A second, more thrilling trailer for Lawrie Brewster's new forray into thought-provoking horror, "The Unkindness Of Ravens" has been released. The highly imaginative, dark horror plays on internal and personal conflict, surreal themes of horror and fantasy, in an elevated, chilling story about one war vet's struggle on the home front. Lawrie Brewster is masterful at this high-concept story telling where the lines are blurred between reality and nightmare, as evident with his feature film debut, the acclaimed psychological horror "Lord Of Tears".
" The Unkindness Of Ravens" stars Jamie Scott Gordon as a troubled war veteran plagued by flashbacks of a traumatic event he witnessed in the army. Andrew travels to a retreat in the remote Scottish Highlands hoping to overcome his fear of ravens, the dark creatures that populate his visions. But, in this bleak wilderness, his nightmares manifest into an enemy more powerful than he could ever have imagined.
The crowd funding is at the hallway point and looks to be successful as it edges toward that last day on Kickstarter. Head over to the page and check out the cool rewards for your support. Also if you haven't already, head over to "The Unkindness Of Ravens" Facebook page to stay up to date with the films progress.
" The Unkindness Of Ravens" stars Jamie Scott Gordon as a troubled war veteran plagued by flashbacks of a traumatic event he witnessed in the army. Andrew travels to a retreat in the remote Scottish Highlands hoping to overcome his fear of ravens, the dark creatures that populate his visions. But, in this bleak wilderness, his nightmares manifest into an enemy more powerful than he could ever have imagined.
The crowd funding is at the hallway point and looks to be successful as it edges toward that last day on Kickstarter. Head over to the page and check out the cool rewards for your support. Also if you haven't already, head over to "The Unkindness Of Ravens" Facebook page to stay up to date with the films progress.