Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Review Of “Cockneys VS Zombies”

cockneys vs zombies“Cockneys VS Zombies” is a British zom-com that brings the horrors of the zombie apocalypse to the world of the East-enders of London. The comedy is directed by Matthias Hoene and stars Rasmus Hardiker, Harry Treadaway, Michelle Ryan, Jack Doolan, Alan Ford, Georgia King, Ashley Thomas, Tony Gardner and Honor Blackman. “Cockneys VS Zombies” follows a group of mates in the East End who come up with a scheme to save a retirement community from eviction when plans to demo the building for new construction with all the mod cons. Unfortunately for the groups worry and plan it all ends up happening at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.

“Cockney VS Zombies” has a very contemporary story set-up with a very standard but well written cast of comedic characters. The gang of cockneys are good natured but illogical friends. Their intentions are good but their problem solving skills are very flawed. That is good for us the viewer of this truly witty comedy because the antics that follow are some truly classical Brit balderdash hilarity. There is very little about this story or it’s subplots that fall apart. The script and character portrayals are strong and convincing ones that entertain. I felt invested and connected with the characters, as they fought tooth and nail to survive, and save the helpless through the rise of the undead horde. The comedic shtick and jokes are nothing new or inventive but they deliver honest laughs and amusement-if it isn't broke then don’t fix it!

The action and thrills in “Cockney VS Zombies” is a standard array of raucous stunts and action sequences but they hold up much like the comedy with true theatrical force. The zombies are classic zombies- the slow moving, moaning kind which is kind of rare for Brit zombie movies-they usually opt for the fast moving mutant-screechers that quite frankly scare the shit out of me. However much like “Shaun Of The Dead” this is a total homage to the classic Romero era of zombie lore. The special effects are great and the gore is rewarding but the bigger rewards come with the banter and interaction between the characters dealing with the zombies, not to mention one another.

“Cockneys VS Zombies” is a cool, energetic zom-com that entertains and delivers the expected zombie montage of rotting corpses driven to consume the living with total a totally hilarious outcome. The characters are lovable, the story holds up from beginning to end and the funny is actually funny. I think any fan of comedies, and zombie films who enjoy the lighter side of the undead will enjoy this film. Some of the dialect is “cockney” and I like many Americans will really not get the lingo but it never takes away or hinders the total dialog of the film. It just adds an extra little bit of humor and organic flavor to the films already entertaining atmosphere.

Psychotic Saturdays! Horror Movie Classic “Naked Massacre”

naked massacreEnjoy this classic psychotic thriller. Celebrate your Psychotic Saturday with “Naked Massacre” thanks to

Also known as Born for Hell, this film is loosely based on the notorious Richard Speck murders, this is the grim tale of a disturbed Vietnam vet returning home via Belfast, who invades a house shared by eight nurses and proceeds to terrorize and murder them. “Naked Massacre” is directed by Denis Héroux and stars Mathieu Carrière, Debra Berger, Christine Boisson, Myriam Boyer, and Leonora Fani.

Psychotic Saturdays! Six Films Of Madmen And Mayhem

psychotic saturdays

It has been awhile since I did a Psychotic Saturdays post. The post is meant to highlight six films from classic and modern horror genres that exploit the crazy in humanity. The extreme horrific satire that life can often lead someone into is wonderful fodder for horror movie making. From every subject such as killer kids or just the killer inside, psychotics thrive in our nightmares and stories. So I am posting on this Saturday six more classic tales of twisted minds and gruesome thrills.

1. Another Son Of Sam 1977
A psychotic killer escapes from an insane asylum and goes on a killing spree. The SWAT team it sent out to track him down. “Another Son Of Sam” was meant to cash in on the rampage caused by the Son Of Sam in the late 70’s and was directed by Dave Adams. The flick stars Russ Dubuc, Cynthia Stewart, Robert McCourt and  John Harper.

2. Beware My Brethren 1972

the-fiend-3“Beware My Brethren” is directed by Robert Hartford-Davis and stars Ann Todd, Patrick Magee, Tony Beckley, Madeleine Hinde. The original title for this film was “The Fiend”.

Led by a sinister minister, a controlling religious sect called the Brethren has taken control of widow Birdy Wemys, sending her unstable son, Kenny, into a spiraling descent into madness and murder. No woman is safe when Kenny's religious mania overpowers him and leads to a rampage of carnage and chaos!

3. Naked Massacre 1976

naked massacre“Naked Massacre” started out it’s inception under the title “ Born For Hell”. The film is directed by Denis Héroux and stars Mathieu Carrière, Debra Berger, Christine Boisson, Myriam Boyer, and Leonora Fani.

This film is loosely based on the notorious Richard Speck murders, this is the grim tale of a disturbed Vietnam vet returning home via Belfast, who invades a house shared by eight nurses and proceeds to terrorize and murder them.

4. You’ll Like My Mother 1972

you'll like my mother“You’ll Like My Mother” is directed by Lamont Johnson. The film stars America’s long time classic sweetheart Patty Duke as well as Rosemary Murphy, Richard Thomas and Sian Barbara Allen.

Francesa Kinsolving, a very pregnant widow whose husband was rescently killed in action in Vietnam, travels to visit her late husband's mother in a snowy Minnesota town only to get snowed in during a fierce blizard where she's forced to wait it out only to slowly uncover some terrible dark secrets that Mrs. Kinsolving has been hiding, one of them is her psychotic other son, a recent escapee from a lunatic asylum, who is shacked up in the basement of the house.

5. The Defiance Of Good 1974

defiance_of_good“The Defiance Of Good” is directed by Armand Weston and stars Jean Jennings, Fred J. Lincoln, Day Jason, Carole Holland. The film is a show of classic celluloid grindhouse flamboyancy that blends adult with crime-thriller styles.

Christian (Robert Hoffman) and his girlfriend are taking a walk on a deserted beach when they discover a woman's body lying. A closer look proves that she's alive. The next day Christian meets her again at a yacht party and they fall in love. Later at a nearby motel, something weird happens as they prepare to go to bed together: An intruder breaks in and starts beating Christian who accidentally shoots him with his own gun. A few hours later they find out that the corpse is missing and a series of weird incidents takes place.

6. Spasmo 1974

“Spasmo” is directed by Umberto Lenzi and stars Robert Hoffmann, Suzy Kendall, Ivan Rassimov, Adolfo Lastretti. This a classic display of flamboyant giallo Italian cinema.

Christian (Robert Hoffman) and his girlfriend are taking a walk on a deserted beach when they discover a woman's body lying. A closer look proves that she's alive. The next day Christian meets her again at a yacht party and they fall in love. Later at a nearby motel, something weird happens as they prepare to go to bed together: An intruder breaks in and starts beating Christian who accidentally shoots him with his own gun. A few hours later they find out that the corpse is missing and a series of weird incidents takes place.

Release Date Set For “Amnesiac”

amnesiac-artMidnight Releasing has announced a release date for Martin Rutley directed “Amnesiac”. The film stars Gemma Deerfield, Leon Florentine, and Katya Greer. You can catch the horror flick on September 1st on VOD with the DVD release slated for November 5th 2013.

Amnesiac tells the story of Kate. A woman who has lost her child and grief has her seeking relief through the occult. Kate reaches out with the aid of a Ouija board that summons a spirit.Joining Kate in this summoning is her sister Bec and boyfriend Thom.  But Kate is unable to communicate with her dead child. And the spirit responds with malevolent desires.



Teaser Trailer Released For “Pandaemonia”


A teaser trailer has been released for indie horror film “Pandaemonia”. Directed by Mario Melillo, the surreal nightmare stars Ari Karen Green, Bradley Creanzo and Missy Heather Byron. The film is in the early stages of pre-production with Horror Society announcing that casting is set for September in the NJ/NYC/PA area and crowd funding goes live October 1st. Filming is slated for sometime in January 2014. So if your planning a trip for the North Eastern U.S. you may wanna check it out. To find out the exact dates and times of casting follow “Pandaemonia” on Facebook for the latest deets. You can check out the film’s website as well.

On October 27th, the town of Lion's Peak celebrates its annual festival known as Autumn's Veil. A celebration that holds a deadly secret. People attending a private party will find out that night when an ancient evil awakens from it's 300-year slumber....and it's hungry.

International Trailer Uploaded For Dolph Lundgren’s “Battle Of The Damned”

battle of the damnedDolph Lundgren’s next sci-fi zombie film “Battle Of The Damned” has uploaded international trailer. Check it out below after you read the deets on the film. “Battle Of The Damned” is directed by Christopher Hatton and besides Lundgren the near future-action flick stars Matt Doran, David Field, Melanie Zanetti. This one comes from Anchor Bay who recently acquired distribution for North America, New Zealand and Australia territories. The U.S. premiere is set for Detroit’s Zombie Con. The original English trailer is below the German trailer in case you haven’t seen it yet.

In the near future on the outskirts of civilization, a remote test facility lies in ruin following a catastrophic security breach. All that remains is a handful of survivors, their small armory of weapons, and a fleet of the infected. The breach led to a viral outbreak that left thousands dead or mutated. Now the infected walk the land, stalking the few that still live. Led by private military operative Max Gatling (Lundgren), they fight the infected and soon learn there is a band of malfunctioning prototype robots also on the march. They are armed and incredibly dangerous…

TIFF Poster Released For “Proxy”

proxy titleA new poster presenting Zack Parker’s “Proxy” for the 2013 TIFF(Toronto International Film Festival). The thriller stars  Alexia Rasmussen, Alexa Havins, Kristina Klebe, and Joe Swanberg. TIFF 2013 will have a dark side to maternity where ultrasounds read in red and maternal instincts reflect nightmares.

Directed by Zack Parker, Proxy stars Alexia Rasmussen, Alexa Havins, Kristina Klebe, and Joe Swanberg. The screenplay was penned by Parker and Kevin Donner and is being produced by Parker’s Along the Tracks Productions and Faust Checho’s FSC Productions.

A very pregnant Esther Woodhouse (Rasmussen) is walking home after her latest OB appointment, when she is brutally attacked and disfigured by a hooded assailant. When Esther seeks consolation in a support group, she finds friendship and empathy in Melanie (Havins), another mother scarred with tragedy. Esther soon begins to believe that the horrific event might be a bittersweet act of fate. However, friendship and empathy can be very dangerous things when accepted by the wrong people.

Proxy is a European-style suspense-thriller that promises to challenge the traditional cinematic form. Parker has reunited with The Newton Brothers to compose the score as well as Jim Timperman as Director of Photography to lens the film. A notable addition to Parker’s crew is seasoned Special F/X Make-Up Artist James Ojala. Proxy was shot on location in Eastern Indiana last summer and looks to begin its festival run this fall.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Pagan Festival Shout Out: Festival To Portunus (Portunalia)

Festival To Portunus August 17th 2013

portunusPortunus was an ancient Roman god, and the god of keys, gates and doors (porta), as well as livestock. He protected grain warehouses and barns. Eventually he also became associated with ports, and harbors (portus – gateway to the sea) as well. Specifically, Portunus protected the portus Tiberinus, a river harbor within Rome, and the wharves at Ostia. The portus Tiberinus was located near the Forum Boarium, also known as the ‘Cattle Market’. The Temple of Portunus was consecrated on August 17 in the first century BC, and still stands to this day. Quite frankly with all the home invasion horror films that have proved successful lately it may be wise to through some love to Portunus to protect the doorways and entryways into the home. Just saying maybe take some keys that you have in your junk drawer and hang over the door frames in your home or place on the ledge of the frame for protection.

Portunalia, the festival celebrated in honor of Portunus, was held annually on August 17. It was celebrated at Rome by the Pons Aemilius and also at Ostia. The Romans threw keys (the symbol of Portunus) in a solemn manner into a fire during Portunalia for good luck. During the Roman Republic, Portunus was one of the fifteen deities with an official cult. A priest (flamen) was assigned to each of the deities which were divided into three flamen maiores (major priests) and twelve flamen minores. The priest of Portunus was one of the flamen minores. The flamen Portunalis performed a ritual of oiling a spear (hasta) on the statue of the god Quirinus with an ointment especially prepared for this purpose and stored in a small vase (persillum).

Portunus appears to be closely related to the god Janus, with whom he shares many characters, functions and the symbol of the key. He too was represented as a two headed being, with each head facing opposite directions, on coins and as figurehead of ships. He was considered to be "deus portuum et portarumque praeses" (lit. God ports and gates presiding.) The relationship between the two gods is underlined by the fact that the date chosen for the dedication of the rebuilt temple of Janus in the Forum Holitorium by emperor Tiberius is the day of the Portunalia, August 17.

Trailer Released For “Young, High And Dead”

young high dead

A camping trip spirals into blood soaked mayhem in British indie horror “Young, High And Dead”. The film is directed by Luke Brady and stars Hannah Tointon, Louisa Lytton, Philip Barantini, Matthew Stathers, Nigel Boyle, David Partridge, Su Elliott. “Young, High And Dead” is set to be released in the UK on September 13 with a US release following in October on the 31st via Vimeo On Demand.

Young Sammy Taylor is kidnapped and held in a shallow grave in the forest. A group of friends on a camping trip unwittingly pitch their tents in the same location as the young lady’s grave. Failing to act timely after discovering the girl’s clothes, the group’s trip turns to chaos as a killer hunts them down while they argue amongst themselves. Check out the trailer below for the horror that plans to change the format of modern slasher story telling in a film that is almost 5 years in the making.

young high dead still

young high dead still2

Trailer Released For Post-Apocalyptic Grindhouse “Bounty Killer”

bounty killerCheck out the trailer for the upcoming post-apocalyptic grindhouse, action thriller “Bounty Killer”. The film is directed by Henry Saine from a script written with Jason Dodson and Colin Ebeling. “Bounty Killer” stars Matthew Marsden, Kristanna Loken, Barak Hardley, Beverly D'Angelo, Kevin McNally, Gary Busey, Alexa Vega, Abraham Benrubi, Christian Pitre and hits theatres and VOD on September 6th 2013 with DVD coming in October.

It’s been 20 years since the corporations took over the world’s governments. Their thirst for power and profits led to the corporate wars, a fierce global battle that laid waste to society as we know it. Born from the ash, the Council of Nine rose as a new law and order for this dark age. To avenge the corporations’ reckless destruction, the Council issues death warrants for all white collar criminals. Their hunters -- the bounty killer. From amateur savage to graceful assassin, the bounty killers now compete for body count, fame and a fat stack of cash. They’re ending the plague of corporate greed by exterminating the self serving CEO and providing the survivors of the apocalypse with retribution. These are the new heroes. This is the age of the BOUNTY KILLER.

bounty killer still

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Trailer Released For Sci-fi Thriller “The Vigilante”

the vigilanteCalled a near-future thriller “The Vigilante” is the baby of indie filmmaker Matt K. Firpo. The film follows Genius orphan ARTEMIS PARKER, who in the near future when neuroplastic surgery  has been invented, sets out to destroy the system after his “mandatory correction” is mandated. Along the way, he meets JOHN HARDIN, society’s first “corrected” serial killer, recently released. On a collision course with the authorities, the two outcasts form an unlikely friendship that will put them both on a dangerous road towards redemption.

“The Vigilante” has issued a release date for the creative and future forward thriller with a horror influence but based on the plot and the trailer this one is a film to check out! It stars Lev Gorn, Jan Uczkowski and Katrina Lenk.

CW Brings The Fun-E To Ghost Hunting

petsquadWith the launch of their new internet only channel CW has brought the funny to ghost hunting. Among their first original series to air on the channel is P.E.T. Squad Files. The show follows a budding paranormal investigation team as they search for apparitional evidence with hilarious results. The show is a bit of a spoof and after watching the first episode (with a runtime of 6 minutes 11 secs.) I have to say that it is pretty fucking funny. I can’t wait to enjoy future episodes of granny smackin’, ab glistening, spooky fun.

"The P.E.T. Squad Files" follows a group of ex-community college students in search of paranormal and extraterrestrial activity. Led by Spencer (Dale) and Courtney (Hobert), the P.E.T. Squad are filming their ventures into the world of ghost-hunting with hopes of getting a legit paranormal television series.  Courtney is dead serious about the hunt but Spencer is only focused on the fame.

So Diggin’ The New Clips For “The Black Waters Of Echo’s Pond”

the-black-waters-of-echos-pond“The Black Waters Of Echo’s Pond” not only has a dark foreboding title but it also has a commanding cast and story. The film is directed by Garcia Bologna (fights the urge to sing the Oscar Myer theme song) and is edging closer to it’s September 10th release date. “The Black Waters…” stars scream queen Danielle Harris (Halloween 4, Hatchet II), genre favorite Robert Patrick (Terminator 2, The Faculty), and James Duval (Donnie Darko, Coldwater). Check out the these creepy, demon-y clips for the horror film below.
In 1927, archaeologists unearthed a major historical find in Turkey. What happened next is the stuff of legend…and nightmares!

Nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island off the coast of Maine. There, they uncover a game first discovered as part of an archaeological expedition from over 80 years ago that resulted in a series of mysterious – and grisly – deaths. What they don’t realize is that when played, the ancient artifact brings out the worst in each of them. Jealousy, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil. A warning to all those who start the game: it just might finish you!

Release Date Set For “Butcher Boys”

butcher boysDuane Graves’ directed “Butcher Boys” has been issued a release date. The film once known as “Bone Boys” will see a theatrical release on September 6th thanks to Phase 4 Films. “Butcher Boys” from the writer/producer of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, a film that set the standard for grindhouse styled contemporary horror. It [BB] stars Ali Faulkner, Johnny Walters, Derek Lee Nixon, Tory Tompkins, Gregory Kelly. Check out the trailer below and keep up with the slasher/cannibal horror’s latest on the film’s Facebook page.

A birthday celebration at an upscale restaurant sets in motion events that bring a group of friends face to face with the macabre world of cannibals, the Butcher Boys. The Butcher Boys are international predators who deal in human ­flesh - dead or alive.

Check Out The New Trailer And Stills From “Sodomaniac”

somomaniacBeing a gay man and obsessed b-movie/horror fan I pride myself on a twisted sense of humor. That is why I am tickled shitless over the latest b-movie gem to come along. The film is right up my alley-my “tight” (uhhmm-cough-cough) throbbing alley. “Sodomaniac” is a fun, twisted no-budget b-movie that brings some horror to the thrills of “ass-pounding”. The product of indie filmmaker Tony G, “Sodomaniac” is a blend of horror and comedic vision filled with German underground gore. Check out the second trailer below as well as some cheek splitting stills of the film below. I have to say it has me positively erect with anticipation!

The plot of Sodomaniac follows friends and roommates collectively known as "The Wolfpack" – Hamilton, Trent, ‘Prejack,’ Todd, Chauncey, and the new guy, Derrick. "The Wolfpack" are the douches who everyone knows and wants to hang out with, especially Teddy, who wants the guys for himself and Hunter who everyone calls “Cunter”. They get the good times, the good drugs, and the good sex, usually at the backdoor expense of nameless “hot girls” drugged with “Daddies little helpers” – roofies. The collective "Wolfpack" is one giant ID of mindless machismo personified.

Every year "The Wolfpack" throws the biggest house party. This year is no different except for one aspect: it’s also a welcome home orgy party for Blake, newly released from jail.Derrick, being new to the group, finds out the hard way of the particular peccadillos of his newfound buds when Prejack mistakenly swigs a shot of roofied drink. Prejack is murdered prior to the party, and the remaining, currently living members insist that the party go on over Derrick’s objections. Nothing will stop their plans of drugs, and booze, capped by the piece de resistance, the asses of fine, hot girls. Not their friend’s death and certainly not when they realize two additional members of "The Wolfpack" received mysterious flower bouquets with cryptic notes, just like a bouquet that Prejack receives before he was found dead.

At the height of the party, an unplanned guest known only as the *Butt-Faced Killah* joins what should be "The Wolfpack’s" greatest party ever. Who is this *Butt-Faced Killah*? Perhaps it’s a spurned former prison mate of Blake’s? Is it Teddy, the gay guy who lures hot dudes to his apartment when they themselves are too drunk and helpless to resist? Certainly it’s not Hunter who longs to be a part of the group or maybe it’s that Mexican Kid That Todd Knows From Planned Parenthood? It could even be one of "The Wolfpackers" themselves. Or maybe it’s just some fucked-up motherfucker with a butt-face? Derrick must find out who the killer is, and quickly, as he realizes that "The Wolfpack’s"asses are on the line... literally!


IFC Midnight Prepares To Spread A Little Infection

contracted-posterIFC Midnight is preparing to spread a little infection in North America. (That statement should only seem literal to the right wing nuts!). IFC Midnight has announced that they will be releasing Eric Englund’s dark thriller “Contracted” in North America. The film stars Najarra Townsend, Matt Mercer, Alice Macdonald, Katie Stegeman, Simon Barrett, Charlie Koontz, Caroline Williams and will be released on VOD with limited theatrical run. No specifics on date as of yet.

Contracted tells the terrifying tale of a young girl who has a one-night stand with a stranger, contracting what she thinks is a sexually transmitted disease, but it is actually something far worse. As things begin to crumble around her, she’s sent on a disturbing and bloodcurdling journey, sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. (kind of gives a darker appreciation for the aphorism “know your status”).

Thursday, August 15, 2013

International Trailer For “300: Rise Of An Empire”


Check out the new international trailer for “300: Rise Of An Empire” which hits theatres on March 7th 2014. The film is directed by Noam Murro and stars Eva Green, Rodrigo Santoro, Jack O'Connell, Sullivan Stapleton. “300: Rise Of An Empire” is shot in the same visual awe as “300” inspired by graphic novel stylization and action techniques. The very same technique later utilized on Starz ‘Spartacus’ which rocked!

After its victory over Leonidas' 300, the Persian Army under the command of Xerxes marches north towards the major Greek city-states. The Democratic city of Athens, first on the path of Xerxes' army, bases its strength on its fleet, led by admiral Themistocles. Themistocles is forced to an unwilling alliance with the traditional rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta whose might lies with its superior infantry troops. But Xerxes still reigns supreme in numbers over sea and land.

Trailer Released For Anthology “Shortcuts To Hell”

shortcuts-to-hell-artworkCheck out the trailer for Brit horror anthology “Shortcuts To Hell: Vol. I” . The collection consists of 26 short films  from talented UK indie filmmakers.

From the Press Release

Movie Mogul, in association with FrightFest and Horror Channel, is to release an anthology of the 26 best short films from the 666 Short Cuts To Hell national talent search competition.

An essential collection of shorts for anyone serious about horror and the directors of tomorrow, SHORTCUTS TO HELL: VOLUME 1 is available on iTunes and BlinkBox from August 23, 2013 – to coincide with the announcement of the winner of the competition at Film4 FrightFest 2013. The winner will receive a check for £6,666 from the judging panel, which includes Tom Six, Paul Hyett and Emily Booth.

All of the films were made under the same six grueling restrictions. Filmmakers had to choose from one of six existing titles, make their film no more than three minutes long, spend no more than £666, harnessing no more than six cast, six crew, six lines of dialogue and just six hours of shooting time.

The results and creative interpretations of these restrictions vary considerably but all provide compulsive and entertaining viewing.

Shortcuts To Hell: Volume 1 is an exciting new platform, which clearly demonstrates the wealth of filmmaking talent there is on offer within UK shores.

New Promo Sheet For “Crawl To Me”

A new one-sheet promoting Victor Garcia’s feature adaptation of Alan Robert’s graphic novel has been released. The film follows husband and wife, Ryan and Jessica. As they move into their first home together, strange things begin to occur. Half-eaten animals and other remains are found inside the basement’s crawl space. Their family dog disappears within the house.  Distant voices are heard from beneath the floorboards. The couple begins to think that an evil entity is living inside their walls. Nothing can prepare them for what they’ll discover, but Ryan and Jessica soon realize that they must set aside all they believe to be true, in order to face their inevitable reality.  We'll keep you updated with more information as production moves forward.

crawl to me

Trailer & Release Date For “Mischief Night”

Mischief-Night-PosterA trailer has been released for home invasion horror flick “Mischief Night”. Along with the release of the trailer came word on the film’s premiere date. “Mischief Night” will hit theatres for one night only October 30th. The 30th is the night that the horrors are unleashed in this modern nightmare’s fictional story. “Mischief Night” is directed by Richard Schenkman and stars Daniel Hugh Kelly, Ally Walker, Noell Coet, Charlie O'Connell, Erica Leerhsen, Richard Riehl, Stephanie Erb, Ian Bamberg.

Emily Walton, a young woman suffering from psychosomatic blindness ever since the car accident that took her mother’s life, must summon every instinct at her disposal to protect herself and her loved ones from a mysterious intruder.

“Skinwalker Ranch” Release Date Set

skinwalker ranchThe found footage, supernatural thriller “Skinwalker Ranch” will be released on VOD October 30th. The film is being distributed by Deep Studios out of Utah. “Skinwalker Ranch” is directed by Devin McGinn and stars Jon Gries, Kyle Davis, Erin Cahill, Devin McGinn, Matt Rocheleau.

A scientific research team investigates and documents the supernatural events surrounding the disappearance of a cattle ranchers 10-year-old son. 

The film is based on Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, a property located on approximately 480 acres (1.9 km2) southeast of Ballard, Utah that is allegedly the site of paranormal and UFO-related activities. Its name is taken from the skin-walker of Native American legend. Claims about the ranch first appeared in the Salt Lake City, Utah Deseret News, and later in the alternative weekly Las Vegas Mercury as a series of articles by journalist George Knapp. Knapp and co-author Colm Kelleher subsequently authored a book in which they describe the ranch being acquired by the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci) to study anecdotal sightings of UFOs, bigfoot-like creatures, crop circles, glowing orbs and poltergeist activity reported by its former owners.

My Review Of “The Demented” 2013

the_demented-poster“The Demented” continues the saga of an apocalypse where rage zombies plague mankind. The film is directed by Christopher Roosevelt and stars Kayla Ewell, Richard Kohnke, Ashlee Brian, Brittney Alger, Sarah Butler and  Michael Welch. The story is a standard melodrama filled with carnage and mayhem as a group of friends head out for one last get-together before heading off to their own futures. Throw in a terrorist attack, which leads to an outbreak of mutant rage zombies, who spread like wildfire through the effected community, and “The Demented” gives us another thrill ride into a nightmare zombieland.

“The Demented” story is a typical one with arrogant yet reflective youths looking to bond fighting unimaginable horrors. I didn’t find any real holes in the plotline or characters stories which happens a lot in films. The terrorist attack is a familiar one but it is fresher than the standard schlock for “how zombies are made”. It plays closer to the viral outbreak in other more powerful zombie tales like “28 Days Later” and “The Devil’s Playground”. However this is a new geographical location of the outbreak-bayou country and small town America. The actual outbreak happens over the New Orleans area but the college kids are at a family home far outside the city in a smaller community. It allows for the action and story arch to maintain an affective level of entertainment without seeming redundant or boring. I found the characters likable and believable. I actually connected with them and the story managed to keep my attention through the whole film.

The special effects and action sequences in “The Demented” are intense and very commanding as the cast fight (and as some die) to get to the safe location of extraction. The thrills and even chilling moments are evenly spaced and timed well enough to create tension enough for excitement. The zombies are not the tradition creature we expect but more bleeding rage virulent humans with homicidal tendencies similar to “The Crazies”-fast movers that created even more thrilling action packed moments on screen. I enjoyed the added little element of the zombies “suspended state” when the smell or sound of the living wasn’t stimulating them. “The Demented” isn’t really anything knew for the zombie genre but the film gives a solid story and plenty of intense action. The acting is as good as some big budget flicks and for the most part “The Demented” delivers a good level of entertainment. I enjoyed this one as much as the other zombie films I mentioned in this review.

Trailer Released For “Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters”

vampire_academy_blood_sisters_xlgCheck out the first teaser trailer for “Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters”. The film is gaining buzz as we inch closer to the February 14th 2014 release date. “Vampire Academy” is the feature adaptation of the popular fiction book series by author Richelle Meade. It stars Olga Kurylenko, Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky and is directed by Mark Waters.

Rose Hathaway is a dhampir, half-vampire and half-human, who is training to be a guardian at St Vladimir’s Academy along with many others like her. There are good and bad vampires in their world: Moroi, who co-exist peacefully among the humans and only take blood from donors, and also possess the ability to control one of the four elements – water, earth, fire or air; and Strigoi, blood-sucking, evil vampires who drink to kill. Rose and other dhampir guardians are trained to protect Moroi and kill Strigoi throughout their education. Along with her best friend Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, a Moroi in possession of the almost unheard of element called spirit that forged a nigh unbreakable bond, Rose must run away from St Vladimir’s, in order to protect Lissa from those who wish to harm the princess and use her for their own means.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Review Of “Sinister Visions”

Sinister Visions DVD Cover[3]“Sinister Visions” is a horror anthology from Apotheosis Film’s and Branbomm. The collection of short stories was recently released through Chemical Burn Entertainment and features directors Henric Brandt, Doug Gehl, Kim Sønderholm in five short stories of dark fiction. The stories within the anthology all play upon visceral nightmares that are meant to tease sinister surrealism and grindhouse horror. There is no wrap-around to frame the series of short films, forcing the scenes to begin and end in some phantom wisp of staunch, haunting succession. 

“Succubus” is a wicked story of a demonic possession which puts a young woman in the driving seat of fiendish desires. She is driven by the evil force to kill and consume whatever man is near. The story is not all that original, nor is this short film all that interesting. For the most part it was kind of boring and offered no scares or chills. I will give props to the creature design. At full on view it seems a bit theatrical but the detail and attention to showing a full demon effect in the short was professional and creative. I would have loved to see more gore or actual emoted response from the characters in “Succubus”.

“My Undead Girlfriend” is a dark satire about marriage and relationship. A young man is faced with the challenge of a fiancé who is undead. This short story was very entertaining and even though at times seemed a bit detached from it’s own intend (I never truly connected with the characters or the story-felt as if they were just going through the motions-like marriage!) That doesn’t stop the film from being a pretty cool short filled with growls, grue and blood. It ends a little bit hokey and with way more energy than the actual story had but I still liked “My Undead Girlfriend”.

“Mother Knows Best” gives us a dark visceral and chilling grindhouse styled story. A true psychotic in the dating world-kind of. The story is creepy, stoic and gritty. It doesn’t offer a lot of back-story or depth as far as the characters but it is a story that would make one hell of a feature film. A homicidal maniac who’s dead mother continues to nag him as he lures women into his home. “Mother Knows Best” is a bit cold and brutal with more attention placed on nude and abused women than any real message but it works as a superficially frightening story.

“A Woman Scorned” is the fourth short film in “Sinister Visions” . The story was a dark, organic horror that once more brings the bad relationship face down into a pool of blood. I didn’t really care for the story because I found one of the main selling points to the psycho’s reason for killing too implausible-(two years with it inside her and she would have died way before she could have plotted and executed her vengeful scheme.) That being said the lead actress was chilling in her portrayal of the character and this short film was the first one in the series where I connected with the characters on an emotional level.

“Genital Genocide” was a bit of a downer as well. The story is a grindhouse play on the serial slasher story. It was visceral in its display of gore which was cool but the premise of the killer in the chair being able to re-hash the events that placed him there was bit of a stretch for the imagination. I don’t believe he would ever have been able to taunt or relive with delicious satisfaction those gruesome events before they pulled the switch. Maybe if they would have let him relive the events will a priest lead him down the hall to the chair then this whole short film would have been more convincing in its story. Still the gore and classic horror feel of the kill scenes were worthy.

“Sinister Visions” is a 50/50 experience for me. The stories and visual aspects of the directors seem a bit misogynistic. The characters in many of the short films read more cold and empty than one wants in their characters. There was no wrap-around or framework to the anthology that you want to find to lead the collection of short films from start to finish. That is the things I found wrong with the collection. The things I liked about “Sinister Vision” was the fact there was some series attempts to tell really chilling tales with a three stories really standing out as notable short films (My Undead Girlfriend, Mother Knows Best, A Woman Scorned). The effects and graphic elements, when displayed, where delightful to my blood thirsty nature. I like blood and guts in my anthology. Over all “Sinister Visions” is one of those films that I would say see it if you really want to, and for Kim Sønderholm fans, there is plenty of him available in this collection of short films. This anthology however doesn't really offer anything knew as far as original concepts but the actual plot lines and stories are creative. "Sinister Visions" has some good moments and then there is some bad ones in this collection. That is why I am split about my feelings.

Crowd Funding Started For “The Mangled”

mangledtourposter8The crowd funding campaign for horror film “The Mangled” has began over at Kickstarter. The project is hoping to bypass the demands and forced influence that corporate investors push on filmmakers in exchange for funds. This completely independent approach to raising the money will allow the film to maintain its intend visual and stylized creativity. “The Mangled” is the brainchild and first feature project from Indie director Lawrence W. Nelson II who directed the short film “You Found Me” which went on to be picked up as a television movie feature for Blackflag.TV.

"The Mangled" tells the bloody tale of a family celebrating a 25th anniversary on a rainy night in Southern, Texas. When four twenty-somethings come pounding on their door desperate for help. And one of them serious injured. But as the night goes on, it is discovered that the Bates have secrets of their own. Head over to the Kickstarter page to find out all the cool rewards and then show some love on the film’s Facebook page.

First Images From “Hercules 3D”

herculesposter“Hercules 3D” is expected to be released in March of 2014 and stars Kellan Lutz, Gaia Weiss, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre and Roxanne McKee. The film is the second of such films involving the mythical tales of Hercules. Dwayne Johnson is set to take on the hero in “Hercules: The Thracian Wars” in July 2014.  “Hercules 3D” is directed by Renny Harlin. JustJared posted the first images giving us some delicious visuals on that we can expect with Kellan Lutz as Hercules. The film also has my number two Spartacus Liam McIntyre so I am amp’d for this film.

Myths are that During Amphitryon’s absence, Alcmene (Hercule’s mother, played by Roxanne McKee) became pregnant by Zeus, who disguised himself as Amphitryon , when he visited her; she then became pregnant again by her real husband upon his return. Of these unions were born twin boys, of whom Iphicles (Liam Garrigan) was the son of Amphitryon, Hercules (Kellan Lutz) the son of Zeus.
There’s a love story between the son of Zeus and the mortal princess of Crete (Gaia Weiss), who was promised to Iphicles despite her love for Hercules.








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