The story in “Patrick” is a really dark, nefarious tale of mad science and extreme circumstance. “Patrick” takes on the most colorful of urban myths where cold, calculative doctors explore scientific discovery and notoriety at the behest of the helpless patient. It is the core of most nightmares surrounding hospitals, clinics and mental institutions. So “Patrick” is a story that should please any horror fan. This film offers the same evenly-paced melancholy with a bit of unease as the classic version, but the updated look and feel give more edge to the film. There isn’t a big change to the story or situations in this remake generally speaking which normally would make a remake pointless and boring but with “Patrick” there is still that creepy, since of dread and chilling coldness that the original film held.
The acting in “Patrick” is pretty standard for a film with a nice enough budget. The actors are all well known from various other ventures and their ability to give life to the characters shows on screen. This film doesn’t demand to much depth or complexity of character and the director doesn’t offer anymore than what the original story called for which works but at times kind of gives the film that whole “going through the motions” sort of vibe. Still the actors offer believable, solid performances and the dramatic overture to their interactions presents a traditional macabre performance.
The special effects and soundtrack used in “Patrick” is tight, much like the acting, with plenty of creative gruesomeness. The kill scenes aren’t as visceral as most modern horror films tend to be but they work and offer enough blood-n-guts goodness to satisfy. The suspense isn’t really as strong as I would have like, especially considering it is a remake of such a notable cult classic. Maybe cause I saw the original more than once this film just seemed like a “basic” update which isn’t saying anything bad about it, it just would have been nice to see the extra effort made to shock and thrill those of us who where familiar with the original-offer a modern, fresh atmosphere of fright. The soundtrack is eerie enough but still much like the shock factor it doesn't really heighten the suspenseful nature or chilling overcast of the film. That being said “Patrick” is an entertaining, creepy film that manages to breathe new life in a horror story classic.
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