“Captain Battle: Legacy War” is based on a Golden Age Comic series that I have never heard of but there are a lot of comics that I have missed over the decades. Anyway here is the trailer for Tomcat Films “Captain Battle” and man I so hope this is closer to soft-core porn than indie action hero seriousness. I mean hot actors, superhero's, and Nazi's- porno! right?! Well it oozes like it wants to be one anyway!

Sam Battle follows in the footsteps of his great grandfather, a WWII super hero known as CAPTAIN BATTLE, by accepting an experimental drug while in the military. The drug turns him into a super-being with strength, agility and intelligence beyond that of a normal human. After his tour of duty he returns home to see his hometown over run by ruthless neo Nazi thugs who serve and evil mastermind known as, THE NECROMANCER. They plot to raise the Third Reich again by re-animating Himmler. Only Sam, as the new Captain Battle, can save them!
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