Sunday, August 26, 2018

My Review Of "Bleed"

"Bleed" is directed by Tripp Rhame. It stars Chesley Crisp, Michael Stegar, Riley Smith, Lyndon Smith, Brittany Ishibashi and Elimu Nelson. The story is a visceral horror and psychological thriller told with elements of paranormal scares and cult killers mayhem.

It seemed perfect - a new house, a new marriage, a child soon to be born. But when Sarah and Matt invite their friends to celebrate, the situation turns deadly as they enter a burned-out prison on a ghost hunt.

The story that Rhame tells is a crisp, modern horror tale that stays pretty close to classic horror story ideas. There is the "newcomers to rural America fear", a paranormal element that teases to the horrors to come, and an "abnormal" community of crazy cult people. 

The characters are contemporary hipster-esque, well developed, and believable enough to be interesting. However they are not all too original, and the direction the story takes them in is slightly off-kilter. Some choices the characters make didn't quite make sense. Still they are far from the standard two-dimensional clichés normally associated with traditional horror movies. 

"Bleed" has a tight, suspenseful energy that starts slow, and like the characters destiny, rolls into a tense, and bloody nightmare. The cinematography is great and stylized in a manner that offers a claustrophobic quality to the already dark nature of the story. The effects are a blend of well done typical CGI paranormal tricks and practical gory effects that offer blunt, visceral moments of carnage. "Bleed" is a B-level movie that creates an atmospheric, thrilling nightmare worth watching. (3.5/5) 

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