The story is a very fun, cheeky creative tale that is very entertaining to see unfold. It takes me back to the vinyl days of forcing my albums to play backwards-by hand-hoping to here some kind of witchy message. The plot has a few quirks unfolding within it that sometimes seem unwarranted or ill-acted but the execution of the story’s ideas flow pretty well. There are some nice moments in “Revolution 666” that kind of validate the film’s script. Now it is a very low budget horror in the vein of “Death By VHS” and “Treasure Chest Of Horrors II” so the acting is amateurish on a basic level but the lines are very rarely flubbed and more often throw back to the early cult film era in the 80’s VHS hayday. The action sequences where the chilling thrills are enacted seem half-hearted and not quite convincingly acted-it would have been nice to see more attention paid to that element of the film because it would have elevated “Revolution 666” to the level of Jaissle’s earliest cult favorites like “The Necro Files”, and “Back From Hell”.
The special effects are something that also gets the lessor of attention. They present as cheap, really cheap and are executed on that homemade-horror scale, registering on the lower side of the scale. I wish that a bit more care was taken with the gory effects and blood quality because the cheap-o look takes away from the film’s overall effect on me as a viewer. However the soundtrack and sound effects utilized in “Revolution 666” are hot as hell and become infectious. I really enjoyed those elements a lot. It adds the classic Matt Jaissle signature to the film. If I ever find myself in a horror film sort styled ending to my life I want Matt Jaissle directing the soundtrack to it. Over all this film creates a lot of what the director intends- groovy cult story, and a cool original killer with the undead slasher character. The acting and dialog often miss and the special effects in the kill scenes are too cheap to really gain favor with most horror fans. For the most part “Revolution 666” will disappoint the quality seeking low-budget horror fans but the majority of homemade, D.I.Y horror people will find some timeless, cult entertainment with the film. Ultimately I can’t say to see the film is a must, but there is no harm in cheeky fun which is what this film really embodies. Just go into it with caution and little expectations. I do recommend watching Matt Jaissle’s earliest films first or after to gain full appreciation for the director’s twisted but worthy talent.
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