From the fevered mind of maverick cult movie mogul and FULL MOON FEATURES President Charles Band comes the triumphant return of the brand that first brought oddball shock to your living room: WIZARD Studios!
WIZARD Studios is an evolution of Band's iconic WIZARD Video label, the home video imprint that blazed trails in the early 1980's, bringing the world's weirdest horror, fantasy and exploitation films to audiences everywhere via big box rental and sell-through VHS. WIZARD Video (the successor to Band's landmark Meda Home Video label) not only pioneered many concepts in how we watch films, it introduced young audiences to a cavalcade of exciting, erotic, esoteric and avant-garde international genre films and auteurs with such now celebrated pictures as Lucio Fulci's ZOMBIE, Meir Zarchi's I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, Jess Franco's OASIS OF THE ZOMBIES and A VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD and Joe D'Amato's MONSTER HUNTER (aka ABSURD). Many of these legendary releases are now highly sought after and WIZARD Video maintains a level of myth among serious film culture collectors.
Now, inspired in part by the unprecedented success of Band's Full Moon Streaming initiative (, WIZARD Video has been reborn, this time as WIZARD Studios, an exciting acquisition program and distribution outfit designed to spotlight rising independent filmmakers and their cutting-edge genre pictures
Here's how it works:
Filmmakers are invited to submit their feature length, undistributed films to WIZARD Studios and, after an internal screening process from the WIZARD Studios team, a new movie will be selected every week to premiere - with much fanfare, including stills, trailers and other promotional tools - on the WIZARD Studios portal located at Filmmakers will then promote their film and share it with cast, crew, friends and family, encouraging them to sign up for a minimum three-month term to (a rate of only $18.00). As soon as the filmmaker signs up just 50 people, he or she will automatically receive a $2,500.00 advance and WIZARD Studios/FULL MOON FEATURES will additionally distribute the film on DVD and other high profile digital platforms. The filmmaker will then receive an additional 50% of all sales from said product. receive an additional 50% of all sales from said product.
"We're incredibly excited to re-launch Wizard Studios as a portal to spotlight the best in new genre filmmaking talent," said Full Moon Features and Wizard Studios founder and president, Charles Band.
"The spirit of Wizard Video was to always champion films that defied the conventions of the mainstream. We're thrilled to be able to provide an outlet to do this again, working with filmmakers from the ground up to nurture and support their vision."
Visit for details on how you can be part of the new WIZARD STUDIOS cinema streaming and distribution program!
Please see the video here at the Wizard Studios page, which features Charles Band himself explaining the concept and reasoning behind this venture!
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