Here in the real world Paranormal Activity has increased causing thousands more people around the world to be burdened by spiritual energy left over from so much life and emotion expended on this planet. Lately Ghosts and Entities have swarmed our world through pop culture, mostly television and movies. There has been such a craze for the unexplained phenom around the world that we sometimes forget that real people in our towns and across the wide world are dealing with paranormal experiences that are not all that entertaining for them. Well now there is some help. I ran across this website that offers help through non-profit work reaching out to all those lost souls, living and deceased. I think that is cool as hell.

Here is Spirit Rescue International’s mission statement :
Spirit Rescue is the ability to help an earthbound spirit leave this earth plane and reach a higher dimension. Some people who have died have difficulty moving on, and for the best part, and it is not always the fault of the deceased.
We are often asked exactly what it is that we do. The following is a primer to rescuing spirits.
Many of you may recognize this feeling...the chill in the air and/or the feeling of being watched. You keep telling yourself that it is your imagination, but your gut feeling tells you differently. You know there is someone else in the room, but you cannot see them. You can feel the presence but don't know exactly where it is.
These feelings suggest the presence of an earthbound spirit. You may call it a ghost, but that is not so. A ghost is a memory or residual energy that replays itself over and over, like a battle taking place in a field or a Scottish piper playing his bagpipes on the battlement of some Scottish castle. An earthbound spirit was a person who is now deceased. A spirit whose mind and consciousness have moved to a different vibration to that of ours. For some reason they have not moved on to the next stage after death, and need to be led to the light. Most of us believe that when we die we will automatically go to what some call Heaven or the next stage in the spirit world. This is not always so, we all have free will and have three choices of what we do next. (read more here!)
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If you find yourself in the situation where you need their help they have a contact form on there website. Go to it by clicking here!
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