“Terror In America” is a documentary that explores possible terrorist attacks and the changing nature of terror in a world after 9/11. Here is what the film’s description details: n light of the global terrorism that now stalks us daily, can anyone really feel secure? Are you prepared for these perilous times? This is the harsh and unpleasant reality we must face – an issue no one can afford to disregard or side step. Former White House leaders President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, The Director of the FBI and the Director of FEMA all warned us that we have entered a new phase of world conflict and that time is NOW.

Now here is what I think of this “documentary”. For me this felt like total fear mongering propaganda. It came of as biased right wing rhetoric that is designed to create xenophobia and a hatred of Muslims. There were no unbiased opinions or point of view to counter any other the information within this film nor where there any representations of the positive results of the “war on terror” or desire to show that Americans are actually safer now than before against terrorist. It only propagated the need to create a stronger since of insecurity. I feel that this film holds a clear agenda to instill a greater fear of the world and had no educational value or sense of perspective that would enlighten anyone anchored in reality. The only true and honest moment is the preparedness information that is shown at the end which dictates the Red Cross’s requirements for citizens to be prepared in the event of a terrorist attack. I did not care for this documentary but maybe some right wing nut in the flatland of the far Midwest may get something from it.
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