"Siren" is a fantasy, dark fairy tale directed by Jesse Peyronel and stars Vinessa Shaw, Rob Kazinsky, Ross Patridge, Bess Wohl. The film is a very heartfelt, at times romantic, melody of inspiration of love and corruption. Corruption of one's desires, reasons, passions, and life. All of which come attached to the tragic life of one supernatural creature of lore-the siren. "Siren" is also a strong parable of the struggle of women, both as creatures of substance and sexuality.
Synopsis: Leigh has lived a reclusive existence in a secluded old home on the outskirts of town for her entire adult life. You see, Leigh has excreted extremely potent pheromones.She suffers a life isolated, devoid of honest human connection, and a real knowledge or experience of true love.
"Siren" tells a very soft, emotional story that explores both the perils and rewards of love, sexual desire, and companionship. The characters have an almost melancholy appearance which contrasts the very dark circumstances of Peyronel's fairy tale. The protagonist has a sad existence, self-exiled from people and the world in order to just live a safe life and fulfilling life. As fulfilling as a creature could live considering that one's very existence creates a desire so strong that it becomes dangerous to be around men, and in women there is a hatred so deep that connection with other females is equally dangerous.
I love the story, the characters are so tragic, like poor little lumps of lost emotions just wondering the world longing for something more. The cast give very haunting and compelling performances of the characters, and really are what pull you into this dark fantasy. "Siren" does have some tense, slightly thrilling moments. For the most part though, this is really just a suspenseful, and dramatic character study. One that is inspired by a mythical being trying to live a very typical life- as typical as a mythical creature's life could be. What makes Peyronel's story so entertaining and compelling is that the story focuses more on a scientific and biological occurrence that gives rise to Leigh's "siren" like qualities as opposed to one of a mythical creature lurking about man's world. Almost as if this scenario could be similar to the one eons ago that gave rise to Siren lore.
Overall "Siren" is a melodrama more than a thriller. It is a very good film that is total modern fantasy. The atmosphere is at times very "Nicholas Sparks", but a bit darker. The cast are great and the settings are beautiful, whimsical slices of creativity and art. The biggest draw for me personally was Leigh's love interest Robert Kazinsky, and the whole science fiction element surrounding the company that Leigh sold her pheromones to. The story does move slow, and there isn't a heavy horror element to the movie so that will be a downer for most horror driven fans. I would say if you occasionally like the modern fantasy/fairy tale themes with a bit of Nicholas Sparks mixed in then "Siren" is a perfect film. I enjoyed it,
Synopsis: Leigh has lived a reclusive existence in a secluded old home on the outskirts of town for her entire adult life. You see, Leigh has excreted extremely potent pheromones.She suffers a life isolated, devoid of honest human connection, and a real knowledge or experience of true love.
"Siren" tells a very soft, emotional story that explores both the perils and rewards of love, sexual desire, and companionship. The characters have an almost melancholy appearance which contrasts the very dark circumstances of Peyronel's fairy tale. The protagonist has a sad existence, self-exiled from people and the world in order to just live a safe life and fulfilling life. As fulfilling as a creature could live considering that one's very existence creates a desire so strong that it becomes dangerous to be around men, and in women there is a hatred so deep that connection with other females is equally dangerous.
I love the story, the characters are so tragic, like poor little lumps of lost emotions just wondering the world longing for something more. The cast give very haunting and compelling performances of the characters, and really are what pull you into this dark fantasy. "Siren" does have some tense, slightly thrilling moments. For the most part though, this is really just a suspenseful, and dramatic character study. One that is inspired by a mythical being trying to live a very typical life- as typical as a mythical creature's life could be. What makes Peyronel's story so entertaining and compelling is that the story focuses more on a scientific and biological occurrence that gives rise to Leigh's "siren" like qualities as opposed to one of a mythical creature lurking about man's world. Almost as if this scenario could be similar to the one eons ago that gave rise to Siren lore.
Overall "Siren" is a melodrama more than a thriller. It is a very good film that is total modern fantasy. The atmosphere is at times very "Nicholas Sparks", but a bit darker. The cast are great and the settings are beautiful, whimsical slices of creativity and art. The biggest draw for me personally was Leigh's love interest Robert Kazinsky, and the whole science fiction element surrounding the company that Leigh sold her pheromones to. The story does move slow, and there isn't a heavy horror element to the movie so that will be a downer for most horror driven fans. I would say if you occasionally like the modern fantasy/fairy tale themes with a bit of Nicholas Sparks mixed in then "Siren" is a perfect film. I enjoyed it,