is an indie thriller that holds it’s on to any bigger budget supernatural horror film and well worth watching. It is a mature, well written story. The acting is above the standard for lower budget horror films and the sound effects fit perfectly. The atmosphere of the film is spooky and provides an eerie tone to the film. I enjoyed “An American Ghost Story” more than I anticipated and even though the film doesn’t really add anything new to the sub-genre it is still a very good addition to the horror genre. I think any horror fan and especially fans of ghost stories will enjoy this film.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Supernatural Amish Thriller “Amy”

amyThere is no community or people hotter than the Amish right now in media and pop culture. Horror is no exception. Check out the trailer for supernatural thriller “Amy” set in the mysterious world of the Amish. Shot in and around Lancaster County of Pennsylvania, “Amy” is directed by RP Patnaik and stars Jessica DiGiovanni, Kurt Peterson, Christopher Atkins. The film is scheduled to be released on October 1st 2013.

With the psychic power of clairvoyance, an extra-sensory perception, Amy starts witnessing haunting visions as her entire Amish village begins to fall into demonic control. An ominous funeral director, Christopher, uses Amy's special abilities to seek out the covert leader behind the possession. Amy and Christopher must stop the fall of their village before the Devil takes over Amy's soul-forcing them to perform a controversial exorcism

Check Out Australian Thriller “Foreshadow”

foreshadowForeshadow” comes from Australian filmmaker Carmelo Musca, and authors Justin Burford, Krisztián Lippert. The film stars Myles Pollard, Justin Burford, Andrea Addison, Melanie Lyons, Ben Purser, Ben Mortley and is considered a supernatural, crime-thriller. Check out the trailer below. So far there are only release dates set for Australia but I am sure international release will follow. Aussies will be able to see the film theatrically November 8th with a VOD/DVD release coming on December 4th 2013.

When the coroner rules out foul play and the police close their investigation, Jesse decides to go after the killer himself. Utilizing his friend Ash’s computer hacking skills, Jesse is shocked to discover many similar, yet unexplained deaths. The nightmare continues with the chilling murder of a surfing buddy, right before his eyes.
Struggling to deal with the death of his friends, Jesse places his trust in a Dominican priest, who reveals that the killer is actually a centuries-old, soul-sucking demon.The stakes have never been higher. Can Jesse accept his destiny and destroy the demon, before it destroys his whole world?

Trailer For “Within The Darkness”

within the darkness“Within The Darkness” is a supernatural thriller for director Jonathan Zuck. The film follows a group of paranormal researchers who get more than they bargain for with their next case. It stars John C. Bailey, Erin Nicole Cline, Dave Coyne, Kaitlyn Dye, Shanna Forrestall, Tonya Kay and Jill Redding. “Within The Darkness” will have it’s first screening at Germany’s After Dark Film Festival. Check out the trailer below and head over to the film’s Facebook Page to keep up with the latest on this project.

“Within the Darkness” is the story of a group of friends with aspirations of fame and fortune in the "ghost hunting" business. They set out to shoot a spec pilot for a TV series "The Paranormal Dimension, with Austin Barnett." Austin, Lucy, Jessie and Bruce are prepared with video cameras and the tools of the trade but not prepared for what awaits them in the Hewit House. Be careful what you wish for.

My Review Of “Young, High And Dead”

younghighdead“Young, High And Dead” is a UK indie horror film by directors Luke Brady, Jonathan Brady, Daniel Fenton and Thabo Mhlatshwa. The film stars Hannah Tointon, Louisa Lytton, Philip Barantini, Matthew Stathers, Nigel Boyle, David Partridge, Su Elliott and follows a group of 20-something friends on a weekend camping trip to celebrate the pending nuptials of one couple. “Young, High And Dead” is a contemporary thriller that builds with a slow, steady slice of life anchored by an ominous realization of “wrong place, wrong place” (yeah I meant to type it that way!). The story is a blend of two classic horror archetypes. There is the traditional slasher, bloodbath in the woods element that is wrapped with a more modern aspect of survival from the psycho residents, together the two story elements provide a very haunting and foreboding atmosphere to the film.

The things that I liked about “Young, High And Dead” are select and not necessarily connected to the horror aspect of the film. The soundtrack was produced well and offered a creepy, steady stream of unease through the story. The acting is standard Brit quality acting with the characters seeming believable and effectual. It is very seldom that British indie film or television offer bad acting-it does happen but it isn’t as often as their American contemporaries. The film quality in “Young, High And Dead” is pretty quality as well with a lot of perspective and emotion being offered through a visually surreal style. It is clear that film making is what the crew behind “Young, High And Dead” are meant to be doing. The story is a nice modern tale that offers urban legend, creepy campfire tale, and faux-warning for city folk to stay in the city. “Young, High And Dead” does a very good job of giving fans a cool story filled with melodrama and chilling suspense while setting up a very brutal turn of events. Even the horror aspect (when it finally happens) gives us some much expected thrills and blood.

Now for the things that I didn’t like about the film, and there are a couple. I didn’t like that it took nearly 50 minutes for anything really interesting to happen in the film. Most of that time was spent on set-up story parts and character building that tends to drag on far longer than necessary. I began to question whether or not to finish the film. A lot of the two story aspects of the film where justified and helped to provide an emotional connection with the characters while setting up the series of events from start to finish. I just felt that a lot could have been left out. I got the characters around twenty minutes into the story and I understood how damaged the protagonist was within the first fifteen so a lot of the scenes could have been shorter, flashback moments. By the time the real guts of the story unfold ( the blood and horror) it is almost too late. I said almost. When the crap really hits the fan in this little horror film it really hits. The action and chilling last twenty or so minutes of the film is intense and nail-biting. It almost makes up for the first hour or so of over-indulgence in character building and melodrama.

“Young, High And Dead” may take a bit too long to get to the action and thrills but when it finally does happen it is entertaining, edge-of-your-set excitement. The story is worth watching as an Indie film but if you are a die-hard horror fan who wants mostly intense action-packed bloodshed then you will be frustrated with this film. I begged and found myself actually counting down till the final moments-longing for some gore. The acting isn’t cheesy or over-the-top which is a plus, the tone stays more mature and serious through the film even with the fun, drug induced banter of the characters which one must have in a horror film. That I liked a lot. Nothing more annoying than over acting, that does more to make for a bad viewing experience where too much camp is a bad thing. “Young, High And Dead” is more of a sleepy thriller that ends on a high, brutal note.

First Episode Of ‘A Seat On A Train’-“Out Of Place” To Premiere On Halloween

outofplaceIndie series ‘A Seat On A Train’ is gearing up for the world premiere of it’s first episode “Out Of Place” on Halloween. The series is the creation of Daniel MacMunn and after a year of festival runs the pilot episode is now ready for release. The series follows in the shadowy thriller steps of classic shows as “The Twilight Zone” and is a total tribute to Rod Serling. “Out Of Place” will have an online marathon showing of the episode through multiple social media websites like Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube and IMDb. Read the full press release for ‘A Seat On A Train’ and the pilot episode “Out Of Place” below.

If you love "The Twilight Zone" then you will become an instant fan of "Out of Place!"

Director/Writer Daniel MacMunn explains where his passion comes from- If you love "The Twilight Zone" then you will be an instant fan of "Out of Place." I have always been a huge fan of Rod Serling's hit classic, creepy series from the early 1960's. Many people have tried to duplicate this series but have fallen short in my eyes. "Out of Place" is the first episode of a series I created called "A Seat on a Train." I don't want to copy Rod Serling's genius, but pay homage to it. I have written other episodes that are ready to be filmed. I believe my ideas and skilled writing will bring back that great old style of story telling, while peeking the interests of the modern day viewer. I have written many stories that pertain to our modern times. "Out of Place" is the first brave attempt of this series. It was shot very low budget, in one location with two characters. It has that creepy style of filming with original music enhancing the story. I hope "Out of Place" will be the kick start into a long run of "A Seat on a Train."

Out of Place synopsis- Spencer is fixated on keeping everything in it's exact, specific place. His obsession is so extreme it has cut him off from the outside world and is now threatening his five year relationship with his girlfriend, Samantha. After Samantha walks out on a romantic dinner he has prepared, he soon becomes a victim of his own obsessive behavior when random objects around his condo mysteriously shift out of place when he's not looking.

A Seat on a Train description- A single seat on an old train has a very peculiar talent. For when a passenger sits, he is warped into another reality where he is confronted with his major flaws, concluding with a twisted lesson at the end.

a seat on a trainFestival run- "Out of Place" was an official selection of The Green Bay Film Festival. "Out of Place" is also scheduled to show in October at The Hot Springs Horror Film Festival. It won best short at The Best Shorts Competition and "An Award of Excellence" at The Accolade Film Competition. Now we are ready for the public release. What we are trying to do here, is to get as many people to view "Out of Place" on Halloween and after. Our goal is 100k views. We know this is a lot but feel this concept is very marketable. In conclusion we hope to gain enough of an audience so we can show the networks how popular our show is and hopefully get picked up in the near future.

In the collaborative spirit of film making, we have launched our own crowd funding campaign to help finance our next episode "The Perfect Woman." To obtain funding we will be selling DVDs and posters offered after viewing on Halloween. We also will be offering incentives to anyone who helps us get the word out, including a DVD package, exposure on our face book page, IMDB credit and advertising on all of our other sites. We are also open to any suggestions you may have.

In the near future, we hope to collaborate with undiscovered, talented writers, actors and directors just like Serling did. We want to honor Rod Serling by continuing his great vision, creepy themes and unique story telling. Most of all, we want to help launch careers of these artists while entertaining and creeping out a large fan base with original stories that pertain to our modern times.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Two Posters Released For Horror “Bind”

Two New Posters have been released for Dan Walton’s horror  “Bind”. The film stars Eliza Faria, Sierra Pitkin, Rebecca Rifai, Haley Victoria Hunt, Deborah Finkel, Alisha-jo Penney and Brian Cook. “Bind” is slated for a 2014 release.

A family move into an abandoned orphanage and they soon learn that their charming orphanage has a disturbing history and is convinced they aren’t alone.



Teaser Poster For “Septic Man”

Check out the teaser poster for Jess T. Cook’s “Septic Man”. The film stars Jason Brown,Molly Dunsworth, Julian Richings, Robert Maillet, and Tim Burd. “Septic Man” is considered “a transgressive creature feature mixed with the trappings of a super-hero origins story,” .

An erstwhile plumber undergoes a hideous transformation when trapped inside a septic tank.


Release Date Set For “The Last Light: An Irish Ghost Story”

The Last LightCheck out the trailer for supernatural horror film “The Last Light: An Irish Ghost Story”. The film has been issued a release date of November 5th 2013 on DVD. It is directed by George Clarke and stars Robert Render, Jo L. Crawford, Vivian Jamison. “The Last Light…” has recently been described as “…the scariest movie since "Blair Witch””.

Local handyman Rob Walker (Render) is hired to brick up and block all entrances and windows of a secluded and abandoned mansion along the Irish coast. However as Rob makes his inspections, he begins to the feel he’s not alone. Is it local kids playing a practical joke? Or a sinister force that does not wish to be disturbed?

The Last Light: An Irish Ghost Story is the violently haunting tale of a (real) Ulster mansion, donated as a war hospital in the early 1900’s before turning into a retirement home for the old and wealthy. Even as a listed building, the house was left to waste and soon became a playground for kids, who destroyed the original features of the facility, upsetting not just the local people and historians but something deep within the walls. Don’t be afraid of the dark… Be afraid of what is in the dark.

DVD Artwork And Release Date For “Murder Eleven”

The DVD artwork for indie horror “Murder Eleven” was released along with details of the release date. The contemporary torture-horror will hit DVD on October 22nd 2013. The film is directed by Jim Klock and stars Jim Klock, Julienne Irons, Michael Mack, Autumn Federici, Richard Reid.

Several women have been kidnapped and killed in Atlantic City. Two detectives, Mayfield and Jesse, are tasked with tracking down this depraved serial killer. But, their leads are few. Katey  is the latest desperate character to be kidnapped. And now, Mayfield and Jesse only have a few hours to find Katey before she is Murder (victim) Eleven!


New Red Band Trailer For “+1”

Plus-One-Poster[4]A new red band trailer has been released for IFC Midnight released thriller “+1”. The film is directed by Dennis Iliadis and stars Rhys Wakefield, Logan Miller, Ashley Hinshaw, and Natalie Hall. “+1” is due out tomorrow, Sept. 20th. The film is a sci-fi-styled, supernatural thriller.  Check out the trailer below.

Three college friends go to the biggest party of the year, each looking for something different: love, sex and a simple human connection. When a supernatural phenomenon disrupts the party, it lights a fuse on what will become the strangest night anyone has ever seen. As the three friends struggle to find what they’re looking for, the party quickly descends into a chaos that challenges if they can stay friends or if they can even stay alive.

Four New Posters Released For FX’s ‘American Horror Story: Coven’

Check out the four new posters that have been released for season three of FX’s ‘American Horror Story: Coven’. The show returns on Wed October 10th and pulls the story into the world of the witches in New Orleans, Louisiana. The first three episodes have been titled: Episode 3.01 – “Bitchcraft” (October 9th), Episode 3.02 – “Boy Parts” (October 16th) and Episode 3.03 – “The Replacements” (October 23rd). Season Three stars Frances Conroy, Taissa Farmiga, Jessica Lange, Alexandra Breckenridge, Kathy Bates, Lily Rabe, Sarah Paulson, Jamie Brewer, Evan Peters, Gabourey Sidibe, Angela Bassett, Patti Lupone, Danny Huston, and Denis O’Hare.





IFC Midnight Gets “Almost Human”

Almost-HumanThe Hollywood Reporter has announced that IFC Midnight has acquired indie sci-fi –horror “Almost Human”. The film is directed by Joe Begos and stars Graham Skipper, Josh Ethier, Vanessa Leigh, Susan T. Travers, and Anthony Amaral III. No word on an official release date yet but the film is being given some pretty decent love from sci-fi/horror fans in early reviews. 

Mark Fisher disappeared from his home in a brilliant flash of blue light almost two years ago. His friend Seth Hampton was the last to see him alive. Now a string of grisly, violent murders leads Seth to believe that Mark is back, and something evil is living inside of him.

Trailer Released For “I Will Follow You Into The Dark”

I will follow youCheck out the trailer for Mischa Barton starring “I Will Follow You Into The Dark”. The film is directed by Mark Edwin Robinson and also stars Ryan Eggold, Leah Pipes, Frank Ashmore. The supernatural thriller is expected to hit limited theatrical release on October 11th with VOD available on same date.

Sophia Monet is lost and apathetic after the recent death of her parents. She finds herself reeling in a state of cynicism and fear of the unknown until she meets the refreshingly charismatic Adam. He begins to ignite in Sophia a sense of purpose, giving meaning to her once empty life. Late one night, Sophia awakens to find Adam missing, the bed spattered with blood. Along with Adam’s roommate Astrid, and a couple friends, Sophia frantically searches the labyrinth of Adam’s dilapidated apartment high-rise building to find him. Sophia and the group soon find themselves up against unseen paranormal forces that will stop at nothing to keep Adam from being found. Sophia must confront her personal demons and take an extraordinary leap of faith in order to bring him back.

“House OF VHS” Enters Post-production

Post-production begins on HOUSE OF VHS, a supernatural film shot this summer in France. Six international students (US, UK, Italy, Belgium, Australia and France) discover an old VCR in an abandoned house. The machine turns out to be magical... or cursed! The film stars Isabel McCann (Cloclo) - Pétur Sigurðsson - Florie Vialens  - Morgan Lamorté - Delphine Lanniel (Grace of Monaco) and is written/directed by Gautier Cazenave (upcoming: Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein ). Check out the teaser poster and head over to the film’s Facebook page to keep up with the latest details.


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