Monday, April 23, 2012

New Promo Campaign For Andy Koontz “Ekimmu” @ Kickstarter

From “Ekimmu” Kickstarter Page:
After a Long Fight for 6 years I am now remission day is two days before the local premiere of the film (6-23-12) in Portland, Oregon. I am happy to be a Brain Cancer Survivor now.  I've found during recovery that I've met and helped a lot of people who have been affected by Cancer. I was lucky to have LIVESTRONG interview me for a Young Adult Cancer video series.  My story was also featured in a book, "Let's Talk About It" (a collection of Young Adult Cancer Survivor stories). 
I am currently editing the final cut of my film "Ekimmu THE DEAD LUST".  
562163_10151484802230145_381301615144_23615722_1938875815_nCancer is expensive - well, medical bills are expensive...and I have a lot of bills now. This film is a huge passion of mine...and an even bigger dream that I feared was going to be taken from me with my Cancer diagnosis.  I'm hard-working and determined to make a mark in this world - hopefully starting with this film!  I have extensive experience in music production, live performance, hours upon hours of studio time and a lot of the tools that I need to finish this film.
The only thing I'm missing is the funds to get this movie out so I can promote this film.  I have a vision to take this to film festivals around the US and even the World.  I would love to be able to make this film into a novel or a graphic novel at some point.
Promotion is not cheap and the Kickstarter funds would be used for a number of things...namely:
1. Advertisements (Facebook, Google, Publications) 
2. Promotions (T-shirts, Posters, Decals, Hats, etc.) 
3. Film Festival Costs (Submission Fees, Travel to the festival - if close enough)
4. DVDs
5. Mailings
6. Mastering and Duplication costs for the soundtrack
While it costs a lot to make a movie - it can cost just as much to promote it.  I want to promote it right so that it can be a true success.
Your support will ensure that I can make my dream a reality! 
Thank you, Andy

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