Principal photography on Blood Slaughter Massacre nears completion
Queens, NY (August 1, 2012) – MASS GRAVE PICTURES announced today that principal photography is almost complete on “BLOOD SLAUGHTER MASSACRE” from director Manny Serrano, and scheduled to be completed by October 2012. The film marks the feature film debut of the Mass grave Pictures crew. The film was written and is being filmed by creators Louie Cortes and Manny Serrano, and produced by Lindsay Serrano.
“BLOOD SLAUGHTER MASSACRE” centers on off-the-wagon Detective James Fincher, who finds himself investigating a string of teenage murders which he believes are connected to a massacre he witnessed on Halloween night, 10 years ago. Not knowing who to trust, he is given a tip by the local coroner, which brings him closer to The Ripper Killer than he may be able to handle. Fincher must find The Ripper, and stop him before he can complete his rituals on the teenage girls of Havenwood. Matt W. Cody (LIFE PASSION DEATH, THE KISS) stars as the scarred and broken Detective Fincher. The cast includes Mike Roche (SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED CREATURES) as The Coroner and Melissa Roth (REMEDY, LULLABY) as Finchers’ estranged wife, Jenny. Up-and-coming actress Carmela Hayslett (DEER CROSSING, ELIZA’S DIARY) and first-time actress Danielle Lenore Calhoun lead the charge of teenagers who are being targeted by The Ripper Killer. Others in the film include Bradley Creanzo (BIBLE BELT SLASHER, SHERIFF TOM VS THE ZOMBIES), Charlotte Pines (PLAY DEAD, SCHOOL SPIRITS), and Patrick Devaney (ZOMBIE HUNTERS CITY OF THE DEAD, SHERIFF TOM VS THE ZOMBIES).
“BLOOD SLAUGHTER MASSACRE” began as a series of faux-trailers, in tribute to iconic slasher films like Friday the 13th, Pieces, Slumber Party Massacre, 10 To Midnight and My Bloody Valentine. The crew has been met with the approval of the very horror fans they created the series for, and after screening the first three faux-trailers at the Saturday Nightmares convention, bundled as an “experimental short film,” the late Michael J. Hein gave his approval as well, and advised the Mass Grave Pictures crew that BLOOD SLAUGHTER MASSACRE needed to be made into a feature length, and seen by everyone.
Mass Grave Pictures will release the film in late 2012. Touting an all-female SFX makeup team, headed up by the films own producer, Lindsay Serrano, it plans to be a true-to-guts old-school slasher film. Blood, boobs and a touch of the occult round this out as everything you’ve been missing in horror lately. Even setting the movie in the mid 1980’s, giving the team a challenge in creating the time period on a budget, gives the movie another touch of classic authenticity.
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