The story is a simple urban legend with a twist at the end that provides some dark satirical relief. The film keeps with a serious, straight forward tone through most of the film. Kim Sønderholm is somewhat self analyzing but for the most part remains stoic. Siff Anderson brings in a little more energy with an “all in”, “play the game” attitude that balances the drama and character interactions. Both give pretty realistic performances in “Harvest”. Sønderholm and Martin Sonntag make a great team.
The special effects are a mix bag of tricks from splatter-gore heavy moments complete with body parts being shredded on screen. Not literally but just destroyed by the shear exploitative means used to give us our horror. The practical effects work at times and at other times look really fake or only barely effective. That will be a coin toss whether or not horror fans will go for it or not. For me personally there are enough moments when the effects do work for me to enjoy this short little morality nightmare.
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