The festival of Juno begins on June 1st and continues through June 2nd. Juno represented Feminity; Love; Relationships; Romance; Kinship; Time; Protection and Leadership. ( I am thinking a great Gay Pride moment). Juno was The supreme goddess of the Roman pantheon, Juno offers a helping hand in every aspect of our relationships, especially the safety and happiness of women and children in those settings. Juno is also a very modern minded goddess, taking an active role in public life and finances. Beyond this, she rules women's cycles, giving her connections with the moon. Art depicts Juno always wearing majestic clothing befitting the "Queen of Heaven."
Juno symbols include Cypress; Peacocks; Cuckoo; Luxurious Clothing; Figs; Moon and silver objects. Juno is equivalent to the Greek Goddess Hera. In Roman folklore to marry during the Festival of Juno (June 1st or 2nd) ensured a long, happy relationship. Also includes engagement, relationship commitment ceremonies and moving in together. To invoke Juno's feminine force, her leadership skills, or her sense of timing within yourself, eat some fig-filled cookies today (or just some figs), saying: (fill in the blank with the aspect of Juno you wish to impress upon your needs.)
Juno, bring _______ to my spirit, my wish fulfill.
By your power, through my will.
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