Mother’s Day is fast approaching so here is my list of movies to celebrate the one day of year when even the most fucked up mommie’s out there can get some love. I personally have a great mother whom I adore. However a lot of people out there do not, and some out there have pure psycho’s for mothers. So what better way to embrace the crazy than to enjoy a Mother’s Day marathon of truly fucked up mothers, to help those of us with good mom’s appreciate them a little more.
First I have to give this first mother a mention even though she is not flesh and blood. ‘Mother’ from the Alien franchise is first on my list because even though she is machine, she guides and protects her crew unless there is something more precious out there in the universe. In that case she will have crazy androids get rid of each and every one! So here’s to you ‘Mother’.

Second on my list of really fucked up mothers is Yvonne DeCarlo as ‘Ma’. In '”American Gothic” she is the one crazy mother who gives a solid meaning to “the family that slays together, stays together”.

Following ‘Ma’ into the halls of horror is Piper Laurie as Adrianna Petrescu in Dario Argento’s “Trauma”. She is one truly twisted bitch that takes grief and tragedy to a whole other level. Revenge truly is a mother in pain.

Next up for the role of psychotic mother is Jordan Ladd who plays Madeline Matheson in “Grace”. This mother proves that the bond between mother and child is one powerful cluster-fuck of emotion and loyalty.

Following Madeline is a moma that everyone can relate to on some level. The crazy emotional woman who makes her love come with psychological scars and a healthy dose of self doubt. Joan Crawford has had many roles as a questionable mother. But the one that applies as a truly twisted bitch of a mom comes from her role as Lucy Harbin in “Straight Jacket”.

Another mother than could be considered for the role of crossing the line her devotion and interest in her child’s life is “Hush” mother-dearest Jessica Lange as Martha Baring.

Next up as crazy mother of the all times comes from a fairly new film called “Baby Blues”. Collen Porch puts a true face of evil on postpartum depression. If you can’t love your children then kill ‘em is this woman’s view on family.

After Collen Porch comes total package of evil mother embodiment. “Mother’s Day” gave a new definition to the meaning of Mother’s Day for so many of us. I am truly thankful that my mother is in no way like this fucked up mommie!

The second most twisted movie mother out there has to be the one and only Margaret White played by non other than Piper Laurie who brought the mother who cared too much syndrome to it’s religious knees in “Carrie”. And if it were not for my all time favorite mother in horror, Piper Laurie would be no.1.

Now time for my number one psychotic mother! It is of coarse Pamela Voorhees played by Betsy Palmer. She is one mother from hell when it comes to killing in the name of your child. She is the legend that is Horror movie mothers.

So with all these monstrous mothers in mind, Do Not Forget “Mother’s Day”!
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