Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire and a patron of soldiers. The date of 25 December for Christmas was selected in order to correspond with the Roman festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, or "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun". The Philocalian calendar of AD 354 gives a festival of "Natalis Invicti" on 25 December. There is limited evidence that this festival was celebrated before the mid-4th century.
The important thing with these holidays that correspond with today’s Christmas tradition is that the winter solstice is a time of revelry, remembrance and good will toward the coming year and the return of the sun. Today is a day to be merry, to show kindness toward one another, celebrate the winter and pay homage to the time when one season ends and to embrace with positive prospects for the beginning of a new wondrous year that will give rise to a new time of plenty, filled with spiritual growth and strength in the uncertain future.
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